Gifts for 221A_brina
List of Gifts
Above and Beyond the Horizon by Yarashiku_Onegai for SchrodingersKat, StoryTilly, redsnake05, FuzzyBlueStockings, ozzye, Elizabeth Culmer (edenfalling), LordGrimwing, Esbe, abujoe, WeirdHippo, Daegaer, Steed73, leigh_miller, PaleBear, brutti_ma_buoni, Mencia, prpis, enchantment, StellarLibraryLady, Serenity2020, Abraxas, bardsdaughter, LBart, TheFireJuggler, Tayswiftisqueen, Kass, camshaft22, issen4, ishafel, 221A_brina, asthiathien, liamdude5, sallyjay4, oneiriad, Expectomalfoyx, derwent, DivljiVjetre, J (jaywright), spiderfire, Bobcatmoran, StripySock, Doyle, Fidget11, Aaronlisa, Carnival_Ivy, atticus_knows_me, Fiobri, RedFistCannon, RaelStone, thethirdseventh, SunlitGarden, live_laugh_read, OrangeHobbit, LadyKeane, AreWeDoneHere, jasbo, Wife_of_Bath, Wotwotleigh, AshWolfForever, Untherius, thepurplewombat
Fandoms: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice & Related Fandoms
27 Jul 2023
Imagine if Charlotte Lucas's plan to capture Mr. Collins backfires. Then imagine if Mr Darcy's snide comments at the Netherfield Ball were aimed at Charlotte, not Elizabeth Bennet.
What happens when you lose hope altogether? What happens when you and your best friend feel that you don't understand each other at all, and you're not talking?
And what matters most - nobility of rank, or nobility of character?
UPDATE November 2024: Thanks to some kind feedback from deniseks_syd, I have made sure that the first ball is at Lucas Lodge, not at Netherfield as I'd previously written. As such, those who've read the story before will notice some slight wording changes in the first few chapters.
Picard Drabbles - The Blue Duck Inn by Artemis_Picard for 221A_brina
Fandoms: Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: The Next Generation (Movies)
14 Jun 2023
The Blue Duck Inn was a dive bar where legacies were launched and rumors started.
First referenced in the story "When the Stars Fell From Earth".Series
- Part 16 of Picard Drabbles
The Details of Fate by Miss_Ash for Allison_Wonderland, 221Aubrina (221A_brina)
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
02 Oct 2019
The only person who decides the details of Phryne’s life is Phryne, this is what makes it so gloriously unpredictable and this – well this is why, when a fortune teller has the audacity to try and tell her how her life will turn out – she laughs.
Or, how fate tricked Phryne Fisher.
Keeping Up Appearances by Geenee27, PhryneFicathon for 221A_brina
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
20 Dec 2018
Five times when Phryne or Jack denied the truth. And one time Phryne was told the truth.
From the prompt: "The truth can make lovers enemies, a lie can make enemies lovers."
I hope I have done justice to your wonderful prompt, my dear friend @221aubrina
Last but not least, a big tackle hug for Firesign, without whose considerable efforts, we would not have this glorious yearly goodness, or sexy spread sheets. Thank you for the bottom of my heart.
You Can Leave Your Hat On by Inzannatea (Zanna23) for 221A_brina
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
17 Sep 2018
This is just a bit of birthday smut for my weird-sister @221A_brina. The honey in my tea, the itch in my bee. I love you to the moon and back my dear girl.
There are three parts to this, all in one chapter. There's a fanvid, a story, and a sketch or two. I hope you enjoy it, darlin'.
- Part 8 of Overtures and Interludes
The first time Jack Robinson touches Phryne Fisher’s derrière, it is entirely accidental.
Headcanon about Phryne by foxspirit1928 for 221A_brina
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
05 Feb 2018
Curiously Strong by Inzannatea (Zanna23) for 221A_brina
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
17 Sep 2017
Phryne and Jack have a little morning love play that doesn't quite work out the way Phryne meant for it to.
Birthday fic for the lovely 221A_brina
A "sense"-ual exploration of Phryne and Jack
Jack, It's Cold Outside by leafingbookstea for 221A_brina, kid_n_the_hall
Fandoms: Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
13 Dec 2016
A familiar Christmas Song with a Phrack twist.