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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Please help me and my gf buy some groceries!!

I've been putting this off because I didn't really want to have to ask, but we've been running low on money for a while now and bills/rent have finally caught up with us and we're currently completely out of money.

I do have a job interview tomorrow, so with any luck we'll be a lot better off very soon, but we still need to last until then and we're running out of food in our apartment, and there are still bills we have to pay coming up soon! Anything helps, even a few dollars will buy us a couple decent meals!


im sorry to have to boost this again but nearly a month later and constant job searching has still given absolutely nothing. we managed to get enough money from family to last us until now, but it ran out and now we're completely out of money and almost entirely out of food. anything helps, i just want to get groceries so i don't have to starve myself.


im sorry to post this again but we just got a notice that we have two weeks to pay off all of out overdue rent or we’ll be evicted. months of applying to every job in the area has given us nothing. we’re still looking but at this point there’s no way it’ll get us enough money in time. we have about two weeks to make about $3000, or we lose our apartment. please donate if you’re able to, any amount helps because we’ll still have to pay all of this off even if we do get evicted.


Please help me and my gf buy some groceries!!

I've been putting this off because I didn't really want to have to ask, but we've been running low on money for a while now and bills/rent have finally caught up with us and we're currently completely out of money.

I do have a job interview tomorrow, so with any luck we'll be a lot better off very soon, but we still need to last until then and we're running out of food in our apartment, and there are still bills we have to pay coming up soon! Anything helps, even a few dollars will buy us a couple decent meals!


im sorry to have to boost this again but nearly a month later and constant job searching has still given absolutely nothing. we managed to get enough money from family to last us until now, but it ran out and now we’re completely out of money and almost entirely out of food. anything helps, i just want to get groceries so i don’t have to starve myself.


Please help me and my gf buy some groceries!!

I've been putting this off because I didn't really want to have to ask, but we've been running low on money for a while now and bills/rent have finally caught up with us and we're currently completely out of money.

I do have a job interview tomorrow, so with any luck we'll be a lot better off very soon, but we still need to last until then and we're running out of food in our apartment, and there are still bills we have to pay coming up soon! Anything helps, even a few dollars will buy us a couple decent meals!


boosting this again because im still waiting for the place i interviewed at to get back to me. I’ve only got about $1.50 right now and we only have like one good meal left and i really don’t wanna start eating nothing but plain rice

please help me

it is soooo cool how people's takeaway from the original baeddel group being abusive is "now i have a bad word to pin to any transfem i disagree with" and not that trans women as a gender class are incredibly vulnerable to abuse


it is a crapshoot if a queer or woman's safe space will be safe for us or see us as a dangerous predatory intruder. we are categorically the lowest income bracket when sorted by gender. we face the same risk of alienation from our families as other queer demographics. our bodies are lusted after, and at the same time we are denied the ideological position of victim, assumed to be sexual beings by default.

it is a perfect cocktail to create ideal victims of abuse, girls who are used for sex or attention or defense and disposed of once we're done with. a demographic full of people with no safe spaces, with no money, no connections, and who no one will bother to defend. who can, at any moment, be pedojacketed or accused of being racist or predatory or abusive, and the punishment will be carried out by mob justice.

i really just want non-transfeminine people to stare this in the face. i know so many transfems with horror stories about their friend groups- both cishet and queer- turning on them, of the isolation and poverty. this is what transmisogyny is. this is why so many of us categorically delineate ourselves from the wider queer community. if you can not recognize this, your opinion on transmisogyny or "solidarity" or "intersectionality" is nothing to me.


i think its funny how facial scars are seen as like a major character plot point where they reveal that someone tried to kill their dad or something when i know a ton of ppl (including myself) who have facial scars bc they rlly arent uncommon and all of them are like. from tripping and falling as a toddler


i could use this post as an oppritunity to talk about how scarring is a natural and human thing and everyone has scars, and larger scars as well as facial ones and burn scars should’nt only exist in media as a storytelling device but im also gonna just say that your oc is still hot as hell if he has a massive slash going through his eye i just think it would be funnier if he got it from falling down the stairs and then picking the scab too many times