Neva Makuc
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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
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Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
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Papers by Neva Makuc
prostoru, ki so ga s političnega, verskega in družbenega vidika zaznamovale
določene posebnosti. Študija temelji na virih, povezanih z ljubljanskim jezuitskim
šolstvom in latinsko šolo v Rušah. V njih so posamezniki s tega prostora označeni kot
Italus, Goritiensis, Foroiuliensis, Tergestinus, Vtinensis itd. Proti sredini 17. stoletja
postane raba teh oznak v primerjavi z začetkom stoletja bolj ustaljena in jasna. To je
še posebej očitno pri rabi oznake Goritiensis, preko katere se odraža uveljavljanje
goriške deželne zavesti proti sredini 17. stoletja.
as the pioneer of the National Archaeological Museum–Cividale del Friuli and as the head of archaeological excavations
in Cividale del Friuli, its surroundings, and along the Nadiža/Natisone River, which took place between 1817
and 1826, with the support of Emperor Franz I. He devoted his life to studying history, numismatics, genealogy, art
history, church history, and so on, with a particular focus on Roman material heritage. Rich in the early medieval
Lombard cultural history, the area, in which the excavations were carried out, was added to the UNESCO World
Heritage List two centuries later (in 2011). The article draws attention to the count’s manuscript legacy, kept in a
special collection of the above-mentioned museum and linked to his excavations in the wider Cividale area.
heritage, which struggles with the chronic lack of sufficient funds for restoration or preservation. Long-term environmental,
energy-related and economic objectives of the European Union and Slovenia spurred the implementation
of more complex forms of cooperation between public and private sectors in the area of cultural heritage as well. The paper presents the public-private partnership in Slovenia, along with environmental and other objectives of the
European Union and Slovenia that have contributed to the establishment of the good practice of energy performance
contracting. The public-private partnership
here has also led to the restoration of two cultural heritage buildings, i.e., the Črnomelj Castle and the so-called former
pupils’ residence hall in Ćrnomelj.
prostoru, ki so ga s političnega, verskega in družbenega vidika zaznamovale
določene posebnosti. Študija temelji na virih, povezanih z ljubljanskim jezuitskim
šolstvom in latinsko šolo v Rušah. V njih so posamezniki s tega prostora označeni kot
Italus, Goritiensis, Foroiuliensis, Tergestinus, Vtinensis itd. Proti sredini 17. stoletja
postane raba teh oznak v primerjavi z začetkom stoletja bolj ustaljena in jasna. To je
še posebej očitno pri rabi oznake Goritiensis, preko katere se odraža uveljavljanje
goriške deželne zavesti proti sredini 17. stoletja.
as the pioneer of the National Archaeological Museum–Cividale del Friuli and as the head of archaeological excavations
in Cividale del Friuli, its surroundings, and along the Nadiža/Natisone River, which took place between 1817
and 1826, with the support of Emperor Franz I. He devoted his life to studying history, numismatics, genealogy, art
history, church history, and so on, with a particular focus on Roman material heritage. Rich in the early medieval
Lombard cultural history, the area, in which the excavations were carried out, was added to the UNESCO World
Heritage List two centuries later (in 2011). The article draws attention to the count’s manuscript legacy, kept in a
special collection of the above-mentioned museum and linked to his excavations in the wider Cividale area.
heritage, which struggles with the chronic lack of sufficient funds for restoration or preservation. Long-term environmental,
energy-related and economic objectives of the European Union and Slovenia spurred the implementation
of more complex forms of cooperation between public and private sectors in the area of cultural heritage as well. The paper presents the public-private partnership in Slovenia, along with environmental and other objectives of the
European Union and Slovenia that have contributed to the establishment of the good practice of energy performance
contracting. The public-private partnership
here has also led to the restoration of two cultural heritage buildings, i.e., the Črnomelj Castle and the so-called former
pupils’ residence hall in Ćrnomelj.