dreary 是什么意思?
Gloomy, sad, dull, depressing.
"What a dreary day. I did nothing at work, and whenever I looked out the window, all I saw were endless gray clouds."
"What a dreary day. I did nothing at work, and whenever I looked out the window, all I saw were endless gray clouds."
dreary 是什么意思?
Boring, not intresting. Usually refers to dullness or unexcitement.
"It was a dreary day. There was no sunshine, nothing good happened, and I got yelled at by my boss"
"It was a dreary day. There was no sunshine, nothing good happened, and I got yelled at by my boss"
dreary out 是什么意思?
It means that the weather is bad. Not storming, but cloudy or rainy or cold, with grey skies.
dreary 是什么意思?
Example. I look out of my window. The sky is grey and it is raining. Not the kind of day I want to go outside to experience. That is a dreary day.
dreary 是什么意思?
Dull, tedious, boring
"Dreary" 的用法和例句
请教我使用 dreary的例句。
"It is dark and dreary outside with all the rain and thunderclouds"
"Waking up, working, coming home, and then going to bed is a dreary and boring routine"
"That man in the black coat looks quite dreary every morning as he waits for the bus"
"Waking up, working, coming home, and then going to bed is a dreary and boring routine"
"That man in the black coat looks quite dreary every morning as he waits for the bus"
请教我使用 dreary 的例句。
It’s dreary outside today, all I want to do is stay indoors.
The rain is making me feel dreary.
This dreary weather is having an effect on my mood.
The rain is making me feel dreary.
This dreary weather is having an effect on my mood.
请教我使用 dreary 的例句。
"I wish the rain would stop; it's been so dreary lately."
"Talking to him is so dreary... he only talks about himself."
"Talking to him is so dreary... he only talks about himself."
dreary 和 boring 和 dull 和有什么不一样?
"dreary" usually describes a depressing or gloomy environment.
"boring" is the most common word. Anything that is not fun, or not enjoyable, or not interesting.
dull = a lot like boring. But less common and a bit more like formal writing.
"boring" is the most common word. Anything that is not fun, or not enjoyable, or not interesting.
dull = a lot like boring. But less common and a bit more like formal writing.
dreary 和 depressing 和有什么不一样?
dreary is used more often with weather, usually heavy rains with thick, gray clouds that last for hours.
depressing is more a feeling, like crushing weight a person feels under tension and stress that they don't believe they can escape.
depressing is more a feeling, like crushing weight a person feels under tension and stress that they don't believe they can escape.
dreary 和 gloomy 和有什么不一样?
Gosh they are so close. Gloomy usually is spoken of with the weather being dark and bad. Dreary is often referring to a person or feeling about something being dark, dull, boring...
dreary 和 dull 和有什么不一样?
Dreary is more negative. It has a feeling of gloom and dread. Dull just means not interesting.
The bog was dreary and ominous.
His personality is so dreary and depressing. I can’t help but feel like there is a rain cloud over his life.
He was so dull! I was bored the whole time we were together.
Her speech was dull and uninspiring. I almost fell asleep during the assembly.
The bog was dreary and ominous.
His personality is so dreary and depressing. I can’t help but feel like there is a rain cloud over his life.
He was so dull! I was bored the whole time we were together.
Her speech was dull and uninspiring. I almost fell asleep during the assembly.
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