Argonne National Laboratory
Center for Nanoscale Materials
New device designs are proposed and theoretical simulations are performed on electro-optical routing switches in which light beams enter and exit the device either from free space or from lensed fibers. The active medium is a ~100 nm... more
Design and simulation results are presented for an ultralow switching energy, resonator based, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) electro-optical modulator. The nanowire waveguide and Q ~8500 resonator are seamlessly integrated via a... more
We report the first experimental realization of all-optical trapping and manipulation of plasmonic nanowires in three dimensions. The optical beam used for trapping is the Fourier transform of a linearly polarized Bessel beam (termed... more
Design and simulation results are presented for an ultralow switching energy, resonator based, silicon-on-insulator (SOI) electro-optical modulator. The nanowire waveguide and Q ~8500 resonator are seamlessly integrated via a... more
A detailed experimental and theoretical study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of different Fibonacci-spaced multiplequantum-well structures is presented. Systematic numerical studies are performed for different average... more
In an effort to understand why short wavelength ($1000 nm) GaAs-based photonic crystal slab nanocavities have much lower quality factors (Q) than predicted (and observed in Si), many samples were grown, fabricated into nanocavities, and... more