This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano. Aly Rusciano is a Creative Writer based outside of Nashville, Tennessee. She has over ten years of experience in creative, academic, and professional writing. Aly’s writing has been nationally recognized in the Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle and featured in Blue Marble Review, The Sunshine Review, PopMatters, and Cathartic Literary Magazine. She graduated from The University of Tennessee at Martin with a BA in English, focusing in Creative Writing and minoring in Theatre.
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Looking for a way to predict your future and have fun with friends? Well, look no further because we have the perfect game for you! M.A.S.H is a future-predicting storytelling game that can be personalized for just about anyone. Not only is it super fun, but it’s also collaborative, so all your friends can get involved. But how do you play this legendary schoolyard game? Worry not because we’ve got the list of game rules right here (along with plenty of examples).
Things You Should Know
- Title your page with “MASH” to get started, as this will predict whether you live in a mansion, apartment, shack, or house.
- Pick your categories based on what you want in your future or story: a spouse, kids, car, pets, etc.
- Then, discover your full fake future by crossing off or circling options under each category using your magic number.
Community Q&A
QuestionCan I play M.A.S.H. alone?Smithmar05Community AnswerOf course! It's very simple to play on your own. Just make sure you are following the rules, and when it comes to the dots, set a stop watch to determine what your number is.
QuestionCan we play using different categories than these?Community AnswerYes, you can choose whatever categories you want. These are just the "classic" categories of the game.
QuestionHow many players will be needed in this game?Captain geoCommunity AnswerIt is better with 2 players -- the person predicting the future and the person listening.
Hide the options for each category when playing with a friend to give them a super secret fortune that’s sure to be hilarious.Thanks
Sample MASH Board
About This Article
MASH is a fun game that you can use to try to predict what your life will be like when you’re older. All you need to play is a paper and pencil. Start by writing “MASH” at the top of the piece of paper, which stands for mansion, apartment, shack, and house. These are the types of homes you could end up living in. Below that write the names of 4 people you know, celebrities, or a combination of the two. These are the people you could end up marrying. Under that, write “1, 2, 3, 4,” or any other combination of numbers. This is how many children you could end up having. On the next line down, write 4 types of cars, like “sedan, luxury car, SUV, cardboard box on wheels.” These are the cars you could wind up with. You can add additional categories if you’d like, like different jobs, types of pets, and incomes, as long as every category has 4 options. Now choose a random number, and count each option on the page until you get to that number, starting with M, then A, then S, then H, and so on. When you reach the number you chose, cross off the item you landed on. Then choose another random number and start counting from the next available option from where you left off. Keep choosing numbers and crossing off options like this. Skip counting any options that you’ve already crossed off. Once you’ve crossed off 3 options in a category, circle the last option in that category and skip counting it for the rest of the game. When you have 1 option in each category circled, you’re finished! Look at each circled option to predict your future. For example, you might predict that you’ll live in a mansion, get married to James, have 3 kids, live in Asia, and drive a luxury car. If you want to learn how to play a more advanced game of M.A.S.H., keep reading the article!