Papers by Bernd Van der Meulen
European Institute for Food Law series, 2009
Deze bijdrage systematiseert het voedselveiligheidsrecht. Het materiële voedselveiligheidsbegrip ... more Deze bijdrage systematiseert het voedselveiligheidsrecht. Het materiële voedselveiligheidsbegrip omvat specifieke criteria betreffende de aard en de conditie van een product, naast de algemene eis dat voedsel niet schadelijk mag zijn voor de gezondheid. Formele voorschriften betreffen processen binnen en tussen bedrijven en maatregelen die moeten worden getroffen in geval van incidenten.
The Regulatory Challenge of Biotechnology, 2007
Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes, 2009
Implementing the Nagoya Protocol, 2015
Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes, 2009
Markt en Mededinging, 2014
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 2014
Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2000
... Many thanks to Maraget Rosso Grossman and Aaron Underwood Chase for their many useful remarks... more ... Many thanks to Maraget Rosso Grossman and Aaron Underwood Chase for their many useful remarks. 1 Article 18 GFL. 2 Article 4 (1/2) Regulation 1830/2003. 3 Also called 'internal traceability'. 4 Article 4 (5) and 5 (2) Regulation 1830/2003. Page 2. ...
Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 2000
This article is of a descriptive nature. It goes into the new framework as far as food is concern... more This article is of a descriptive nature. It goes into the new framework as far as food is concerned. Feed will not be discussed. This article is published in 2 parts. Part 1 deals mainly with the new authorisation procedure. In this context some attention will first be given to the developments that led to the new framework and at the end of part 1 to administrative review. The main topics discussed in part 2 are the traceability requirements and labelling. Further some attention will be given to emergency measures, legal protection and transitory measures
Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit, 2015
Regulating Safety of Traditional and Ethnic Foods, 2016
Apstract Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 2012
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Laws, 2013
This contribution lays bare the structure of EU food law as it appears from scholarly analysis at... more This contribution lays bare the structure of EU food law as it appears from scholarly analysis at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. The structure of EU food law can be used as a framework for teaching, application, further analysis and comparison to food law approaches in other parts of the world. From this analysis, food law emerges as a functional area of law. Core elements are: (1) the objectives of EU food law to protect consumers' interests; (2) the principles of risk analysis and precaution; (3) obligations on businesses regarding the products they place on the market, the processes they apply and their communication towards consumers; and (4) public powers of law enforcement and incident management.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
ABSTRACT This paper is a Spanish language rendering1 of: B.M.J. van der Meulen, The Structure of ... more ABSTRACT This paper is a Spanish language rendering1 of: B.M.J. van der Meulen, The Structure of European Food Law, Laws 2013, 2(2), 69-98; doi:10.3390/laws2020069. It has been made at the request of AIBADA, Asociación Iberoamericana para el Derecho Alimentario. The paper lays bare the structure of EU food law as it appears from scholarly analysis at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. The structure of EU food law can be used as a framework for teaching, application, further analysis and comparison to food law approaches in other parts of the world. From this analysis, food law emerges as a functional area of law. Core elements are: (1) the objectives of EU food law to protect consumers’ interests; (2) the principles of risk analysis and precaution; (3) obligations on businesses regarding the products they place on the market, the processes they apply and their communication towards consumers; and (4) public powers of law enforcement and incident management.
European Institute for Food Law series, 2009
European Institute for Food Law series, 2009
Agribusiness, 2008
The goal of this paper is to assess the effect of regulatory burdens in the European dairy indust... more The goal of this paper is to assess the effect of regulatory burdens in the European dairy industry on its competitiveness. A theoretical foundation is provided by transaction cost economics and total quality management insights. The effects of legislation on administrative requirements and competitiveness are supposed to be mediated by impacts on innovativeness, company strategy, food safety system availability, as well as the available information & communication capabilities. We will connect to previous research and the findings therein. Four sub-questions are addressed:
Papers by Bernd Van der Meulen