discuss an analogy to help us understand 000 protests
(this is the question of my assignment but i don't get the meaning. what should discuss about?) 是什么意思?
(this is the question of my assignment but i don't get the meaning. what should discuss about?) 是什么意思?
An analogy is an metaphor that can help you explain the situation by making it similar to it.
Here you have to explain how the protests happened with protests with a metaphor.
Hope that helps ~
Here you have to explain how the protests happened with protests with a metaphor.
Hope that helps ~
analogy 是什么意思?
sure thing!
He conducted an analogy between cats and dogs.
He conducted an analogy between cats and dogs.
A disturbing analogy if there ever was one. 是什么意思?
In the context, it means that she finds the comparison a bit creepy, even if it's accurate.
analogy 是什么意思?
The alikeness or similar properties of two things. A comparison of similar things
"analogy" 是什么意思?
An analogy is a type of comparison. For example:
Ankara is to Turkey as Washington DC is to the United States
Ankara is the capital of Turkey, just like Washington DC is the capital of the United States
Ankara is to Turkey as Washington DC is to the United States
Ankara is the capital of Turkey, just like Washington DC is the capital of the United States
"Analogy" 的用法和例句
请教我使用 analogy 的例句。
「In the movie "Shrek", he makes an analogy between ogres and onions.」
「The teacher used an analogy to help the students understand.」
「"It's like riding a bike" is a common analogy for instinctually remembering how to do something.」
Usually you will *use* an analogy instead of describing one ーたいていanalogyと言うより類似する方が通用しています。
「The teacher used an analogy to help the students understand.」
「"It's like riding a bike" is a common analogy for instinctually remembering how to do something.」
Usually you will *use* an analogy instead of describing one ーたいていanalogyと言うより類似する方が通用しています。
请教我使用 analogy的例句。
@SelfSimilarJosh thank you again!:)
请教我使用 analogy 的例句。
That man was as tough as woodpecker lips.
That phrase is an analogy
That phrase is an analogy
请教我使用 by analogy with的例句。
That's a bizarre analogy.
analogy 和 similarity 和有什么不一样?
analogy = 類推、例え
similarity = 似ている点、類似
similarity = 似ている点、類似
analogy 和 metaphor 和有什么不一样?
There is some overlap, but analogies are a bit more complex. When you make an analogy, you are trying to explain something complex is a simple way.
An example for an analogy would be something like this
Imagine that an atom is like our solar system. The Sun is like the nucleus of the atom, and the planets are like the electrons, which orbit it.
Someone might be more familiar with how the solar system works than the structure of an atom, so an analogy can be used to help explain it on a very superficial level.
An example for an analogy would be something like this
Imagine that an atom is like our solar system. The Sun is like the nucleus of the atom, and the planets are like the electrons, which orbit it.
Someone might be more familiar with how the solar system works than the structure of an atom, so an analogy can be used to help explain it on a very superficial level.
analogy 和 metaphor 和有什么不一样?
Analogy = a comparison between two things with similar qualities often to help explain things. Example:
"Sword is to a warrior as a pen is to a writer."
A sword and pen are completely different but it helps a person understand that just like the sword is treasured by a warrior the pen is treasured by the writer.
Metaphor = a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it's not literally applicable.
It can be representative or symbolic of something. Example:
"Life is a roller coaster."
Meaning life has its up and downs.
"Sword is to a warrior as a pen is to a writer."
A sword and pen are completely different but it helps a person understand that just like the sword is treasured by a warrior the pen is treasured by the writer.
Metaphor = a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it's not literally applicable.
It can be representative or symbolic of something. Example:
"Life is a roller coaster."
Meaning life has its up and downs.
1. I don't know how to make an analogy, but...
2. I don't know how to use a metaphor, but...
Do they sound natural?? If you understood, how would you say this..?
2. I don't know how to use a metaphor, but...
Do they sound natural?? If you understood, how would you say this..?
We usually say, “draw an analogy.” Analogy = comparison. Also, we usually say, “write/create a metaphor.”
I found the analogy reminded in my heart. Someone feels comfortable with the chirping of bird or the other person feels uncomfortable with that.But the bird doesn't care about anyone's feeling and just keep to do it as he likes. 听起来自然吗?
I found an analogy reminded that reminded me of something heartfelt. Someone feels comfortable with the chirping of birds but another person feels uncomfortable with it. But the bird doesn't care about anyone's feelings and just keeps to doing it as it likes.
what does 'rough analogy' mean?(uppercase part below)
"As light travels through space it decays or grows dimmer with distance. Think of a firework bursting in the night sky. When the firework first bursts the sparks are bunched close to each other. Over a short period of time they quickly spread out from each other. If you replace sparks with photons of light and the firework with your light source than you have a very ROUGH ANALOGY to how and why light decays. "
"As light travels through space it decays or grows dimmer with distance. Think of a firework bursting in the night sky. When the firework first bursts the sparks are bunched close to each other. Over a short period of time they quickly spread out from each other. If you replace sparks with photons of light and the firework with your light source than you have a very ROUGH ANALOGY to how and why light decays. "
An analogy is something that explains a concept by comparing it to something else. In this situation, the writer is helping you understand how/why light decays by comparing it to fireworks. A “rough analogy” just means that the analogy (comparison) is not perfect, because this concept is difficult, but it should help you understand a little bit better. I hope this helps!
is there any English analogy for the Russian word "кракозябры" ("krakozyabry") which means scribbles that seems to have meaning but you totally can't read them.
I asked a friend who is fluent in Russian and English and she said there isn't one.. sorry.
maybe someone else could still make a suggestion though.
maybe someone else could still make a suggestion though.
For an analogy, the world is an elephant, and we human being are a group of blind people. Human being can not see what the elephant looks like, however, they are still curious about what it is. Those who are curious about the ears of elephant become earicians. Those who are curious about the legs of the elephant become legicians. As time pass by, legsicians were devided into leftforelegicians, rightforelegicians, lefthindlegcians and righthindlegcians.
When earics and legics were invented, the study of them both started from what-balahbalah-of-the-elephant-looks-like, why-balahbalah-looks-like-that, and how-to-do-when-we-meet-balahbalah.
The reason why it is so hard for me to decide which area to study further in the future is that I am curious not only about what the legs of the elephant looks like, but also about why its trunk can spray water. Also, I want to know how it communicates with othet elephants. Wait, are there any other elephants?If none, where this single elephant came from?
In short, I am curious about everything of the elephant, not limited in some parts in it.
I am curious about the whole world, not limited in some areas in the world. 听起来自然吗?
When earics and legics were invented, the study of them both started from what-balahbalah-of-the-elephant-looks-like, why-balahbalah-looks-like-that, and how-to-do-when-we-meet-balahbalah.
The reason why it is so hard for me to decide which area to study further in the future is that I am curious not only about what the legs of the elephant looks like, but also about why its trunk can spray water. Also, I want to know how it communicates with othet elephants. Wait, are there any other elephants?If none, where this single elephant came from?
In short, I am curious about everything of the elephant, not limited in some parts in it.
I am curious about the whole world, not limited in some areas in the world. 听起来自然吗?
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