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Autodescription — money (Q1368)

description: physical or virtual object or record accepted as payment
Useful links:
Classification of the class money (Q1368)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
For help about classification, see Wikidata:Classification.
Parent classes (classes of items which contain this one item)
Subclasses (classes which contain special kinds of items of this class)
money⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
Generic queries for classes
See also

Can somebody add the Romani article to the languages section?


I can’t add the Romani article to Wikidata because it’s locked. 2600:6C50:7EF0:4A70:ECBE:7D79:D062:FA0 06:13, 19 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]

It's impossible because there is already rmy:Lovi. You should choose the one. --Infovarius (talk) 21:28, 20 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]