Deze gebruiker heeft geen kennis van het Nederlands (of begrijpt het met grote moeite).
- I'm in 'wikislow' mode for health reasons. I try to answer when I can but I'm not always here. Please be understanding and patient.
Hello, I am a Wikidatian since Wikidata exists. I'm also a French Wikipedian and I participate in other projects (Wikinews, Commons, sometimes Wikisource, etc.).
What Ælfgar (talk • contribs • logs) said of me:
there was a merry wiki user
a translator a writer
she built a gilded database
to contribute in…
« Longtemps je me suis couchée de bonne heure, et puis j'ai découvert Wikidata. »
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single woman in possession of a computer, must be in want of a free database."