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Minutes of 7 October 2002 TAG teleconference
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1. Administrative
- Roll call: SW (Chair), TBL, NW, PC, RF, DO, PC, CL, IJ (Scribe).
Regrets: DC
- Accepted 24-25 Sep
ftf meeting minutes
- Accepted monthly summary (sent).
- Accepted this agenda
- Next meeting: 21 Oct. (14 Oct is holiday in Canada and US)
- TB 2002/09/24: Send a draft email to tag@w3.org regarding XML
namespaces 1.1 spec in last call (Done, then email
sent to www-tag).
- NW 2002/09/24: Draft an email (for TAG review) suggesting to the HTML
WG that XHTML 2.0 should use XLink for hyperlink constructs, or provide a
technical explanation why that's not a good design decision. (Done, then
sent to www-tag).
1.3 Meeting planning
- Action IJ 2002/09/24: Report to plenary meeting organizers that the TAG
does not intend to have a ftf meeting at that time. [Done]
- Action IJ 2002/09/24: Begin planning a meeting for Feb 2003 in Boston.
[Alert sent to admin folks]
- Action IJ 2002/09/24: Find out more administrative information about
TAG ftf meeting in Nov 2002. [Done; see meeting page]
- Action IJ 2002/09/24: Send email to Steve Bratt requesting slot at AC
meeting for arch discussion, distinct from TAG reporting slot. Ask the AB
if they agree to sharing slots at AC meeting. [Done] The AB has declined
the offer, because the AB thinks it will need more time to do its own
- Action IJ, SW 2002/09/24: Compile list of process questions AB
postponed so that first TAG could answer. [Done;
- Action SW 2002/09/24: Take to the mailing list the top three TAG
questions for the AC (for Nov 2002). (Sent to TAG; for discussion 21
The TAG discussed its presentation to the Advisory Committee at the Nov
2002 AC meeting.
Action PC: Respond toIJ's summary
of process issues (TAG-only) from AB regarding TAG charter. Also, clarify
meaning of "short-term resolutions" in charter.
2. Technical
- xlinkScope-23
- Arch doc revision schedule
- RFC3023Charset-21
See issue
xlinkScope-23. SW began discussion on the topic of TAG communication on
this issue from the 24-25
Sep ftf meeting
- xlinkScope-23
- Action CL 2002/08/30: Request that the HTML WG to publish their
recent work related to linking (through HTML CG, WG, or whatever
works). [Done]
- [Ian]
SW: TBL and I felt we might have done a better job in
communication. IJ sent me a request: that the chairs make a statement
about the normative standing of communications from the TAG. My
response to this is: if not been through W3C Rec track process, not
- TB: I think SW's assertion is true. However, the TAG was chartered to
document what is architecturally sound; so other groups should "pay
attention" to our communications even if they are not strictly
- IJ: I am looking for clarification about the phrase "Short term
resolutions" in the charter: "Short-term issue resolutions are subject
to appeal by Advisory Committee representatives; refer to the appeal
process described in section 6 of the Process Document."
- [TBray]
- Disagree with scribe's formulation slightly: even though it may not
be normative, part of Director's role is to do oversight on
architectural consistency, and since such consistency is in the TAG's
purview, a WG chair might very reasonably worry about an outstanding
TAG opinion that there are arch problems
- [Ian]
- TB: The issues don't go away, whether the communications are
normative or not.
- TBL: If you disagree with us, it's important that you tell us. I
think we cautious that our communications clearly state when TAG
discussion is the start, not end, of technical discussion. Some
discussion had already taken place on public lists, but discussion
needs to happen in one (public) place.
- [Discussion of the use of the term "normative" in this
- TBL: The Arch Doc is not normative in the sense of other documents on
the W3C Recommendation track.
- CL: Do we encourage people to design specs in line with findings?
- TBL: Relationship between an arch spec and another is
context-sensitive. It's reasonable for people to challenge the
architecture doc in some circumstances.: Findings are not
Recommendations. Even if communications not "normative", difference of
opinions are important.
- TB: Couldn't hurt to say again that the ftf opinions were expressed
to start discussion. I'd like to talk about strategy about moving xlink
issue forward.
- PC: We've already commented that we haven't gotten enough feedback
yet from W3C participants. I want to encourage the TAG to use its
resources to push its WD forward aggressively.
- [DaveO]
- I had proposed that we have a matrix of all the possible designs and
possible syntaxes
- [Ian]
- IJ: What is a "short term" resolution as the TAG charter says?
- SW: I think that TAG findings are short-term resolutions.
- [TBray]
- agree with Stuart
- [Ian]
- SW: But we haven't had to face "dispute resolution"
- IJ: I suggest that PC in his review of process issues try to comment
on the "short-term resolution" part of our charter; whether it applies
in practice.
- [Moving on to technical issue of moving xlinkScope-23
- CL: See my email
from a moment ago.
- SW: How to we build consensus moving forward, in light of lots of
discussion since ftf meeting.
- [Zakim]
- Timbl, you wanted to discuss direction specifically for the XLink
- [Ian]
- TBL: I am not sure we are converging yet on this issue. TAG could
help by charting the discussion space. Some discussion, for example,
has been about "why XLink does not provide what XHTML needs". There are
other pieces as well (requirements for XHTML, requirements for mixing
namespaces, etc.) Mail threads not sufficiently powerful to resolve
this one yet. A matrix of issues (as DO pointed out) would help. Also
provide history and indicate where we must move beyond history
(possibly with apologies).
- DO: I agree with TBL here. I also agree with Noah Mendelsohn - more
clearly state the costs and benefits of different proposals.
- TB: I agree with DO and TBL that it's urgent that we structure this
debate.: A matrix of alternatives and trade-offs would be very helpful.
I am optimistic. I also think it's important to reach out the HTML WG.
Will the HTML WG be interested in engaging debate on this? How do we
encourage the HTML WG to participate in these discussions?
- SW: How about participation in the matrix summary?
- [NW notes that XLink WG charter expires at end of year.]
- TB: I sent a comment
on how to revise XLink to get rid of 90% of xlink:type and got
friendly replies from people. Such a change might help build
- IJ: I support a TAG teleconf inviting a few people to hammer out
- TBL: Some concerns that it might focus too much on rehashing
- [TAG chuckles at "The Matrix"
- [Norm]
- "There is no xlink..."
- [Ian]
- CL: Need to include the SMIL and XForms folks in the party; find out
rationale for their decisions,: (e.g., find out why xforms last call
doc removed xlink) And ask SVG WG why it helped them.
- PC: I urged us to have this debate in public so that we could
understand whether it is feasible for a group to use XLink (or a
slightly modified alternative). The result of the process may be that
XLink Rec needs work, and other WGs may want to include links in specs
where they feel XLink is inappropriate. I think we may end up with a
"split decision", where we recommend XLink for some cases and nothing
in other cases. I think that's where we are today. Unless we speak to
that problem, we'll just go around in circles.
- DO: I agree with PC.
- NW: I think PC is probably right. I have not been getting optimistic
vibes from the discussion thus far. At the end of the day, some people
will just do linking in their own namespaces, and no technical,
political, or social issue will convince them; and we should accept
- CL (re: PC's comment): I can't imagine we would issue a Solomonic
pronouncement. I think we need more discussion focusing on technical
- TBL: We need to consider requirements from different areas, but we
may rule some of them out.
- [TBray]
- agrees with TimBL on this
- [Ian]
- TBL: You can use xhtml:a as well.
- TBL wanted to agree to as many possible outcomes, including new
xlink, using html:a in other languages, and so on.
- [Ian]
- TB: I disagree with NW in part about whether people will dig in their
heels. We need to tease out technical issues. If people continue to
hold positions based on other reasons (e.g., emotional), those reasons
probably won't hold.
- TBL: Email will be easier than teleconf to move issue forward.
- [TBray]
- agree with TBL
- [Ian]
- SW: Who would like to edit a matrix?
- IJ: I suggest surveying different groups to find out why they
chose/did not chose xlink, what pros /cons are for them?
- DO: I think we should prime the pump and send a proposal to the
community. I have expressed my opinion previously that I have concerns
about spending a lot of time on this issue, but now that we have chosen
to do so, I think we should kick off discussion with a proposal.
- [Discussion of structuring follow-up]
- [Chris]
- seconded - Go Stuart!
- [Ian]
- Action SW: Draw up a neutral proposal
(due 21 Oct) summarizing threads and debating points on
- [TBray]
- I'd like the minutes to reflect that I've expressed concern about
lack of input except for initial statements from HTML WG people like
Steven Pemberton & Shane McCarron, especially given that some
new-sounding things have been said in the last couple of weeks
- So I don't think we can make real progress until their
opinions/analyses/examples are part of the discussion
IJ discussed his schedule and intention to return to work on Arch Doc
around 17 October.
- Draft schedule for next arch document:
- 28 Oct: TAG review of whatever current draft is starts.
- 4 Nov: TAG closes issues about draft.
- 11 Nov: Final discussion, request to publish.
- 13 Nov: Next TR draft published.
Other Architecture document
- Completed Action TBL: 2002/07/15: Create a table of URI properties.
- Action RF 2002/09/25: On the topic of revising RFC2396, indicate to the
TAG what the relevant IETF fora are for input.
RF: Join uri@w3.org (archive). I will send
a message about the relevant issue when it comes up.
Still open:
- Finish discussion of feedback on arch document.:
- Summary
of comments
- Comments
from Graham Klyne
- Comments
from Daniel Dardailler
- Action DC 2002/08/12: Ask www-tag for volunteers to work with TAG (and
possibly IETF) on HTTP URI stuff; CRISP. [This action supersedes the
previous action: Ask IESG when IETF decided not to use HTTP URIs to name
protocols.] Sent.
Awaiting reply.
- Action RF 2002/09/25: Propose a rewrite of a principle (rationale ->
principle -> constraint) to see whether the TAG prefers this approach.
It was suggested that the example be about HTTP/REST, as part of section
- Action TBL 2002/09/25: Propose text on information hiding.
- Action CL 2002/09/25: Redraft section 3, incorporating CL's existing
text and TB's structural proposal (see minutes of 25 Sep ftf meeting on
CL: I hope to have this by end of week.
- Action NW 2002/09/25: Write some text for a section on namespaces (docs
at namespace URIs, use of RDDL-like thing).
NW: In progress.
- Action RF 2002/09/25: On the topic of revising RFC2396, indicate to the
TAG what the relevant IETF fora are for input.
- Action DO/NW 2002/0925: Write up a piece for arch doc on
Having reviewed IJ's proposed
changes to finding and reply from
Reagle, the TAG agreed to close issue RFC3023Charset-21.
2.4 Postponed
Findings in progress
See also: findings.
- Findings in progress:
- deepLinking-25
- TB 2002/09/09: Revise "Deep
Linking" in light of 9 Sep
minutes. Status of finding?
- Findings versioning
- SW 2002/09/09: Discuss with IJ versioning of findings. Pending. SW
and IJ have discussed latest accepted v. latest draft.
- namespaceDocument-8
- Action TB 2002/09/24: Revise the RDDL document to use RDF rather
than XLink. Goal of publication as W3C Note.
- Action NW 2002/09/25: Write some text for an Arch Doc section on
namespaces (docs at namespace URIs, use of RDDL-like thing).
- contentPresentation-26
- Action CL 2002/09/24: Draft text on the principle of separation of
content and presentation for the Arch Doc.
- rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6
- Action DC 2002/09/24: Write to Schema WG to say that TAG is
interested in progress on this issue. Copy Jonathan Borden and Brian
- uriMediaType-9:
- Action DC 2002/08/30: Write a draft Internet Draft based on this
finding (Deadline 30 Sep). This action probably subsumes the action
on TBL to get a reply from the IETF on the TAG finding.
- Status of URIEquivalence-15. Relation
to Character Model of the Web (chapter 4)? See text from TimBL on URI
canonicalization and email
from Martin in particular. See more comments
from Martin.
- CL 2002/08/30: Ask Martin Duerst for suggestions for good practice
regarding URI canonicalization issues, such as %7E v. &7e and
suggested use of lower case. At 16
Sep meeting, CL reports pending; action to send URI to message to
- Status of discussions with WSA WG about SOAP/WSDL/GET/Query strings?
2.5 New issues?
- Use of frags in SVG v. in XML
- Action DC 2002/09/26: Describe this issue in more detail for
the TAG.
Ian Jacobs, for TimBL
Last modified: $Date: 2002/11/05 00:04:26 $