27 Comments This is gold. I’ve been trying to bring clients and colleagues into thinking responsively for over a year now. Thanks! Great resources! I’ve used some of them myself and now have my own proprietary one. Has anyone tried Foundation by Zurb? https://foundation.zurb.com/ I’m surprised the list is missing the current darling of the responsive movement: ZURB’s Foundation framework https://f
Screen resolution nowsaday ranges from 320px (iPhone) to 2560px (large monitor) or even higher. Users no longer just browse the web with desktop computers. Users now use mobile phones, small notebooks, tablet devices such as iPad or Playbook to access the web. So the traditional fixed width design doesn’t work any more. Web design needs to be adaptive. The layout needs to be automatically adjusted
2011 has been a great year for free wordpress themes. As I researched this post I found tons of great roundups, some numbering in the hundreds. However, not all themes are created equal and I took the liberty of perusing all those post for you and picking out the best themes I found. So here, in no particular order except the order I found them in, are my top 40 free wordpress themes of 2011 (s
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. WordPress is one the most popular tool
The quality and availability of WordPress e-commerce themes makes WordPress a serious choice as an online shop platform. In fact, WordPress has moved rapidly from being mainly a blogging platform and is now one of the top CMS systems for traditional websites. Lately, WordPress has also made a mark in the e-commerce website space and more and more web shops are now powered by WordPress e-commerce t
Over the last few years there has been great collections of quality free HTML & CSS templates published on Noupe such as 50 Free High-Quality and “New” (X)HTML/CSS Templates (2009) and 40+ Elegant Free CSS/(X)HTML Templates (2010). There have been some great free templates released over the last year so we thought it would be appropriate to share some of these great new designs with you all. In we
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s w
CSS3, please! This element will receive instant changes as you edit the CSS rules on the left. Enjoy! /* ------------------------------------------------------------- CSS3, Please! =================================================== Update: We recommend using Autoprefixer instead of CSS3Please. You can edit the underlined values in this css file, but don't worry about making sure the corresponding
Why Every Healthcare Facility Needs A Preauthorization SpecialistA preauthorization specialist ensures that healthcare services are rendered smoothly and that financial operations maintain efficiency. Sep 13, 2024 The Benefits Of Using Virtual Medical Assistant Services For Your Psychology OfficeThese services tackle administrative burdens and support therapists and psychologists, allowing them to
One Ping Pingback: 35 Inspiring Examples of Websites Using HTML5 | Inspiration 34 Comments Thanks for including me, I’m flattered! Best wishes from Italy I curate at html5gallery.com and have had a good look at the code in quite a lot of the sites mentioned here. I wouldn’t describe all of them as excellent examples of HTML5 coding, and am surprised that you haven’t included the likes of graph.tk,
10 Highly Useful HTML5 Tutorials by Vikas on July 24th, 2010 3 Comments » Share HTML 5 is the advanced version of HTML. HTML 5 is giving new techniques and advanced features/structure in designing. These new features and tags makes designing very easy to create a web page. HTML 5 have different type of new techniques such as drag and drop and create one page websites and blog designs in fe
A Portfolio should be attractive so that it can attract new customers. But it should also give complete information about your business and service to your clients. As we all know that we are already into the last month of this year. We already started to bring the best of 2011 of design community for our readers. I am a web designer and this blog is about web design so how can we forget to showca
A collection of great UI buttons spotted in the wild. Curated by MaxButtons. Submissions welcome.
jQuery Mobileのデザインを簡単に作れる、jQuery Mobile公式サイトで提供している「ThemeRoller」を紹介します。 ThemeRoller こんな風にjQuery Mobileのデザインが簡単に出来上がります。リンクをクリックすれば同じデザインが表示された状態で「ThemeRoller」が起動します(2012/01/11頃まで)。 このエントリーで紹介する情報は2011年12月のものです。 1.ThemeRollerへのアクセス方法と全体レイアウト jQuery Mobileのトップページにある「Themes」をクリック。 ウェルカムメッセージが表示されるので、「Get Rolling」をクリック。 冒頭の編集画面が現れます。左ペインにテーマの各種設定項目、右ペインにプレビュー画面が表示されます。プレビュー画面は複数表示させることができるので出来栄えを見比べるこ
2011年に紹介したものを中心としたjQueryのプラグイン100+α選です。 今年はCSS3の影響もあってかアニメーションのエフェクトが目立ちました。また、Resposive Web Design用の可変ものや動画・テキストを扱ったものも多かったですね。 [ad#ad-2] 動画関連 画像ギャラリー関連 画像拡大関連 画像配置・キャプション関連 背景画像関連 コンテンツスライダー・カルーセル関連 タブ関連 ナビゲーション関連 レイアウト関連 パネル・ボックス関連 ツールチップ・ティッカー関連 アニメーション関連 エフェクト関連 スクロール操作・スクロールコンテンツ関連 リスト関連 テーブル関連 フォーム関連 テキスト関連 見出し抽出関連 ローディング関連 エレメント・コンテンツ生成 その他 動画関連