

"Trip" 的翻译


Q: When I went on a trip with my family, I started by travelling domestically. Our first trip was to Jeju island. And then we traveled Kyungju, Busan, Gunsan, Kangnung, Sokcho and more. We had a great time exploring new cities and tourism attractions. I prefer to travel with others, especially with my family. When I was younger, I used to travel with my friends almost twice a year. But now I don’t want to cater to other’s feeling or preferences. I still have a dream of traveling alone, but as a woman, I feel concerned about the potencial risks and safety issues. It is really great idea of getting out of my comfort zone, exploring whole new world and making new friends. During my first trip to Bali, my family had a great opportunity to experience the local culture like a religious ceremony, interaction with local people and exploring charming villages. 听起来自然吗?




