: to walk: to walk on or along (something): to form (a path) by walking
Full Definition
transitive verb1 a : to step or walk on or over
b : to walk or proceed along :follow 2 a : to beat or press with the feet :trample
b : to subdue or repress as if by trampling : crush3 : to copulate with — used of a male bird4 a : to form by treading : beat
b : to execute by stepping ordancing
intransitive verb1 : to move or proceed on or as if on foot 2
tread·er noun tread on one's toes : to giveoffense (as by encroaching on one's rights or feelings)tread water : to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands
They slowly trod back to thecamp.
Don't tread on the grass.treading the halls of the Senate
Synonyms: ambulate, foot (it),hoof (it), leg (it), pad, step, traipse,walk
: the part of a tire that touches the ground : the pattern of raised lineson the surface of a tire: a mark made by a tire when it rolls over the ground: the
part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground : the pattern ofraised lines on the bottom of a shoe or boot
Full Definition
1 : a mark (as a footprint or theimprint of a tire) made by or as if by treading
2 a (1) : the action of treading (2) :an act or instance of treading :
b : manner of stepping
c : the sound of treading3 a : the part of a shoe or boot sole that touches the ground; also : the pattern on the bottom of a sole
b (1) : the part of a wheel or tirethat makes contact with a road or rail (2) : the pattern of ridges orgrooves made or cut in the face of a tire
4 : the distance between the points of contact with the ground of the two front wheels or the two rearwheels of a vehicle
a : the upper horizontal part of a step
b : the width of such a tread
The treads of the tires werebadly worn.
running shoes with good