1953 Movies

Alan Ladd in 1953’s Shane

This movie page looks at The Top Grossing Movies of 1953.   Currently when you type in the search words….”Top Grossing Movies of 1953″ you do not get much information.  Wikipedia provides 10 movies.  The Numbers.com provides 10 movies.  Stats-a-mania offers up 7 movies.  You have to go to the 26th search result to find the next place that lists box office results….UMR’s (that’s us) Marilyn Monroe page which offers up her movies.  So in an effort to get more information out there…we have decided to unlock our 1953 movie database vault and share the information we have collected over the years.

To make this list a movie had to be made in 1953 (as listed on IMDB.com).  Obviously many movies made in 1952 earned box office dollars in 1953.  On the other side many movies made in 1953 made money in 1954 and later (it Tokyo Story almost 20 years to reach North America).  This page will looks at 173 Top Grossing Movies of 1953.  The movies are listed in a massive table that shows who starred in the movie, had much the movie grossed when it was released and how that gross means in today’s money.

Obviously this is not all of the 1953 movies…..but since our website is dynamic, ever time we add a 1953 movie….it will automatically be added to this page.

Top Grossing Movies of 1953 Can Be Sorted 6 Ways In This Table

Our UMR Top 50 of 1953

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by the stars or in some cases the director of the movie.
  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by domestic actual box office grosses (in millions)
  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by domestic adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by critic and audience rating
  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by Oscar wins and Oscar nominations
  • Sort Top Grossing Movies of 1953 by it’s Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score

1951 Box Office Grosses – Adjusted World Wide

Our Other Yearly Review Movie Pages

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(Visited 485 times)

43 thoughts on “1953 Movies

  1. SPLIT SECOND: Dick Powell directed this movie and its star was Stephen McNally in a role initially intended for Victor Mature with Jane Russell as Vic’s leading Lady.

    1. Changed the co-star line to Alexis Smith (she has an UMR page) and directed by Dick Powell. Thanks for the good eyes.

  2. Dick Powell directed this movie and its star was Stephen McNally in a role initially intended for Victor Mature with Jane Russell as his leading Lady.

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