GenericParameterAttributes 列挙体
この列挙体には、メンバ値のビットごとの組み合わせを可能にする FlagsAttribute 属性が含まれています。
名前空間: System.Reflectionアセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)
<FlagsAttribute> _ Public Enumeration GenericParameterAttributes
メンバ名 | 説明 | |
Contravariant | ジェネリック型パラメータが反変の型パラメータです。反変の型パラメータは、メソッドのシグネチャのパラメータ型として現れます。 | |
Covariant | ジェネリック型パラメータが共変の型パラメータです。共変の型パラメータは、メソッドの結果型、読み取り専用フィールドの型、宣言された基本型、または実装されたインターフェイスとして現れます。 | |
DefaultConstructorConstraint | 型がパラメータなしのコンストラクタを持つ場合のみ、その型をジェネリック型パラメータの代わりに使用できます。 | |
None | 特別なフラグはありません。 | |
NotNullableValueTypeConstraint | 型が値型で null 許容でない場合のみ、その型をジェネリック型パラメータの代わりに使用できます。 | |
ReferenceTypeConstraint | 型が参照型である場合のみ、その型をジェネリック型パラメータの代わりに使用できます。 | |
SpecialConstraintMask | すべての特殊な制約フラグの組み合わせを選択します。この値は、論理 OR を使用して DefaultConstructorConstraint フラグ、ReferenceTypeConstraint フラグ、および NotNullableValueTypeConstraint フラグを組み合わせた結果です。 | |
VarianceMask | すべての変性フラグの組み合わせを選択します。この値は、論理 OR を使用して Contravariant フラグと Covariant フラグを組み合わせた結果です。 |
GenericParameterAttributes 列挙体のメンバは、変性グループおよび特殊な制約グループという、2 つのグループに分けられます。変性フラグの GenericParameterAttributes 値をテストするには、最初に VarianceMask を使用してビットごとの AND 演算を実行します。結果が None である場合、変性フラグはありません。同様に、制約フラグのテストには SpecialConstraintMask を使用します。
2 つの型パラメータを使用して Test というジェネリック型を定義するコード例を次に示します。2 つ目の型パラメータでは、基本クラスの制約と参照型の制約が指定されます。プログラムの実行時に、Type.GenericParameterAttributes プロパティと Type.GetGenericParameterConstraints メソッドを使用して制約がチェックされます。
Imports System Imports System.Reflection ' Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint. Public Interface ITest End Interface ' Define a base type to use as a base class constraint. Public Class Base End Class ' Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter , ' T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates ' a base class constraint and an interface constraint. The second generic ' type parameter, U, must be a reference type (Class) and must have a ' default constructor (New). This demonstrates special constraints. ' Public Class Test(Of T As {Base, ITest}, U As {New, Class}) End Class ' Define a type that derives from Base and implements ITtest. This type ' satisfies the constraints on T in class Test. Public Class Derived Inherits Base Implements ITest End Class Public Class Example Public Shared Sub Main() ' To get the generic type definition, omit the type ' arguments but retain the comma to indicate the number ' of type arguments. ' Dim def As Type = GetType(Test(Of ,)) Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Examining generic type {0}", def) ' Get the type parameters of the generic type definition, ' and display them. ' Dim defparams() As Type = def.GetGenericArguments() For Each tp As Type In defparams Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Type parameter: {0}", tp.Name) Console.WriteLine(vbTab & ListGenericParameterAttributes(tp)) ' List the base class and interface constraints. The ' constraints do not appear in any particular order. An ' empty array is returned if there are no constraints. ' Dim tpConstraints As Type() = _ tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints() For Each tpc As Type In tpConstraints Console.WriteLine(vbTab & tpc.ToString()) Next tpc Next tp End Sub ' List the variance and special constraint flags. ' Private Shared Function ListGenericParameterAttributes(ByVal t As Type) As String Dim retval As String Dim gpa As GenericParameterAttributes = t.GenericParameterAttributes ' Select the variance flags. Dim variance As GenericParameterAttributes = _ gpa And GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask If variance = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then retval = "No variance flag;" Else If (variance And GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) <> 0 Then retval = "Covariant;" Else retval = "Contravariant;" End If End If ' Select the constraint flags. Dim constraints As GenericParameterAttributes = _ gpa And GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask If constraints = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then retval &= " no special constraints." Else If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) <> 0 Then retval &= " ReferenceTypeConstraint" End If If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) <> 0 Then retval &= " NotNullableValueTypeConstraint" End If If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) <> 0 Then retval &= " DefaultConstructorConstraint" End If End If Return retval End Function End Class ' This example produces the following output: ' 'Examining generic type Test`2[T,U] ' 'Type parameter: T ' No variance flag; no special constraints. ' Base ' ITest ' 'Type parameter: U ' No variance flag; ReferenceTypeConstraint DefaultConstructorConstraint '
using System; using System.Reflection; // Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint. public interface ITest {} // Define a base type to use as a base class constraint. public class Base {} // Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter , // T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates // a base class constraint and an interface constraint. The second generic // type parameter, U, must be a reference type (class) and must have a // default constructor (new()). This demonstrates special constraints. // public class Test<T,U> where T : Base, ITest where U : class, new() {} // Define a type that derives from Base and implements ITest. This type // satisfies the constraints on T in class Test. public class Derived : Base, ITest {} public class Example { public static void Main() { // To get the generic type definition, omit the type // arguments but retain the comma to indicate the number // of type arguments. // Type def = typeof(Test<,>); Console.WriteLine("\r\nExamining generic type {0}", def); // Get the type parameters of the generic type definition, // and display them. // Type[] defparams = def.GetGenericArguments(); foreach (Type tp in defparams) { Console.WriteLine("\r\nType parameter: {0}", tp.Name); Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", ListGenericParameterAttributes(tp)); // List the base class and interface constraints. The // constraints are returned in no particular order. If // there are no class or interface constraints, an empty // array is returned. // Type[] tpConstraints = tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints(); foreach (Type tpc in tpConstraints) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", tpc); } } } // List the variance and special constraint flags. // private static string ListGenericParameterAttributes(Type t) { string retval; GenericParameterAttributes gpa = t.GenericParameterAttributes; GenericParameterAttributes variance = gpa & GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask; // Select the variance flags. if (variance == GenericParameterAttributes.None) retval = "No variance flag;"; else { if ((variance & GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) != 0) retval = "Covariant;"; else retval = "Contravariant;"; } // Select GenericParameterAttributes constraints = gpa & GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask; if (constraints == GenericParameterAttributes.None) retval += " No special constraints"; else { if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) != 0) retval += " ReferenceTypeConstraint"; if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0) retval += " NotNullableValueTypeConstraint"; if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) != 0) retval += " DefaultConstructorConstraint"; } return retval; } } /* This example produces the following output: Examining generic type Test`2[T,U] Type parameter: T No variance flag; no special constraints. Base ITest Type parameter: U No variance flag; ReferenceTypeConstraint DefaultConstructorConstraint */
using namespace System; using namespace System::Collections; using namespace System::Reflection; // Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint. interface class ITest{}; // Define a base type to use as a class constraint. public ref class Base{}; // Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter , // T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates // a base class constraint and an interface constraint. In the .NET // Framework version 2.0, C++ has no way of expressing special constraints. // See the C# example code. // generic <typename T, typename U> where T : Base, ITest ref class Test {}; // Define a type that derives from Base and implements interface // ITest. This type satisfies the constraint on T in class Test. public ref class Derived: public Base, public ITest {}; public ref class Example { public: static void Main() { // Create a constructed type from Test<T,U>, and from it // get the generic type definition. // Type^ def = Test::typeid; Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nExamining generic type {0}", def ); // Get the type parameters of the generic type definition, // and display them. // for each (Type^ tp in def->GetGenericArguments()) { Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nType parameter: {0}", tp); Console::WriteLine( L"\t{0}", ListGenericParameterAttributes( tp ) ); // List the base class and interface constraints. The // constraints do not appear in any particular order. If // there are no class or interface constraints, an empty // array is returned. // for each (Type^ constraint in tp->GetGenericParameterConstraints()) { Console::WriteLine( L"\t{0}", constraint ); } } } private: // List the variance and special constraint flags. // static String^ ListGenericParameterAttributes( Type^ t ) { String^ retval; GenericParameterAttributes gpa = t->GenericParameterAttributes; // Select the variance flag. GenericParameterAttributes variance = static_cast<GenericParameterAttributes>( gpa & GenericParameterAttributes::VarianceMask ); if ( variance == GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = L"No variance flag;"; else { if ( (variance & GenericParameterAttributes::Covariant) != GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = L"Covariant;"; else retval = L"Contravariant;"; } // Select the special constraint flags. GenericParameterAttributes constraints = static_cast<GenericParameterAttributes>( gpa & GenericParameterAttributes::SpecialConstraintMask); if ( constraints == GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = String::Concat( retval, L" No special constraints" ); else { if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::ReferenceTypeConstraint) != GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = String::Concat( retval, L" ReferenceTypeConstraint" ); if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = String::Concat( retval, L" NotNullableValueTypeConstraint" ); if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::DefaultConstructorConstraint) != GenericParameterAttributes::None ) retval = String::Concat( retval, L" DefaultConstructorConstraint" ); } return retval; } }; int main() { Example::Main(); } /* This example produces the following output: Examining generic type Test`2[T,U] Type parameter: T No variance flag; No special constraints Base ITest Type parameter: U No variance flag; No special constraints */
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- GenericParameterAttributes 列挙体のページへのリンク