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ラベル SpaceX の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Aerospace Engine Review Vol.10 SpaceX Merlin Engines, SpaceXのロケットエンジン本の執筆状況

Aerospace Engine Review Vol.10 SpaceX Merlin Engines, SpaceXのロケットエンジン本の執筆状況









年々皆が求める知識レベルは上がってるから、本1冊書くにしても、執筆毎に自分の理解限界を超えてくクオリティに仕上げないと手にとって貰えない訳です。情報なんてネット検索すれば色々出てくるのだから。それに最初から自分が知ってる範囲だけで本を書くなんて、そんなの面白くないじゃないですか… しかし、SpaceXのロケットエンジン本を書くにあたり、かなり広範囲に深くペーパーをサルベージしないといけないから、狂いそう(半ギレ)少なくとも2000ページは、英語を読まなくてはいけない…

調べれば調べるほど、奥深いSpaceX。SpaceXのチートさを日本で例えるならば、孫正義がIHI Aerospaceのロケット部門の部長級及び部下を引き抜き、ベンチャーを立ち上げ、M-Vの技術を転用してロケット開発、顧問として糸川博士もバックアップしてるチート状態です。
(⇒ イーロンマスクがTRW技術者を引き抜き、月着陸船エンジン開発者がバックアップ)



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ロケットエンジンのクリスマスツリー, Rocket Engine Christmas Tree

Rocket Engine Christmas Tree







こちらは、エンジニアでコレクターである、rocketpoweredkeith (@nospamkpb)氏がデコレーションした、ロケットエンジンクリスマスツリーである。Rocketdyne XLR-105 初期のアトラスロケット/アトラスICBMの補助エンジンをデコレーションしている。



また、宇宙ベンチャーのFirefly Aerospaceでは、ロケットのフェアリングの中にクリスマスツリーを格納して、投稿している。






[2] SpaceX's "Christmas tree" is a Raptor engine for the holidays, https://www.teslarati.com/spacex-starship-engine-raptor-milestone-festive-decorations/

During the Christmas season, it has become popular to make Christmas trees with rocket engines. If you have a rocket engine, please try to make a Christmas tree with it.


Elon Musk uploaded an image of a Raptor rocket engine decked out as a Christmas tree for the 2019 Christmas season.

As far as I know, this was the first example of a rocket engine Christmas tree.

In the United States, there is a hobby of owning rocket engines as an antique collection, and many people have their own rocket engines. In 2020, people inspired by SpaceX's rocket engine Christmas tree will be making and showing off their own rocket engine Christmas trees on social media.

This is a rocket engine Christmas tree decorated by rocketpoweredkeith (@nospamkpb), an engineer and collector. The tree is decorated with the auxiliary engines of early Atlas rockets and Atlas ICBMs.

This was followed by the following image posted by Tom Muller, SpaceX's vice president and rocket engine design engineer.

The decorated engine is believed to be a Merlin 1A rocket engine in the early stages of development. This engine is ablative cooled, and the wide combustion chamber made of CFRP is also a feature of the engine.

Also, Firefly Aerospace, a space venture company, has posted a Christmas tree stored in the fairing of a rocket.

Not only rocket engines, but also jet engines, car engines, bookshelves, TVs, PCs, computers, and anything else can be made into a Christmas tree by wrapping LED lights around it. I bought the following two types of LED lights from Amazon.


The LED lights have a tight cable like the old-fashioned bulb lights, and can be operated by a household outlet. It is also expandable to connect up to 1000 bulbs and is well made. It is a good product for indoor use.


This product is extremely inexpensive, remote controlled, and is supposed to be IP67 waterproof. In fact, it can be used outdoors because it runs on dry batteries. However, it is very poorly made; it is made from two bare copper wires. Each LED is connected to the bare copper wire in parallel to make it glow. If you want to use it cheaply as a disposable product for one season, this product will be sufficient.


SpaceXとノースロップグラマン(TRW)とのロケットエンジン技術訴訟, Rocket Engine Technology Lawsuit between SpaceX and Northrop Grumman (TRW)

Rocket Engine Technology Lawsuit between SpaceX and Northrop Grumman (TRW)




1. ノースロップグラマンの米国防省での仕事監督請負契約


2004年1月までは、この2面性に大きな問題なかったが、DARPA FALCON計画において、SpaceXがFalcon1ロケットの設計レビューを行っていた際に問題が発生した。SpaceX Falcon1ロケットの設計レビューにおいて、米空軍から雇われたノースロップグラマンの技術者が設計レビューの審査員だったことに問題が起因する。

2. SpaceX Falcon1 ロケットの設計レビュー審査員はノースロップグラマンの技術者

以前の記事で述べた様に、DARPA FALCON計画で、SpaceXのFalcon1ロケットは、打ち上げロケット(SLV)として採択され、設計レビューが進んでいた。


通常、ライバルプロジェクトに従事する従業員は、関連プロジェクトから隔離することが求められているが、米空軍は、DARPAとの共同事業であるFALCON計画において、SpaceXのFalcon1ロケット設計を審査し、評価するために審査員・監督者としてノースロップグラマンを選定していた。2004年1月のFalcon1ロケット設計レビューにおいて、SpaceXの幹部がこの規定をノースロップグラマンが守っていないことを懸念し、SpaceX幹部であるGwynne Shotwell氏が、審査会議を中断、ノースロップグラマン側の参加者に競合する宇宙ロケットプログラムに関与する者がいるかどうか尋ねた所、8人の審査員の内、5人が手を上げる事態となった。

そこで、SpaceX社は審査会議を中止し米空軍にクレームを付けた。数週間後、1人を除いて審査員を全員辞退させ、米空軍は、技術支援以外に開発に携わっておらず、政府が出資しているAerospace Corp.のエンジニアに審査員を交代させた。(Aerospace Corp.は、TRWのロケット開発部門設立以前に、TRWの前身と同一会社であり、米空軍にロケット設計技術のコンサル・評価を行っていたが、政府機関色が強いエンジニアリング企業として分社化した経緯がある企業である)

3. SpaceXの起業経緯とノースロップグラマン(旧TRW)



4. ノースロップグラマンに訴えられ、訴え返したSpaceX


ノースロップグラマンは、具体的にSpaceXが「Northrop Gruman / TRW proprietary」と刻印された企業内文書を入手したと主張した。データの他10以上の文書を元技術者のトム・ミュラーがSpaceXに引き渡したと主張。これに対し、SpaceXは完全に否定した。問題となっている文書は数十ページあるが、そのようなマークがついているのは5ページだけである主張して、文書は不適切に所有権が指定されており、これらの文書は誤ってSpaceX社内に持ち込まれたとした。いずれにしても、SpaceXはそれらの資料を使用したことはないと主張したのである。

そして、このノースロップグラマンの訴えに対し、SpaceX側は、2004年6月にロサンゼルス連邦裁判所にて、ノースロップグラマン社の訴訟はSpaceXに損害を与えることを目的とした「反競争的で違法な行動だ」と独占禁止法違反を主張した。更に、ノースロップグラマンが米軍の政府顧問として、その立場を乱用しているとも主張。2003年3月まで遡り、SpaceX社に対する企業スパイ行為を彼らは行ったと主張した。一連の裁判では、Brian D. Ledahl氏がSpaceX側の弁護士を務めている。


5. 裁判によって、Falconlロケットの発射は延期に


6. 米国防省の管理体制に疑問を投げかけた事件


7. ピントルインジェクター技術を選んだことを一度は後悔したイーロンマスク


(We will get to our objectives, in spite of the blood pintle.)


8. 秘密の和解案




[1] Can Defense Contractors Police Their Rivals Without Conflicts?,
      Jonathan Karp and Andy PasztorStaff, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
[2] Northrop Settles Rocket Dispute With SpaceX, Jonathan KarpStaff,
      The Wall Street Journal, Updated Feb. 11, 2005 12:01 am ET
[3] http://www.raklaw.com/attorneys/brian-ledahl.html


SpaceX Merlin1 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター, SpaceX Merlin1 rocket engine and multiple pintle injectors

SpaceX Merlin1 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター,
SpaceX Merlin1 rocket engine and multiple pintle injectors






1. 詳細不明のMerlin1 ロケットエンジンのピントルインジェクター


米空軍(Los Angeles Air Force Base, Home of Space and Missile Systems Center)は、Falcon9ロケットのノズルスカートの中を撮影した写真を2020年1月9日に公開した。しかし、さすがに公開前に検閲を受けているだろうから、その詳細は拡大しても今だ不明である。燃焼時の焼き付きもあり、公開された写真はより不鮮明なものになっている。

2. Merlin1 ロケットエンジンがマルチプルピントルインジェクターを搭載している可能性

以前の記事で、SpaceXのMerlin1 ロケットエンジンはピントルインジェクターを搭載しており、公開されている特許情報から、ピントルチップ部分にアクティブ冷却機構を搭載している可能性を伝えた。一方で、もう1つの可能性がある。それは、マルチプルピントルインジェクターを搭載している可能性である。それは、前回記事にした様に、ノースロップグラマン社のTR-108ロケットエンジン仕様公開の例で明らかになった。



  1. TR-108の開発では低コストの新規開発を目指していたため、新規開発要素を持ち込むのはリスクが高いこと。
  2. ピントルインジェクターは、他のインジェクターに比べて単純であるが、単一のピントルインジェクターにより推進剤を供給するには、サイズが大きくなりすぎる場合や、単一のピントルインジェクターで十分な能力を達成するのが困難と判断される場合が出てくると考えられ、その際に、複数のピントルインジェクターを持つ、マルチプルピントルインジェクターというコンセプトが開発されてもおかしくはない。
  3. インジェクターを単一のコンポ―ネントで実現する、通常のピントルインジェクターの方が、ロケットエンジンのインジェクターの方式の中では、異色であること。


Google USAの完全一致検索結果(2020年7月)

3. Merlin1Dのインジェクターに関する考察





単一のピントルインジェクターを持つ Merlin1A エンジン

少なくとも、Falcon1ロケットのMerlin1A(推力34.67t (340kN))については、単一のピントルインジェクターであることが画像から判明している。(上記画像参照)下記の画像の様に単一のピントルインジェクターであり、中心には銅合金系の金属色が確認でき、ピントルチップ自体を冷却するアクティブ冷却機構あるいは治具取り付け部か固定具等ではないかと推測される。あるいは周囲がユニットになっており、この部分自体がピントルインジェクターの可能性もある。


  1. Falcon9に使用するMerlin1Dのロケットエンジン規模(推力:100t(981kN))では、当初開発したMerlin1Aの約3倍の推力に達している。この推力増強に追随して、フェイスシャットオフ機能を備えた単一のピントルインジェクター用の大型アクチュエータ-を搭載・動作させるよりも、5つまたは4つに分けたマルチプルピントルインジェクターに対して、それぞれフェイスシャットオフ機能を持たせた方が、システムの重量低減につながる可能性がある。
  2. マルチピントルインジェクターに、フェイスシャットオフ機能を持たせることで、新たに大型のフェイスシャットオフ機能を持つ、単一のピントルインジェクターシステムを開発する必要がない。ロケットエンジン推力から想定すると、システムの大きさ的には、以前の規模のピントルインジェクター設計の資産を引き継げ、最小の変更で、新型ロケットエンジンの開発が対応可能となる。
  3. Falcon9の第1段目の様に、地表着陸用のスロットリング機能を持たせる場合は、マルチプルピントルインジェクターシステムが有利に働くと考えられる。その理由は、単一の大型ピントルインジェクターでスロットリング制御するよりも、複数に分けて、それぞれを制御した方が、はるかに細かく容易に推力制御が可能と見られるからである。例えば、60%の推力で運用したい場合、単純に考えると、5つマルチプルピントルインジェクターの内、3つを開度100%、2つを開度0%で運用すれば良い。
  4. 複数のピントルインジェクターを持つために、故障時の対処手段の選択肢を持つことが出来、エンジンの信頼性が高くなる。

この様に推定を考えていくと、マルチプルピントルインジェクターを採用したTR-108よりも前に開発され、トム・ミュラーが開発に関わっていた、TR-106ロケットエンジン(LOX/LH2, 推力:294.9t (2892kN))、TR107ロケットエンジン(LOX/RP-1, 推力:499.66t (4900kN))のインジェクターの方式が気になるところである。


TR-107 ロケットエンジンの断面図と単一ピントルインジェクター


  1. ピントルを増やすことで機構が複雑化する。
  2. TRW時代に開発された、大型のTR-106は、Merlin1Dの約3倍の推力規模に相当する。しかしながら、単一の大型ピントルを用いていた。






[1] Los Angeles Air Force Base, Home of Space and Missile Systems Center, 9th January, 2020
[2] TRW's ultra low cost LOX/LH2 booster liquid rocket engine
[3] orbit seals, http://orbitseals.blogspot.com/

In a previous article, It was reported that SpaceX's Merlin engine has pintle injectors, and based on publicly available patent information, it may have an active cooling mechanism in the pintle tip section. But on the other hand, there is another possibility. It is the possibility that the device has multiple pintle injectors.


Please note that the contents of this article include many estimates by the author.


1. Merlin1 rocket engine pintle injector with unknown details


The U.S. Air Force (Los Angeles Air Force Base, Home of Space and Missile Systems Center) released this photo of the inside of the nozzle skirt of a Falcon 9 rocket on Jan. 9, 2020. However, as expected, it would have been censored before being released, so its details are still unclear even after being enlarged. Due to the burning process, the photos released to the public are more indistinct.

2. Merlin1 Rocket Engine May Have Multiple Pintle Injectors

In a previous article, It was reported that SpaceX's Merlin1 rocket engine has a pintle injector, and based on publicly available patent information, it may have an active cooling mechanism in the pintle tip section. On the other hand, there is another possibility. That is the possibility that it has multiple pintle injectors. This is evident in the case of Northrop Grumman's TR-108 rocket engine specification release, as described in the previous article.

As It was reported in my previous article, the TR-108 is "the first multiple pintle injector rocket engine developed by Northrop Grumman. However, was the "Multiple Pintle Injector" technology implemented for the first time in the world in the TR-108?

In my research, I found no published material to support the fact that "multiple pintle injectors" were being developed during the TRW era, and no hits on patent information. However, it is my opinion that the conceptual design of the multiple pintle injector may have been implemented prior to the acquisition of TRW by Northrop Grumman in 2002. However, it is very likely that the conceptual design of the multiple pintle injector was in place before TRW was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002. This is because of the following reasons.

  1. Since the development of the TR-108 was aimed at low-cost new development, it was risky to bring in new development elements.
  2. Although the pintle injector is simpler than other injectors, it is expected that there will be cases where the size of the injector becomes too large to be supplied with propellant by a single pintle injector, or where it is deemed difficult to achieve sufficient capability with a single pintle injector, at which point the concept of multiple pintle injectors could be developed.
  3. The normal pintle injector, in which the injector is realized with a single component, is more unique among rocket engine injector systems.

On the other hand, there is no mention of whether SpaceX is using the Multiple Pintle Injector technology, even at a mere "rumor level" as of July 2020, after a search on the web. (See image below)

Google USA exact match search results (July 2020)

3. Merlin 1D Injector Considerations

Check out the image of the public Falcon 9 rocket taken from directly behind, which  mentioned in previous article previous article. The resolution is rough, but there are five different colors on what appears to be the pintle injector of the Merlin 1D rocket engine. 

Pintle injector section of Merlin 1D rocket engine

Because of the rough resolution, it is not possible to determine whether these five points are three-dimensional or planar shapes. (If they are flat, they are likely to be active cooling mechanisms or jig attachments; if they are three-dimensional, they are likely to be multiple pintle injectors.) In the previous article, I considered them to be "flat" and thought that the entire area in the figure was a pintle injector. In the previous article, I considered this to be a "flat shape" and thought that the entire area shown in the figure was a pintle injector. Therefore, I judged that the five areas with different colors from the surrounding areas were "active cooling mechanisms or jig attachment areas.

However, this arrangement is such that the four points form a rectangle around the central point. It is not incongruous to think that the multiple pintle injectors are arranged like the TR-108 (the TR-108 has an overall hexagonal shape with seven points). Also, in the image released by the U.S. Air Force shown first, it looks like the same hexagonal shape as the TR-108, although it is unclear. Thus, there is a great possibility that the Merlin 1 rocket engine is equipped with multiple pintle injectors.

Merlin1A Engine with Single Pintle Injector

At least for the Merlin 1A (34.67t (340kN) thrust) of the Falcon 1 rocket, the image shows that it is a single pintle injector. (See the image above.) It is a single pintle injector as shown in the image below, and the center of the pintle injector has a copper alloy metallic color, which may be an active cooling mechanism to cool the pintle tip itself, or a jig attachment or fixture. There is also a possibility that this part itself is a pintle injector, as it is surrounded by a unit.

The advantages of converting the Merlin 1D rocket engine to multiple pintle injectors are as follows, as far as the author has considered.

  1. At the Merlin1D rocket engine scale (thrust: 100 tons (981 kN)) used for Falcon 9, the thrust is about three times that of the originally developed Merlin1A. Rather than installing and operating a large actuator for a single pintle injector with a face shutoff function to keep up with this increased thrust, it would be better to install a face shutoff function for each of the five or four multiple pintle injectors. This may lead to a reduction in the weight of the system.
  2. By providing the face shutoff function to the multiple pintle injectors, there is no need to develop a new single pintle injector system with a large face shutoff function. Based on the rocket engine thrust, the size of the system can take over the assets of the previous scale pintle injector design, and the new rocket engine can be developed with minimal changes.
  3. If a throttling function for surface landing is to be provided, as in the case of the Falcon 9 first stage, a multiple pintle injector system will be advantageous. The reason for this is that rather than using a single large pintle injector to control the throttling, it would be much easier to control the thrust by dividing it into multiple injectors and controlling each of them. For example, if you want to operate at 60% thrust, you can simply operate three of the five multiple pintle injectors at 100% throttling and two at 0% throttling.
  4. Having multiple pintle injectors gives you more options in case of failure, and increases the reliability of the engine.

Considering these estimates, we can see that the TR-106 rocket engine (LOX/LH2, 294.9t (2892kN) thrust) and the TR107 rocket engine (LOX/ RP-1, 499.66t (4900kN) thrust) were developed before the TR-108, which used multiple pintle injectors, and Tom Muller was involved in their development. RP-1, thrust: 499.66t (4900kN)).

From my research, I found that at least for TR-106, a single large pintle was used, although it was a liquid-gas mixed injector. The TR-107, however, is unknown. If the TR-107, which is a large booster with a thrust approaching 500 tons, is a multiple pintle injector, it is highly likely that SpaceX, led by Tom Muller, will use this technology.

TR-107 Rocket Engine Cross Section and Single Pintle Injector

On the other hand, as shown in the previous article, there is a possibility that the part of the Merlin 1D is an active cooling mechanism or a jig connection for mounting. The reasons for this are as follows

  1. Increasing the number of pintles makes the mechanism more complex.
  2. The large TR-106, developed during the TRW era, was equivalent to about three times the thrust scale of the Merlin 1D. However, it used a single large pintle.

Although it has won a number of contracts for projects in which U.S. taxpayer money has been invested, SpaceX is a private company that, unlike NASA, is not a purely national research and development organization. It is also researching and developing its own rockets in the free market. As I reported in my previous article, "SpaceX's Patent Strategy and China's Unauthorized Use of Patent Information," SpaceX's competitors in rocket development are not only corporations, but also countries around the world, including Russia and China, including those who would overstep the framework of patents. Therefore, SpaceX has chosen not to patent its technology in order to avoid being taken over.

This policy of not obtaining patents is a means of securing an advantage over others by keeping the contents of the technology secret, just like the manufacturing methods of Coca-Cola and KFC, and as long as this policy is taken, it is unlikely that the details of the technical contents of the Merlin rocket engine will be disclosed in the future.

Therefore, I am not sure if there will be an opportunity to verify these inferences in the future, but from the current public data, I think it is highly likely that the Merlin 1D engine is equipped with an active cooling system or multiple pintle injectors.



[1] Los Angeles Air Force Base, Home of Space and Missile Systems Center, 9th January, 2020
[2] TRW's ultra low cost LOX/LH2 booster liquid rocket engine
[3] orbit seals, http://orbitseals.blogspot.com/


TR-108 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター, TR-108 Rocket Engine and Multiple Pintle Injectors

TR-108 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター,
TR-108 Rocket Engine and Multiple Pintle Injectors





1. 開発背景:MDAの液体ロケットブースター開発プログラム

米国ミサイル防衛庁(MDA)は、ミサイル防衛(MD)評価のため、弾道ミサイルを模擬する標的用弾道ミサイル開発も行っている。ノースロップグラマン TR-108ロケットエンジンは、標的用弾道ミサイルの液体ロケットブースターとして開発が開始された。


TR-108が、どの標的用弾道ミサイルに搭載されたか、その後情報はない。しかしながら、MDAが運用している標的用弾道ミサイルの中に、「Hera」という標的がある。Heraは、標的用弾道ミサイルとして、1992年に開発開始、1995年に最初の打ち上げが実施された。Heraは、退役したMinutemanII ICBMの第2段、第3段のロケットモータ、Pershing IIの誘導部を流用した標的機であり、過去には、PAC-3やTHAADの迎撃標的として使用された実績を持つ。Heraはまた、米空軍のサウンディングロケットとしても使用されている。


Hera 標的用弾道ミサイル

全   長:11.9 m (39 ft)
直   径:1.32 m (4 ft 4 in) (1st stage)
重   量:11300 kg (25000 lb)

第2段目:Hercules M57A1 固体燃料ロケットモータ 156kN (35,000lbf)
第3段目:Aerojet General SR19-AJ-1 固体燃料ロケットモータ 268 kN (60,300 lbf)

Heraで第2段目には、Hercules M57A1ロケットモータが使用されており、推力は15.6kNである。これは、TR-108の推力とほぼ同じである。従って、Heraの第2段目を液体ロケットブースターに置き換えるために、TR-108開発計画が実施されたとみられる。

2. ノースロップグラマン初のピントルインジェクター型ロケットエンジン


2002年にTRWからSpaceXに移籍した、トム・ミュラー(Tom Mueller)は、以前にTRWにて、部門長、リードエンジニアとして、TR-106とTR-107 ロケットエンジンの開発に携わっていた。ナンバリングを見ても分かる様に、TR-108は、トム・ミュラーがTRW(現ノースロップグラマン)を去ってから、開発されたロケットエンジンである。



3. Northrop Grumman TR-108 ロケットエンジン

推   力:15.6 t (34,500lbf)
真空比推力:271 s
燃 焼 圧 力:6.2MPa(900psia)
推 進 剤:91% 過酸化水素/トルエン
混 合 比:5.84
ノズル比 :15.4
最 大 直 径:2.6 ft
全   長:4.9 ft





  • メイン触媒ベッド
  • 燃料用マルチプルピントルインジェクター
  • アブレイティブ燃焼室
  • モノプロペラントターボポンプ


4. マルチプルピントルインジェクター













SpaceX Merlin1 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター, SpaceX Merlin1 rocket engine and multiple pintle injectors



[1] Design and Development Testing of the TR108 - a 30Klbf-Thrust-Class Hydrogen Peroxide / Hydrocarbon Pump-Fed Engine,
[2] MDA BOOSTER COST ANALYSIS, Joint ISPA/SCEA Annual Conference June 24 – 27 2008
[3] Hera / PLV, Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
[4] Theater Missile Defense Hera Target Systems EA, January
      Jerry E. Esquibel, December 2002

The TR-108 rocket engine, the first large rocket engine developed after TRW was acquired by Northrop Grumman, is equipped with a very unique "Multiple Pintle Injector". The TR-108 rocket engine, which was the first large rocket engine developed after the acquisition of Northrop Grumman, features a very unique "multiple pintle injector" technology, which allows multiple pintle injectors to be installed when the propellant supply from a single pintle injector is too large or when it is difficult to achieve sufficient engine capacity with a single pintle injector.

【Related Articles】


1. Development Background: MDA's Liquid Rocket Booster Development Program

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is also developing a targeted ballistic missile to simulate a ballistic missile for missile defense (MD) evaluation. The Northrop Grumman TR-108 rocket engine has been developed as a liquid rocket booster for targeted ballistic missiles.

Most of the target ballistic missiles have solid-fuel rocket motors, but the reason for changing to a liquid rocket booster was to simulate the ballistic missiles of the East. Since most of the traditional ballistic missiles in the East use liquid fuel propellant, they wanted a liquid rocket booster stage to simulate a liquid booster ballistic missile for future testing and evaluation. Thus, the TR-108 was developed as an upper stage engine for military use. Northrop Grumman was awarded a three-year, $30 million contract.

There has been no information since then on which target ballistic missile the TR-108 was installed on. However, among the target ballistic missiles operated by the MDA is the Hera target, which was first developed as a target ballistic missile in 1992 and was first launched in 1995. Hera is the second and third stages of the retired Minuteman II ICBM. Hera is also used as a sounding rocket by the U.S. Air Force.


Hera 標的用弾道ミサイル

Length: 11.9 m (39 ft)
Diameter: 1.32 m (4 ft 4 in) (1st stage)
Weight: 11,300 kg (25,000 lb)

Second stage: Hercules M57A1 solid rocket motor 156 kN (35,000 lbf)
Third stage: Aerojet General SR19-AJ-1 solid rocket motor 268 kN (60,300 lbf)

The Hercules M57A1 rocket motor is used for the second stage on the Hera, with a thrust of 15.6 kN. This is almost the same as the thrust of the TR-108. Therefore, it is likely that the TR-108 development program was implemented to replace the second stage of the Hera with a liquid rocket booster.

2. Northrop Grumman's First Pintle Injector Rocket Engine

The TR-108 was the first large pintle injector rocket engine developed after TRW's rocket engine development division was acquired and absorbed by Northrop Grumman.

Tom Mueller, who moved from TRW to SpaceX in 2002, had previously been involved in the development of the TR-106 and TR-107 rocket engines at TRW as a division manager and lead engineer. As you can see from the numbering, the TR-108 rocket engine was developed after Tom Mueller left TRW (now Northrop Grumman).

One of the differences between the TRW era and the TR-108 was the use of hydrogen peroxide as a green propellant, which had been used mainly for thrusters, to increase the size of the engine. In particular, the main catalytic bed for gasifying hydrogen peroxide was the largest one manufactured by General Kinetics, which was involved in the development as a subcontractor, and there were problems in terms of load on the bed and operating pressure.

On the other hand, Northrop Grumman, which acquired TRW, was the main developer of laser weapons for the U.S. military, and had experience with the airborne laser: YAL-1A, and the tactical high energy laser: MTHEL. In the development of the YAL-1A, the laser system was a chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL), and the company had extensive experience in handling hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent for the laser source, and this knowledge was utilized in the development of the TR-108.

3. Northrop Grumman TR-108 rocket engine

Thrust: 15.6 t (34,500 lbf)
Vacuum specific impulse: 271 s
Combustion Pressure: 6.2 MPa (900 psia)
Propellant: 91% hydrogen peroxide / toluene
Mixture ratio: 5.84
C* combustion efficiency: 93-94% (up to about 96%)
Nozzle ratio: 15.4
Maximum diameter: 2.6 ft
Length: 4.9 ft

Since it was developed as the upper stage of a targeted ballistic missile, it was designed in a shortened configuration to fit within the space of an existing aircraft. The layout of the piping and turbopumps was also designed to fit into the narrow space.

The TR-108 is a very simple system, with only a unit propellant to turn the turbine. Hydrogen peroxide is tapped from the oxidizer pump outlet and fed into the gas generator. Only one high-pressure valve in the path is needed to control it.

The requirement from MDA during the development of the TR-108 was to keep the recurring cost down. Cast turbopump housings, ablative combustion chambers, flight-qualified COTS hardware in other systems, and burst discs instead of high-pressure valves were used to minimize cost, schedule, and risk by using the maximum amount of robust technology, materials, and manufacturing methods proven since the TRW days.

Key development elements are following,

  • Main catalyst bed
  • Multiple pintle injectors for fuel
  • Ablative combustion chamber
  • Monopropellant turbo pump

The TR-108 was successfully tested at Northrop Grumman's Capistrano Proving Ground in San Clemente, California, where engine testing was conducted in a fully integrated configuration.

4. Multiple pintle injector

TR-108's Multiple Pintle Injector

The TR-108 rocket engine is equipped with a very unique "Multiple Pintle Injector". As shown in the photo above, a total of seven pintle injectors are arranged on the propellant injection side, unlike the usual single pintle injectors.

The seven pintle injectors are arranged in a hexagonal shape with one pintle injector at the center. This provides a more uniform mixing ratio and 102 fuel film cooling holes to provide film cooling. The mesh visible at the back is the main catalyst bed, which gasifies 91% of the hydrogen peroxide.

If the size of the propellant is too large to be supplied by a single pintle injector, or if it is deemed difficult to achieve sufficient capacity with a single pintle injector, multiple pintle injectors with multiple pintle injectors may be employed. (In the published literature, TR-108 is used. (Other than the TR-108, there is no other multiple pintle injector rocket engine at the practical use level in the published literature.

In particular, the TR-108 is considered to have adopted multiple pintle injectors because the propellant is not liquid-liquid, but liquid-gas, and therefore a single pintle injector was not considered to achieve the target performance. The uniform arrangement of multiple pintle injectors allows the fuel jets to increase their penetration distance and also allows for film cooling by the fuel.

In the TR-108, the pintle injectors were also designed to be easily replaced in order to change the fuel injection characteristics. In fact, in a short period of time, 13 different pintle injector configurations were tested. Looking at the tip of the pintle, there are two holes, and it is believed that a jig is inserted into this area to tighten the pintle tip section. The difference in the metal color suggests that it is manufactured with an alloy with good heat transfer properties.

The TR-108 was the first multiple pintle injector rocket engine developed by Northrop Grumman, but it is not known whether such a pintle injector had been developed at TRW before. However, it was difficult to develop a new type of injector for the TR-108, and in order to reduce the cost, "the robust technology, materials and manufacturing methods proven in the TRW era were used to the maximum extent. It is reasonable to assume that the multiple pintle injector technology had been developed since the TRW era.

To support the TR-108 program, a model was created to predict the combustion performance of this liquid-gas pintle injector, which uses hydrogen peroxide to jet liquid hydrocarbon fuel into a catalytically vaporized gas. In other words, the injector of the TR-108 is a liquid-gas mixture.

The correlation of the penetration distance of the liquid jet in the gas cross flow is important for the model to predict the combustion performance. It is important to know how much of the fuel jet injected radially by the pintle injector can spray and penetrate the oxidizer cross flow before reaching the combustion chamber wall. Such problems are complex in nature and are still the subject of active research.

Most experiments use air cross-flows to simulate gases, and water cross-flows to simulate jets, and analyze the results of the interaction. Therefore, the studies ignore the effects of factors such as rocket engine combustion and different fluid properties (viscosity, surface tension). Due to the uncertainty of this pre-simulation, a significant number of combustion tests were required for the multiple pintle injector in the development of the TR-108. However, as mentioned earlier, due to the inherent flexibility and simplicity of the pintle injector design, 13 different pintle configurations were tested in a relatively short period of time. A correlation model was built from the tests.

In the end, the TR-108 demonstrated a stable C* combustion efficiency of 93-94%. (A further 1-2% performance improvement is expected with fine tuning of the injectors.)

In the next article, we will discuss the pintle injector of SpaceX's Merlin rocket engine in light of the TR-108. (To be continued)

SpaceX Merlin1 ロケットエンジンとマルチプルピントルインジェクター, SpaceX Merlin1 rocket engine and multiple pintle injectors



[1] Design and Development Testing of the TR108 - a 30Klbf-Thrust-Class Hydrogen Peroxide / Hydrocarbon Pump-Fed Engine,
[2] MDA BOOSTER COST ANALYSIS, Joint ISPA/SCEA Annual Conference June 24 – 27 2008
[3] Hera / PLV, Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles
[4] Theater Missile Defense Hera Target Systems EA, January
      Jerry E. Esquibel, December 2002