oft in/into N 是什么意思?
It means that the noun "conflict" is often used with the word "in" or "into" before it. It's an abbreviation this dictionary uses.
How oft at Christmas tide the sight
O green fir tree, gives us delight! 是什么意思?
O green fir tree, gives us delight! 是什么意思?
At Christmas time (the 12 days of Christmas from Christmas Eve), seeing so many green fir Christmas trees during this time makes us happy.
At Christmas time (the 12 days of Christmas from Christmas Eve), seeing so many green fir Christmas trees during this time makes us happy.
What we do determine, oft we break. 是什么意思?
oft' means ... often, frequently
What we do determine, oft we break .. meaning that what we decide to do we will often break our purpose to follow it through..
often, we don't follow through on a course of action that we have decided upon.
Shakespeare also Hamlet ...
Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft' loses both itself and friend.
oft' means ... often, frequently
What we do determine, oft we break .. meaning that what we decide to do we will often break our purpose to follow it through..
often, we don't follow through on a course of action that we have decided upon.
Shakespeare also Hamlet ...
Neither a borrower nor a lender be;
For loan oft' loses both itself and friend.
How oft when thou, my music, music play'st,
Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds
With thy sweet fingers when thou gently sway'st
The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,
Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap,
To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,
Whilst my poor lips which should that harvest reap,
At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!
To be so tickled, they would change their state
And situation with those dancing chips,
O'er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait,
Making dead wood more bless'd than living lips.
Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,
Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.
What’s this poem about? Please 😊😊
Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds
With thy sweet fingers when thou gently sway'st
The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,
Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap,
To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,
Whilst my poor lips which should that harvest reap,
At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!
To be so tickled, they would change their state
And situation with those dancing chips,
O'er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait,
Making dead wood more bless'd than living lips.
Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,
Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.
What’s this poem about? Please 😊😊
You are my music. When you play music on the piano, making beautiful sounds, I envy the keys which feel the kiss of your hands. It is I who should feel that kiss. But my lips remain untouched as your fingers walk gently over the keys, making it more blest than my own lips. Since the piano seems happy to know the touch of your fingers, then give it your fingers and give your lips to me.
请教我I’m going to oft your head just a little bit.怎么发音。
Yes.lift! Yes, it is. I made a mistake. Thank you so much.
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