Books by John Arblaster
Papers by John Arblaster
The Journal of Religion, 2018
The contribution sheds new light on the ways in which these authors employed aquatic imagery to d... more The contribution sheds new light on the ways in which these authors employed aquatic imagery to describe mystical union. Although the singular metaphorical expressions within the semantic field of water diverge considerably and have been interpreted in different ways by modern scholars, all these metaphors are relevant to theological anthropology and convey insights regarding the soul's relationship with God in mystical union.
This contribution examines the mystical literature of the Low Countries preceding John of Ruusbro... more This contribution examines the mystical literature of the Low Countries preceding John of Ruusbroec. Naturally, we do not intend to provide a complete overview, which would be utterly impossible within the constraints of one article. Nor is it this contribution's intention to identify Ruusbroec's literary or theological sources. Indeed, detailed research into Ruusbroec's sources has yet to be conducted. The intention of this contribution is merely to explore the mystical-spiritual landscape, and to indicate a number of important elements.
Other by John Arblaster
Translation of the complete Middle Dutch poem cycle by the author known as Pseudo-Hadewijch or Ha... more Translation of the complete Middle Dutch poem cycle by the author known as Pseudo-Hadewijch or Hadewijch II
CISTERCIENS by John Arblaster
Cîteaux - Commentarii Cistercienses, 2018
En juin 2018 s’est tenu à Reims un colloque international consacré à Guillaume de Saint-Thierry. ... more En juin 2018 s’est tenu à Reims un colloque international consacré à Guillaume de Saint-Thierry. Cette manifestation accompagnait à la fois la publication de ses œuvres dans la collection « Sources Chrétiennes » et le 50e anniversaire de la reprise de la vie monastique sur la colline du Mont d’Hor. Après les approches historiques – ses années liégeoises et rémoises, son implication dans les réformes bénédictines –, les études de ses sources et de son influence sur la mystique, les réflexions théologiques et spirituelles se sont croisées pour mettre en valeur son originalité, par rapport à Isaac de l’Étoile ou surtout Bernard de Clairvaux, dans des domaines aussi variés que la réception de la pensée augustinienne, la connaissance de Dieu, la liturgie, les usages bibliques, la formation, et fondamentalement la conception de la vie monastique. S’est ainsi dessiné un parcours intérieur le menant du cénobitisme à l’érémitisme, faisant de lui une figure intimement représentative de l’ordo monasticus au XIIe siècle.
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In June 2018, an international conference on William of Saint-Thierry was held in Reims. This event celebrated both the publication of his works in the “Sources Chrétiennes” series and the fiftieth anniversary of the resumption of monastic life on Mont d’Hor. Beginning with various historical approaches – William’s years in Liège and Reims, and his involvement in the Benedictine reforms – we move on to examine his sources and his influence on mysticism, and then to introduce a number of theological and spiritual reflections which, when compared with Isaac of Stella and especially Bernard of Clairvaus, highlight William’s originality in areas as varied as the reception of Augustinian thought, the knowledge of God, the liturgy, Biblical usage, formation, and the fundamental conception of the nature of monastic life. In this way, William lays before us an inner journey from cenobitism to eremitism, making him an excellent representative of the ordo monasticus in the twelfth century.
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Books by John Arblaster
Papers by John Arblaster
Other by John Arblaster
CISTERCIENS by John Arblaster
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In June 2018, an international conference on William of Saint-Thierry was held in Reims. This event celebrated both the publication of his works in the “Sources Chrétiennes” series and the fiftieth anniversary of the resumption of monastic life on Mont d’Hor. Beginning with various historical approaches – William’s years in Liège and Reims, and his involvement in the Benedictine reforms – we move on to examine his sources and his influence on mysticism, and then to introduce a number of theological and spiritual reflections which, when compared with Isaac of Stella and especially Bernard of Clairvaus, highlight William’s originality in areas as varied as the reception of Augustinian thought, the knowledge of God, the liturgy, Biblical usage, formation, and the fundamental conception of the nature of monastic life. In this way, William lays before us an inner journey from cenobitism to eremitism, making him an excellent representative of the ordo monasticus in the twelfth century.
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In June 2018, an international conference on William of Saint-Thierry was held in Reims. This event celebrated both the publication of his works in the “Sources Chrétiennes” series and the fiftieth anniversary of the resumption of monastic life on Mont d’Hor. Beginning with various historical approaches – William’s years in Liège and Reims, and his involvement in the Benedictine reforms – we move on to examine his sources and his influence on mysticism, and then to introduce a number of theological and spiritual reflections which, when compared with Isaac of Stella and especially Bernard of Clairvaus, highlight William’s originality in areas as varied as the reception of Augustinian thought, the knowledge of God, the liturgy, Biblical usage, formation, and the fundamental conception of the nature of monastic life. In this way, William lays before us an inner journey from cenobitism to eremitism, making him an excellent representative of the ordo monasticus in the twelfth century.
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