Papers by Tafadzwa Matiza
![Research paper thumbnail of Country Image and Recreational Tourism Travel Motivation: The Mediating Effect of South Africa's Place Brand Dimensions](
Tourism and hospitality management
Purpose – Global competition highlights the importance of country image as a heuristic criterion ... more Purpose – Global competition highlights the importance of country image as a heuristic criterion for information symmetry in tourist decision making. However, there is limited academic inquiry into the interaction between country images and place brands in tourists’ travel motivation. This study explores the mediating effect of the place brand in the image-travel motivation nexus. Design/Methodology – The quantitative-deductive study generated data from a convenient sample of n=233 tourists. Survey data were analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; followed by parallel mediation analysis to examine the mediating effect of place brand in the relationship between country image (exogenous variable), and travel motivation (endogenous variable). Approach – This study models country image and place brand dimensions as perceptual variables influencing leisure-oriented recreational tourism travel motives. Findings – South Africa's socio-cultural and competitive advan...
Marketing & Tourism Review, Sep 28, 2021
![Research paper thumbnail of A Psychographic Analysis of Foreign Investors' Perceptions of the Non-Financial Factors Influencing Foreign Direct Investment to Zimbabwe](
Acta Universitatis Danubius: Oeconomica, 2019
Understanding the role of psychographics in influencing financial consumer behaviour is an emergi... more Understanding the role of psychographics in influencing financial consumer behaviour is an emerging discourse. There is a discernible gap in the literature relating to the psychographic profiling of foreign investors, more-so within the African context. This study examines the potential differences existing between investors in their rating of the non-financial factors influencing the consideration of FDI market opportunities in Zimbabwe (2009-2015) based on their psychographic profiles – investor status and investor motives. A quantitative cross-sectional deductive study was conducted. Data was generated via an online survey and was analysed utilising STATISTICA 12 software. The survey data from the sample of n=305 foreign investors was analysed by employing Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Post-hoc Scheffè test and the Cohen D's effect sizes techniques. As a result, six statistically significant psychographic-based differences were established. The findings of this study pro...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Role of E-Banking on the Switching Behaviour of Retail Clients of Commercial Banks in Polokwane, South Africa](
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies
This study focused on investigating the role of E-banking on the switching behaviour of retail ba... more This study focused on investigating the role of E-banking on the switching behaviour of retail bank clients in Polokwane, South Africa. Recently, studies have shown that people are switching banks more often than in the past. Circumstances that are beyond control cause people to switch. This has become a challenge in the banking industry as many banks lose their clients. However, newly developed technologies have brought many changes in the operation of banks. The new E-banking services have enabled bank clients to have access to their bank account for 24 hours without visiting the physical branch. A sample of 98 respondents was surveyed in Polokwane, South Africa using the convenience sampling technique. The cronbach alpha test was used to ascertain reliability of the findings. The findings reveal that demographic characteristics have much impact on the switching behaviour of commercial bank clients and acceptance of e-banking services. Switching factors such as bank charges, low i...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Case for Nation Branding as an Investment Promotion Methodology for African Nations: A Literature-Based Perspective](
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
This paper discusses the contribution of nation branding theory and practice to the promotion of ... more This paper discusses the contribution of nation branding theory and practice to the promotion of foreign direct investment. This discussion is in particular reference to Africa as an investment location and the image challenges that individual African nations face as a result of being associated with the African brand. The paper is qualitative in nature and is based on secondary data. As a result of this review of literature, it emerged that Africa suffers from a negative image challenge and that the stereotypes that exist of Africa as a continent have a negative causal effect on FDI inflows into African economies. Significantly, this paper posits that nation branding can make a significant contribution in the image-building aspect of the investment promotion process. This paper concludes that African nations need to manage the perceptions of foreign investors by proactively managing their images before embarking on investment generation activities. This entails the establishment and management of the nation brand images of individual countries as investment destinations as the initial step in traditional investment promotion practice. However, more importantly this paper advocates for empirical research to establish a theoretical framework that links nation branding theory with image-building practice in investment promotion.
![Research paper thumbnail of The role of socio-demographic investor profile factors in predicting tourism appeal as a determinant of FDI to Zimbabwe](
As national governments endeavour to attract foreign capital to their economies, an enhanced unde... more As national governments endeavour to attract foreign capital to their economies, an enhanced understanding of the decision-making process of foreign investors becomes critical. This paper investigates whether the socio-demographic factors of foreign investors (potential and current) may predict Zimbabwe's Tourism appeal as a Foreign Direct Investment decision-making determinant. A cross-sectional deductive quantitative study was conducted with a final purposive survey sample of 305 foreign investors. Data was generated from an online survey and analysed utilising STATISTICA 12 software. Analysis of Variance was conducted to examine whether statistically significant differences occurred between the seven socio-demographic investor profile categories with regards to Zimbabwe's Tourism appeal as a foreign direct investment decision-making determinant. Where differences occurred, post-hoc Scheffè tests were employed to determine the specific mean differences occurring within the...
![Research paper thumbnail of Re-Imaging African Nations as Preferred Foreign Direct Investment Destinations: Towards a Sustainable Nation Brand-Based Framework](
This paper takes into account the image challenge faced by African nations in the attraction of f... more This paper takes into account the image challenge faced by African nations in the attraction of foreign direct investment to their economies. As a potential panacea to this challenge, this paper posits a theoretical framework that establishes a relationship between nation brand theory and investment promotion practice to aid African nations in re-imaging themselves as investment destinations. The nation brand-based investment promotion model framework is a grand synthesis of concepts and ideas from the fields of nation branding and investment promotion. This paper serves as an introduction of the framework, particularly focusing on the concepts informing the model and the modalities of nation branding as an investment promotion approach. Critically, this paper describes the theoretical foundations for each phase of the framework and serves as the starting point for a more in-depth discussion in future studies of the framework as a potential methodology for investment promotion.
![Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Reset: Reimagining South African Domestic Tourism in the Era Of Covid-19](
Tourism Review International
Domestic tourism is increasingly being propagated as a primer for the global tourism industry’s r... more Domestic tourism is increasingly being propagated as a primer for the global tourism industry’s resuscitation in the era of COVID-19. However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the challenge for African tourism destinations such as South Africa is predicting domestic tourists’ behavioral and demand responses. The article explores the mediating effect of perceived risk on the nexus between South African domestic tourists’ push and pull travel motives. Data were generated via a self-administered online survey and analyzed primarily utilizing factor and mediation analyses. From the sample (n = 427), the study identifies the heterogeneity in the push–pull travel motives nexus. Moreover, the findings also establish the susceptibility of experiential escape-seeking tourists to the negative mediating influence of COVID-19-induced perceived physical risk on their likelihood of engaging in leisure-oriented domestic tourism activity. The results also point to potential cognitive bias and sub...
![Research paper thumbnail of The role of socio-demographic investor profile factors in predicting tourism appeal as a determinant of FDI to Zimbabwe](
As national governments endeavour to attract foreign capital to their economies, an enhanced unde... more As national governments endeavour to attract foreign capital to their economies, an enhanced understanding of the decision-making process of foreign investors becomes critical. This paper investigates whether the socio-demographic factors of foreign investors (potential and current) may predict Zimbabwe’s Tourism appeal as a Foreign Direct Investment decision-making determinant. A cross-sectional deductive quantitative study was conducted with a final purposive survey sample of 305 foreign investors. Data was generated from an online survey and analysed utilising STATISTICA 12 software. Analysis of Variance was conducted to examine whether statistically significant differences occurred between the seven socio-demographic investor profile categories with regards to Zimbabwe’s Tourism appeal as a foreign direct investment decision-making determinant. Where differences occurred, post-hoc Scheffè tests were employed to determine the specific mean differences occurring within the distinc...
![Research paper thumbnail of Managing the tourist destination image: The case of Africa](
Tourism: An international Interdisciplinary Journal, 2014
Th e tourist destination image is becoming increasing detrimental to the success of individual to... more Th e tourist destination image is becoming increasing detrimental to the success of individual tourist destinations. More-so, for African tourist destinations which are often victims of the negative global stereotypes and perceptions that exist of the continent. With this in mind, this paper explores the concept and role of destination image in the wider tourism context and goes on to utilise literature to establish the impact of the tourism destination image to the ability of African tourist destinations to increase tourist arrivals to their locations. Th is paper posits the conceptual destination-brand identity and image as a strategic framework in the formation, communication and eff ective stakeholder targeting of a positive destination identity by African destination management organisations. Th is paper goes on to briefl y describe each step in the conceptual destination-brand identity and image. Importantly this paper advocates for African destination management organisations...
![Research paper thumbnail of Nation Branding: The Nation Brand as a Destination Marketing Axiom for African Tourism](
Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management, 2021
The African continent is particularly susceptible to negative stereotypical characterisations and... more The African continent is particularly susceptible to negative stereotypical characterisations and misnomers, which invariably influence the perceptions held of African countries as tourism destinations. From a behavioural economics and nation branding theory perspective, this chapter discusses the notion of the nation brand as a destination marketing axiom for African tourism. Nation branding represents a new frontier in African tourism marketing management, particularly given the discernable dearth in Afrocentric academic inquiry into the discourse. By assimilating nation branding theory within the tourism context, this chapter seeks to fill this gap by interrogating Africa’s destination marketing challenge(s), and ultimately delineating the Nation Brand Octagon for African Tourism as a potential decision-support model to marketing African tourism destinations.
![Research paper thumbnail of Nation Branding as a Strategic Marketing Approach to Foreign Direct Investment Promotion: The Case of Zimbabwe](
This study investigated the potential utilisation of nation branding as a government driven inves... more This study investigated the potential utilisation of nation branding as a government driven investment promotion approach aimed at attracting foreign direct investment to Zimbabwe. This study used both primary and secondary data. A desk research was conducted to collect secondary data from academic publications and journals, while qualitative primary data collection was semi-structured in nature, utilising an interview schedule to conduct in-depth elite interviews. These interviews were recorded for post interview verbatim transcription. A combination of non-probability sampling techniques were used to establish the final sample frame of 9 key informants for the study from a universal population of 11 investment promotion related organisations in Zimbabwe. The study employed the hermeneutic approach to data analysis to analyse the empirical qualitative data generated from the interviewing process. As a result of this study it emerged that subjectively, the negative image that Zimbab...
![Research paper thumbnail of The tourism – Foreign direct investment nexus: Empirical evidence from Zimbabwe (2009–2015)](
The extent of research into the determinants of foreign direct inflows to particular locations is... more The extent of research into the determinants of foreign direct inflows to particular locations is expansive and diverse; however, little is known of the influence of country images as non-financial determinants on the inflow of foreign capital. In contributing to this body of knowledge, this article aims to explore the influence of tourism as a non-financial nation image determinant of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Zimbabwe. The relationship between tourism and the four distinct forms of FDI opportunities in Zimbabwe, market-, resource-, efficiency- and strategic-asset seeking is examined. Empirical data were generated from a final purposively sampled survey population of 305 foreign investors who had applied to invest in Zimbabwe between January 2009 and April 2015. Multiple statistical techniques were employed including exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression using STATISTICA 12 software. As it emerged, eight variables were identified as constituting Zimbabwe’s to...
![Research paper thumbnail of Tourism is Too Dangerous! Perceived Risk and the Subjective Safety of Tourism Activity in the Era of COVID-19](
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the risk associated with tourism and induced a paradigm shif... more The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the risk associated with tourism and induced a paradigm shift in tourist behaviour. The study explores the nexus between COVID-19 induced perceived risk the subjective safety associated with tourism activity. A cross-sectional deductive study was conducted. Data were generated from a respondent-driven snowball sample of 323 potential tourists from all over the world. The key findings indicate perceived physical, psychological and social COVID-19 pandemic induced risk negatively influenced the overall subjective safety associated with tourism activity. Moreover, further analysis indicated heterogeneity in the influence of the perceived risk on specific tourism activity. Tourism practitioners are provided with timely empirical evidence-based insights that contribute to a better understanding of tourists' evolving behaviour.
Tourism Recreation Research
![Research paper thumbnail of Tourism is Too Dangerous! Perceived Risk and the Subjective Safety of Tourism Activity in the Era of COVID-19](
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the risk associated with tourism and induced a paradigm shif... more The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the risk associated with tourism and induced a paradigm shift in tourist behaviour. The study explores the nexus between COVID-19 induced perceived risk the subjective safety associated with tourism activity. A cross-sectional deductive study was conducted. Data were generated from a respondent-driven snowball sample of 323 potential tourists from all over the world. The key findings indicate perceived physical, psychological and social COVID-19 pandemic induced risk negatively influenced the overall subjective safety associated with tourism activity. Moreover, further analysis indicated heterogeneity in the influence of the perceived risk on specific tourism activity. Tourism practitioners are provided with timely empirical evidence-based insights that contribute to a better understanding of tourists' evolving behaviour.
Tourism Recreation Research
![Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Country Image-Travel Motivation Nexus in Emerging Tourism Typologies for South Africa](
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism
Introduction. This paper explores the influence of country image on the evaluation of a destinati... more Introduction. This paper explores the influence of country image on the evaluation of a destination’s attributes from the perspective of inbound tourists to South Africa - within the context of both business and medical tourism. Material and methods. Data were generated from a self-administered questionnaire distributed as part of a survey of inbound tourists visiting South Africa’s Table Mountain. Factor analysis and multiple regression were employed to determine the factors and establish their relationship, respectively. Results. The results suggest that South Africa’s image as a country influences tourist’s perception of the country and its destination attributes. More intriguingly, the results show that South Africa’s image is subject to both stereotypes and the country-of-origin effect. Conclusion. The paper concludes that country image is a significant heuristic cue in the appraisal of the destination attributes that motivate inbound tourist travel behaviour. More so, it is as...
![Research paper thumbnail of Understanding the Country Image-Travel Motivation Nexus in Emerging Tourism Typologies for South Africa](
Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism
Introduction. This paper explores the influence of country image on the evaluation of a destinati... more Introduction. This paper explores the influence of country image on the evaluation of a destination’s attributes from the perspective of inbound tourists to South Africa - within the context of both business and medical tourism. Material and methods. Data were generated from a self-administered questionnaire distributed as part of a survey of inbound tourists visiting South Africa’s Table Mountain. Factor analysis and multiple regression were employed to determine the factors and establish their relationship, respectively. Results. The results suggest that South Africa’s image as a country influences tourist’s perception of the country and its destination attributes. More intriguingly, the results show that South Africa’s image is subject to both stereotypes and the country-of-origin effect. Conclusion. The paper concludes that country image is a significant heuristic cue in the appraisal of the destination attributes that motivate inbound tourist travel behaviour. More so, it is as...
Papers by Tafadzwa Matiza