Dokuz Eylül University Graduate School of Social Science
Comparative History
This essay aims to describe and analyze the causes of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, its external and internal agents and various historical and ideological components which condensed in diplomacy and Western historiography... more
Uno de los legados materiales más importantes que el mundo moderno ha recibido de la Antigüedad clásica, específicamente del Imperio Romano, es el sistema de consolidación territorial a través de la construcción de obras arquitectónicas y... more
Artículo publicado en la revista Credencial Historia en octubre de 2014 durante la serie de publicaciones relacionadas con la conmemoración del centenario de la primera guerra Mundial.
Ponencia presentada en el Primer Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia y Ciencias Sociales, del 3 al 7 de Octubre de 2011 en el Claustro de San Agustín en Bogotá
La historia militar es vista con recelo por parte de la academia, los estudios de historia militar son prácticamente huérfanos y en un país en conflicto como Colombia, hablar historiográficamente sobre estos temas se convierte en tabú, a... more
Esta ponencia, presentada el 15 de octubre de 2014 en el IV Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes de Historia en Lima, Perú. Expone las principales conclusiones de mi trabajo de grado, y versa sobre las diversas transformaciones en el... more
Ponencia presentada el 2 de marzo de 2015 en el Coloquio "A 150 años de la Guerra del Paraguay: Conflictos armados en América Latina" En la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. En el siglo XIX, dos procesos integrales surcan la... more
En el marco de las conmemoraciones de la Gran Guerra, cabe recordar la campaña de Gallípoli o de los Dardanelos en 1915 como un punto de inflexión en el frente oriental de la contienda y como un acontecimiento que significó el fin y el... more
Ponencia presentada en el XI Encuentro de Estudiantes de Historia en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín. Septiembre 6 de 2012.
Article originally published in October 2014 in "Revista Credencial Historia" Bogotá, Colombia for the Dossier about the 100 years of the First World War.
One of the most important material legacies that the modern world has received from classical antiquity, specifically from the Roman Empire, is the system of territorial consolidation through the construction of architectural and... more
In the context of the commemorations of the Great War, it is worth recalling the Gallipoli or also know as the Dardanelles campaign in 1915 as a turning point on the eastern front of the war and as an event that meant the end and the... more
This essay aims to describe and analyze the causes of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, its external and internal agents and various historical and ideological components which condensed in diplomacy and Western historiography... more
Conference presentation at XIth Meeting of History Students in the National University of Colombia Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín. September 6, 2012.
This paper presents the main conclusions of my undergraduate thesis and deals with the various transformations in the way of waging war for the independence of Colombia, the influences of the wars during the eighteenth century and the... more
Military history is viewed with suspicion by the academy; The studies of military history are practically orphans and in a country in conflict like Colombia, to speak historiographically on these subjects becomes taboo, in spite of the... more
The age of revolutions at the turn of the eighteenth to the nineteenth century is generally circumscribed historiographically to the events that took place in Western Europe. There is a gap in historiography that does not take into... more
*Article published in the Volume XVIII and XIX/July 2018 of the Journal of International Students of History Association CARNIVAL.* At the moment of talking about revolutionary processes in the turn from the 18th to the 19th century,... more
This paper will use a comparative approach to examine the Colombian and Greek revolutions. Despite the spatial distance between the two, their contemporaneity establishes a platform that showcases their concordances. Perhaps the most... more