

Q: develop 和 advance 和 progress 和有什么不一样?
A: I think the mental image is different for each word.

For advance, it is as if there are separate steps to do so that you can reach a goal.
Ex: "My child advanced to the next grade"
Ex: "There was a big advancement in medicine in that year"
It means there is a goal (graduation/perfect medicine) and every time something better happens you advance one step toward the goal. Like a ladder.
It's possible for one advancement to be more important than others, but all of them are necessary to climb the ladder.

Progress is similar, because you are moving forward, but it is more like moving on a path instead of a ladder. It's possible to progress far or short, and it's also possible to progress in the wrong direction. There is also a goal though.
Ex: "We're making progress toward the finish line"
Ex: "He progressed the field of neuroscience to its current level."
It has the feeling of change happening smoothly. Flowing from one type to the next. Instead of advance, which is like one big leap at once.

Develop is different than both. It means something that was one shape before has been changed into another shape that is more skillful. However, it's possible that there is no goal, so a development can be made even if people don't know if it will be good or bad. Most people think good though.
Instead of taking steps or walking on a path, develop is more like molding something that already existed.
Ex: "I developed my idea into an essay."
Ex: "They're developing a cure for cancer."
Ex: The new developments will affect our battle strategy.
In the last example, this can mean a developed technology or developed knowledge. Like you create the world's first cannon. That development will shape strategy. Or you learned about the enemy's plans. That development will also shape strategy.




