[B! VSCode] VS Code ネタ詰め合わせ - Qiita
特に↓の、元投稿者本人がレスつけてるやつ、雰囲気が完全に5chとかまとめブログのそれ。#87268の彼をreligious zealotsとか言ってるほうもたいがいoffensiveなんだよなあ
I did not in any way mock your religion, I just stated that such symbols, religious and otherwise have no place in a professional dev environment(中略)
I am just a dev who is trying to do the right thing and my complaint about that religious symbolism on globally available software that has nothing to do with religion whatsoever, is completely out of place(中略)
The aforementioned hates fest by the way also proves the absolute necessity to keep dev apps and networks as well other professional apps and networks free of political and religious symbolism, apparently especially xmas related symbolism since history in fact did repeat itself and I for some reason became a proxy for the hate these people have for people of color and Jews. I can only imagine how those groups must feel, I after all have only been subject to this for the third day now, the groups in question however must live with this their whole lives. So, think people and stop this madness. It most certainly is not funny, not funny at all.
GitHub Issue自体は参入障壁低いし、5ch並に荒れる要素はあるんだよね。日本のユーザにとっては英語自体がハードルになるかもしれないが、英語が母語の連中にとってはそんな事関係ない...
ていうかMicrosoftも欧米だけの企業じゃないんだし、Visual Code Studioだってユダヤ教徒とかイスラム圏でもたくさん使われてることぐらい知ってるはずなのに、自分から喧嘩売りに行くスタ...