Illas Xeorxia do Sur e Sandwich do Sur - South Xeorxia and the South Sandwich Islands (Q35086)

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território ultramarino britânico no Atlântico Sul portugués
  • Illas Xeorxia do Sur e Sandwich do Sur
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Illas Xeorxia do Sur e Sandwich do Sur - South Xeorxia and the South Sandwich Islands
Non hai ningunha descrición definida
  • Illas Xeorxia do Sur e Sandwich do Sur
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
British overseas territory in the Southern Atlantic Ocean
  • South Georgia
  • South Sandwich Islands
  • gs
  • 🇬🇸
  • South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands


South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (inglés)
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🇬🇸 (sen contido lingüístico)
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South Georgian (inglés)
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South Sandwich Islander (inglés)
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Leo Terram Propriam Protegat (latín)
Let the Lion protect his own land (inglés)
Лъвът да защити земята си (búlgaro)
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Grytviken portugués
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Nigel Haywood portugués
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sen valor
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0 referencias
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy (Velká Británie : souostroví)
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SNARC ID inglés
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South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
0 referencias
WIPO ST.3 inglés
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