Papers by Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska
Biblioteka, 2023
The private book collection that belonged to Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm testifies to the sixty-year-... more The private book collection that belonged to Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm testifies to the sixty-year-long period of the fertile research (and artistic) output of the famous German researchers and founders of the German philology, and in itself is an important subject to study. This book collection, comprising rare prints and unique editions, is more than just a series of items of significant material of bibliophile value. It is particularly valuable primarily as a source of knowledge on the research methods used by the two researchers. In the footnotes and indexes to their publications of fairy tales or folk legends, both Jakob and Wilhelm were very meticulous in providing their written source material, i.e. the sources that they held in their book collection, the items of which had purposefully been acquired by the duo to preserve for subsequent editions of old relics European and German literature. Equally important for the research on the literary output and research activity of the Grimm Brothers is the analysis of hand-written underlining, notes and annotations that the texts were typographically enhanced by during the reading. The volumes from the portion of the working collection of the Brothers Grimm found in the Poznań University Library were long thought to had been lost during the WWII, and now can be of significant value in their contribution to the development of modern research on the Brothers’ literary and scientific output. The very fact that they have been found allows us to believe that the book collections at the Library can hold other volumes that belonged to the private book collection of Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm still to be discovered.
Texte und Diskurse intra- und interlingual / Bąk Paweł, Żebrowska Ewa (ed.), 2024
The famous collection of the Children’s and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm is read in tran... more The famous collection of the Children’s and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm is read in translations in non-German speaking countries which significantly influences their reception in a given language. The Polish reception of these German tales can be analyzed from three different perspectives. First, there exist certain prejudices which arise from the German-Polish history. Second, there is a tradition of sentimental adaptations in Polish translations which distort the original approach of the Brothers Grimm. And third, the publication history of the original tale collection can also influence the translation and reception of the tales. And because only the last edition of the Children’s and Household Tales is known in Polish there is a need for a critical translation of the early first edition (1812-1815).
Porównania, 2023
Incest Without Punishment or “All Fur” from the First Edition of The Children’s and Household Tal... more Incest Without Punishment or “All Fur” from the First Edition of The Children’s and Household Tales (1812) by Brothers Grimm as a Unique Variant of the Type ATU 510b
The paper offers an analysis of the tale “All Fur” (German: Allerleirauh) by Brothers Grimm in the version from the year 1812 in reference to the origins and editorial history of the Children’s and Household Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). This early variant of “All Fur” contains a specific motif of incest and is, therefore, unique not only in comparison to the later editions of Grimms’ tales, but to other tales from type ATU 510b as well (for example, by Straparola, Basile or Perrault). The first edition of “All Fur” is often neglected in philological research, which is why the article discusses possible reasons for this surprising story about a happy marriage between father and daughter.
Literatura Ludowa, 2023
The fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm are the most often translated work
of German literature. Al... more The fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm are the most often translated work
of German literature. All over the world these tales are read in translations that are not identical to the original. In Poland, these important texts are also read in various versions translated into Polish, which raises a question of how the form and content of different translations and adaptations may influence the reception of these German tales. Referring to important studies by folklorists Helena Kapełuś and Dorota Simonides,
the author of the article indicates which research topics should be continued and deepened in the field of the Grimm research in Poland.
Orbis Linguarum vol. 56, 2022
On the significance of translation strategy and paratext based
on the bilingual edition of “Legen... more On the significance of translation strategy and paratext based
on the bilingual edition of “Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia” (“Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien”) by Elisabeth Grabowski in Tobiasz Janikowski’s translation
The article discusses the new bilingual edition of the German Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien (“Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia”) by Elisabeth Grabowski, a Silesian writer from the early 20th century, acknowledged for her folklorist achievements in the German literature but little known to Polish readers outside of Upper Silesia. The Polish translation by Tobiasz Janikowski is analysed both as a separate achievement and in the context of collecting and editing oral folktales as initiated by the Brothers Grimm. From the perspective of translation studies, the discussed bilingual edition is a good example for the significance of the global translation strategy and for the need of paratextual explanations.
Aspekte der philologischen Forschung von Jacob Grimm und der Märchenübersetzung ins Polnische
The tale “Rumpelstilzchen” in Polish translations. A case study of the Polish reception of the Ch... more The tale “Rumpelstilzchen” in Polish translations. A case study of the Polish reception of the Children’s and Household Tales by Brothers Grimm Summary: The article is a case study of the Polish reception of the Grimm Brothers’ tale “Rumpelstilzchen”. The discussed fairy tale is nearly not known in Poland the author of the articles underlines two potential reasons of which: 1. a prejudiced reception of the “Children’s and Household Tales” in Poland in the context of the postwar era; 2. difficulties in finding one “canonic” version of the title name. In the 3rd part a new version of the title name is presented which – being the author’s own creation – started to gain popularity in the Polish reception.
outlines the main features of the so-called “Gattung Grimm ” (Grimm’s genre), knowledge of which ... more outlines the main features of the so-called “Gattung Grimm ” (Grimm’s genre), knowledge of which is necessary to assess the quality and potential changes in the translations. The second part analyses existing Polish translations and their strategies, which result in modifications leading to a different sort of text. The third part presents the new Polish translation, made by the author, of the complete collection of 200 Grimm’s ’ Fairy Tales (Baśnie dla dzieci i dla domu, Poznań 2010) as a version whose aim was to render all mentioned features of the
Dzieciństwo. Literatura I Kultura, 4(1)., 2022
The paper discusses the question if children’s literature can render its aesthetic dimensions in ... more The paper discusses the question if children’s literature can render its aesthetic dimensions in translation. When books for children are treated solely as tools for education or entertainment, they often lose their artistic features in translation. Two contemporary German books (Ulrich Hub’s An der Arche um Acht and Wolf Erlbruch’s Die fürchterlichen Fünf) and their Polish translations are examined with reference to their aesthetic values such as humour, repetitions, puns and contrast between different language styles. It can be shown that many so-called untranslatable features of a literary work can be rendered in translation allowing target readers to experience emotions similar to those of original readers.
The Children’s and Household Tales by Brothers Grimm are world famous thanks to their translation... more The Children’s and Household Tales by Brothers Grimm are world famous thanks to their translations in many languages. In the presented article its author refers to her own translation of the Grimms’ folktale collection (published in 2010) and discusses translation decisions referring to selected personal names. The functional typology of literary names by H. Birus (1987) builds a starting point for detailed translation analyses in three categories: speaking, classifying and embodying names. It is surprising that in a translation which was intended by its author to be philologically faithful the majority of anthroponyms was not transcribed (in order to render their foreign character) but became domesticated by means of adaptation, substitution and literal translation. It proves that in a literary piece of work proper names fulfill complex functions which makes the translator choose different translation methods to render them
It is assumed in the linguistic worldview conception that a language’s grammatical structure can ... more It is assumed in the linguistic worldview conception that a language’s grammatical structure can accentuate certain aspects of semantic content and thus contribute to the emergence of a specific, often unique and untranslatable worldview. A grammatical category of this kind is the neuter gender in German: its frequent use stems from the lack of gender endings on verbs, as well as from the fact that diminutives (ending in -chen or -lein) are neuter (hence the surprising neuter gender of das Mädchen). Especially important in this respect is the pronoun es, which not only replaces nouns in neuter but also performs many other crucial grammatical functions. It is therefore not accidental that Sigmund Freud chose das Es for his category of “childness” (translated erroneously as id into English and from there into Polish). The productivity and frequency of the use of the neuter gender obviously leaves its trace. In literature, the category serves not only to express “childness” but also ne...
Die Beiträge des Bandes erkunden die Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen kultureller Diversität und Alt... more Die Beiträge des Bandes erkunden die Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen kultureller Diversität und Alteritätserfahrungen in der Kinder-und Jugendliteratur. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich in kinderliterarischen Texten die Heranführung an das Fremde vollzieht und kulturelle Vielfalt eingeübt wird, oder aber die Begegnung mit anderen Kulturen kanalisiert, instrumentalisiert und ideologisiert wird. Die Beiträge diskutieren Rezeptionsbarrieren aufgrund kultureller Asymmetrien und Tabu-Themen sowie Ideologisierung der Kinder-und Jugendliteratur. Erörtert werden Purifikationen in der Übersetzung, Graphic Novels und illustrierte Kinderbücher im Kulturtransfer sowie der Status von Kinderliteratur zwischen National-und Weltliteratur. Die Herausgeber Beate Sommerfeld ist Professorin für Germanistische Literatur-und Überset-zungswissenschaft an der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität in Poznań. Sie forscht zur österreichischen Literatur seit der Wiener Moderne, Intermedialität und Übersetzungstheorie. Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska ist Professorin für Germanistische Sprach-und Über-setzungswissenschaft an der Adam-Mickiewicz-Universität in Poznań. Sie forscht zur Übersetzung der Kinder-und-Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm, Übersetzung der Kinder-und Jugendliteratur und Übersetzungstheorie. Michael Düring ist Professor für Slavistische Kultur-und Literaturwissenschaft an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel und Verfasser zahlreicher Studi-en zur polnischen, russischen und tschechischen Literatur. Seine derzeitigen Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Satire und Satiretheorie, Dystopie sowie rezep-tionsgeschichtliche Fragestellungen.
Artykuł poświęcony jest recenzji książki Joanny Dybiec-Gajer pt. Złota różdżka – od książki dla d... more Artykuł poświęcony jest recenzji książki Joanny Dybiec-Gajer pt. Złota różdżka – od książki dla dzieci po dreszczowiec raczej dla dorosłych (Kraków 2017), w której autorka analizuje polską historię przekładu i recepcji światowego bestselleru Heinricha Hoffmanna pt. Struwwelpeter. W dalszej części artykułu zaprezentowany został nowy polski przekład dzieła Hoffmanna pt. Złota różdżka (Egmont 2017). Rezultaty badań Dybiec-Gajer stają się następnie asumptem do refleksji nad tradycją czytania i przekładania literatury dla dzieci w Polsce przy szczególnym uwzględnieniupolskojęzycznej recepcji baśni braci Grimm i związanego z nimi stereotypowego przekonania o ich szczególnym „okrucieństwie”.
Tekst to studium przypadku plagiatu tłumaczeniowego. Mowa tutaj o polskim przekładzie amerykański... more Tekst to studium przypadku plagiatu tłumaczeniowego. Mowa tutaj o polskim przekładzie amerykańskiego tłumaczenia pierwszego wydania zbioru baśni braci Grimm autorstwa Jacka Zipesa, które prezentowane było jako pierwszy polski przekład z niemieckiego oryginału („Kinder- und Hausmärchen”, 1812-1815). W artykule zaprezentowane zostają zarówno ślady źródłowego tłumaczenia, jak również drastyczne wtręty polskiego wydawnictwa obliczone na spotęgowanie atrakcyjności tekstu, co z kolei wpisuje się w stereotypowy odbiór baśni Grimmowskich jako okrutnych, ponurych i krwawych. W ten sposób krótkie dzieje fałszywego przekładu stają się ilustracją głównych problemów w polskiej recepcji tego słynnego w świecie zbioru baśni.
Rocznik Przekładoznawczy, Dec 29, 2017
Zarys treści: Baśń Von dem Fischer un syner Fru ma szczególną pozycję w zbiorze baśni braci Grimm... more Zarys treści: Baśń Von dem Fischer un syner Fru ma szczególną pozycję w zbiorze baśni braci Grimm Kinder-und Hausmärchen. Autorzy zbioru traktowali tę baśń jak wzorzec stylistyczny i treściowy oraz ucieleśnienie autentycznej baśni ludowej (Volksmärchen). Tymczasem baśń ta za sprawą zabiegów Philippa Ottona Rungego, który jako pierwszy sporządził jej zapis, charakteryzuje się przemyślaną kompozycją ujawniającą cechy baśni literackiej (Kunstmärchen). Wszystkie te elementy każą zapytać o kształt tego tekstu w przekładach na język polski. Analizie translatorskiej, która uwzględnia najważniejsze cechy stylistyczne i treściowe baśni, zostały poddane dwa istniejące przekłady. Wnioski wynikające z tej analizy wiele mówią o dotychczasowej recepcji baśni braci Grimm w Polsce. Aneks do artykułu zawiera krótką charakterystykę trzeciego przekładu baśni, wykonanego poprzez język trzeci-rosyjski. Słowa kluczowe: baśnie braci Grimm, przekład baśni, seria translatorska 1. Baśń Von dem Fischer un syner Fru jako wzorzec dla zbioru Kinderund Hausmärchen braci Grimm Z apisana w całości dialektem platt baśń pt. Von dem Fischer un syner Fru (O rybaku i jego żonie) nie jest tylko jedną z dwustu baśni pomieszczonych w słynnym zbiorze Jakuba i Wilhelma Grimmów Kinder-und Hausmärchen. Jej dzieje dowodzą, że baśń ta miała szczególne znaczenie dla autorów zbioru Rocznik przekladoznawczy 12.indb 293 01.12.2017 09:13:31 1 Ponieważ jego autorzy, Brentano i von Arnim, planowali kolejną publikację, poświęconą tym razem staroniemieckim baśniom i podaniom, Brentano zachęcił braci, by rozpoczęli zbieranie materiałów. W roku 1810 bracia wysłali Clemensowi Brentano pięćdziesiąt zanotowanych baśni (por. Martus 2013: 203), ale gdy projekt tandemu Brentano/von Arnim nie doszedł do skutku, Achim von Arnim przekonał braci, by opublikowali zebrany materiał pod swoim nazwiskiem (por. Ewers 2012: 38), co-jak pamiętamy-miało miejsce 20 grudnia 1812 roku w Kassel. Dzieło nosiło tytuł Kinder-und Hausmärchen (o źródłach i dziejach powstania zbioru por. Pieciul-Karmińska 2013a).
Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura
Autorka artykułu prezentuje trzy baśnie braci Grimm – Herr Fix und Fertig [Pan Szast-Prast], Die ... more Autorka artykułu prezentuje trzy baśnie braci Grimm – Herr Fix und Fertig [Pan Szast-Prast], Die wunderliche Gasterei [Dziwaczna uczta] i Die lange Nase [Długi nos] – z pierwszego wydania zbioru Kinder- und Hausmärchen [Baśni dla dzieci i dla domu] (1812–1815), które zostały wycofane z kolejnych edycji i z tego powodu nie były jeszcze tłumaczone na język polski. Teksty przekładów w wykonaniu autorki artykułu każdorazowo poprzedza wprowadzenie uwzględniające biografię i charakterystykę postaci bajarzy. Jest to zgodne z nurtem badań nad informatorami baśni braci Grimm przedstawionym pokrótce we wprowadzeniu do artykułu.
Etnolingwistyka. Problemy Języka i Kultury
Rocznik Przekładoznawczy, 2016
Papers by Eliza Pieciul-Karmińska
The paper offers an analysis of the tale “All Fur” (German: Allerleirauh) by Brothers Grimm in the version from the year 1812 in reference to the origins and editorial history of the Children’s and Household Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). This early variant of “All Fur” contains a specific motif of incest and is, therefore, unique not only in comparison to the later editions of Grimms’ tales, but to other tales from type ATU 510b as well (for example, by Straparola, Basile or Perrault). The first edition of “All Fur” is often neglected in philological research, which is why the article discusses possible reasons for this surprising story about a happy marriage between father and daughter.
of German literature. All over the world these tales are read in translations that are not identical to the original. In Poland, these important texts are also read in various versions translated into Polish, which raises a question of how the form and content of different translations and adaptations may influence the reception of these German tales. Referring to important studies by folklorists Helena Kapełuś and Dorota Simonides,
the author of the article indicates which research topics should be continued and deepened in the field of the Grimm research in Poland.
on the bilingual edition of “Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia” (“Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien”) by Elisabeth Grabowski in Tobiasz Janikowski’s translation
The article discusses the new bilingual edition of the German Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien (“Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia”) by Elisabeth Grabowski, a Silesian writer from the early 20th century, acknowledged for her folklorist achievements in the German literature but little known to Polish readers outside of Upper Silesia. The Polish translation by Tobiasz Janikowski is analysed both as a separate achievement and in the context of collecting and editing oral folktales as initiated by the Brothers Grimm. From the perspective of translation studies, the discussed bilingual edition is a good example for the significance of the global translation strategy and for the need of paratextual explanations.
The paper offers an analysis of the tale “All Fur” (German: Allerleirauh) by Brothers Grimm in the version from the year 1812 in reference to the origins and editorial history of the Children’s and Household Tales (Kinder- und Hausmärchen). This early variant of “All Fur” contains a specific motif of incest and is, therefore, unique not only in comparison to the later editions of Grimms’ tales, but to other tales from type ATU 510b as well (for example, by Straparola, Basile or Perrault). The first edition of “All Fur” is often neglected in philological research, which is why the article discusses possible reasons for this surprising story about a happy marriage between father and daughter.
of German literature. All over the world these tales are read in translations that are not identical to the original. In Poland, these important texts are also read in various versions translated into Polish, which raises a question of how the form and content of different translations and adaptations may influence the reception of these German tales. Referring to important studies by folklorists Helena Kapełuś and Dorota Simonides,
the author of the article indicates which research topics should be continued and deepened in the field of the Grimm research in Poland.
on the bilingual edition of “Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia” (“Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien”) by Elisabeth Grabowski in Tobiasz Janikowski’s translation
The article discusses the new bilingual edition of the German Sagen und Märchen aus Oberschlesien (“Legends and Tales from Upper Silesia”) by Elisabeth Grabowski, a Silesian writer from the early 20th century, acknowledged for her folklorist achievements in the German literature but little known to Polish readers outside of Upper Silesia. The Polish translation by Tobiasz Janikowski is analysed both as a separate achievement and in the context of collecting and editing oral folktales as initiated by the Brothers Grimm. From the perspective of translation studies, the discussed bilingual edition is a good example for the significance of the global translation strategy and for the need of paratextual explanations.