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In fast-paced and continuously demanding neoliberalizing academic environments, this article proposes ‘pedagogical pause’ as an important trans-pedagogical tool to disrupt cis-heteronormativity in/of postsecondary institutions. This... more
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      Transgender StudiesCritical PedagogyMisgenderingAcme
This article accentuates higher education LGBTQ+ (HE-LGBTQ+) students’ lived experiences of off-campus housing in the Deonar Campus District of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. It is observed that key urban stakeholders... more
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    • Urban Planning
Ο Ελαιώνας ως µία άλλη 'Αρµίλα': Ο χώρος και ο πολιτισµός του Ελαιώνα µέσα από µια διεπιστηµονική σύγκλιση 3 Μία γενικότερη παραδοχή θα διατρέξει αυτό το άρθρο: η εικόνα της Αθήνας -η πόλη, η πρωτεύουσά µας και οι... more
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      Cultural StudiesUrban StudiesEthnographic fieldworkNon-Places
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Lived Sound: An introduction to field recordings and spatializing listening practices (Workshop) with Mantha Katsikana Fed 8th at 6-7.30 pm ET Field recording has been crucial in music, art, storytelling as well as academic research... more
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      Sound studiesSound ArtSound ArtsDecolonizing Methodologies
In fast-paced and continuously demanding neoliberalizing academic environments, this article proposes ‘pedagogical pause’ as an important trans-pedagogical tool to disrupt cis-heteronormativity in/of postsecondary institutions. This... more
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    •   5  
      Transgender StudiesCritical PedagogyMisgenderingAcme
This article accentuates higher education LGBTQ+ (HE-LGBTQ+) students’ lived experiences of off-campus housing in the Deonar Campus District of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. It is observed that key urban stakeholders... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesUrban PlanningTransgender
First Peoples’ Cultural Council is located on Vancouver Island, BC and provides Indigenous communities with support and resources for cultural heritage programming, often involving language revitalization. To support ongoing advocacy and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous LanguagesIndigenous Health
The international US-Canada border divides and dissects the ancestral territory of the Siksikaitsitapi Indigenous nations. This thesis examines Siksikaitsitapi experiences of the border as a settler-colonial method of containment and... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyIndigenous StudiesConservation
The international US-Canada border divides and dissects the ancestral territory of the Siksikaitsitapi Indigenous nations. This thesis examines Siksikaitsitapi experiences of the border as a settler-colonial method of containment and... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyIndigenous StudiesConservation
El objetivo del presente escrito es ofrecer al lector un breve recuento de los que considero son algunos de los acontecimientos más relevantes ocurridos en las Filipinas entre 2017 y 2018. Al escribir un recuento de este tipo, muchos... more
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Demand for water resources has increased globally along with concerns over its protection, usage and potential scarcity. The location of abundant water sources do not always coincide with where large quantities of people reside. As such,... more
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This article maps the rise of the water-energy-food 'nexus' as a research, policy and project agenda in mainland Southeast Asia. We argue that introducing the concept of environmental justice into the nexus, especially where narratives,... more
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L’entreprise de taxi « Uber » s’est rapidement implantée dans la plupart des grandes villes du monde. Elle gagne en popularité grâce à son application mobile qui met directement en contact ses « chauffeurs-partenaires » et des clients et... more
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      Urban GeographyState TheoryUrban SociologyMontréal
Review/Compte Rendu
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      MontréalTaxi IndustryUber drivers
La pandémie de COVID-19 a fait croître le nombre de livraisons de repas à domicile dans la plupart des grandes régions métropolitaines du monde. Les nouvelles plateformes de livraison se disputent les espaces urbains et tentent d’attirer... more
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      Urban StudiesMigrant LaborPlatform Labourfood delivery app