Ir Verbs FrenchFrench Er VerbsFrench Conjugation ChartEr Verbs FrenchColors In FrenchVerbs In FrenchFrench Verb ConjugationFrench ConjugationFrench Verbs ConjugationHow To Conjugate -Er, -Ir And -Re Verbs In FrenchDon't feel intimidated, you'll be conjugating regular -er, -ir and -re verbs in no time with this helpful guide!1.4k
Er Verbs French ExerciseFrench ClassesFrench VerbsFrench Teaching ResourcesFrench WorksheetsFrench GrammarFrench VocabularyFrench ClassFrench Lessons-er ending verbs87
Er Verbs French ExerciseFrench NotesFrench Teaching ResourcesFrench WorksheetsFrench ClassFrench LessonsTeaching FrenchGrade 5Teaching Resources-er ending verbs39
French Conjugation ChartEr Verbs FrenchVerbs TensesFrench TensesFrench Verbs ConjugationConjugation ChartFrench NotesAll VerbsFrench NumbersRegular ER, IR & RE French Verb Conjugations | FrenchLearnerGuide to regular ER, IR and IR French verb conjugations in the present tense. We provide lists of verbs as well helpful example sentences and videos.145
Present Tense In FrenchThe present tense in French is pretty straightforward as there is a simple form to apply to verbs to get the conjugation right, but bear in mind that in French there are three groups of regular verbs: -ER, -IR, and -RE which we will explain and give some examples.190
Er Verbs FrenchGrade 1 FrenchFrench Verbs ConjugationFrench Lessons For BeginnersFrench Language BasicsLearn French FastFrench BasicsFrench FlashcardsBasic French WordsGrade 1 French VerbsThe Grade 1 french verbs that french public school students learn in Québec Canada. Especially helpful for parents who are homeschooling french.662
Er Verbs French ExerciseEr Verbs FrenchFrench Teaching ResourcesFrench WorksheetsFrench LessonsTeaching FrenchGrade 5Teaching ResourcesTeaching Ideas-er ending verbs31
Verbs In FrenchFrench Verbs ConjugationGcse FrenchFrench Language BasicsFrench PracticeLearn To Speak FrenchFrench FlashcardsStudy FrenchRegular VerbsLearn French #5: How to Conjugate Regular Verbs in FrenchLearn about the 3 kinds of regular verbs in French and conjugate them with this guide!3.3k