Website and mobile testing at every stage of development The world relies on your code. Test on thousands of different device, browser, and OS configurations–anywhere, any time.
In October of last year Mozilla announced Project Quantum – our initiative to create a next-generation browser engine. We’re well underway on the project now. We actually shipped our first significant piece of Quantum just last month with Firefox 53. But, we realize that for people who don’t build web browsers (and that’s most people!), it can be hard to see just why some of the changes we’re maki
Hi, I’m Mark Nottingham. I write about the Web, protocol design, HTTP, Internet governance, and more. This is a personal blog, it does not represent anyone else. Find out more. Comments? Let's talk on Mastodon. other HTTP Caching posts RFC5861: HTTP Stale Controls Thursday, 6 May 2010 Expires vs. max-age Tuesday, 15 May 2007 Squid is My Service Bus Sunday, 29 April 2007 Thu
Overview A Glossary of Common Terms A Quick Guide to Mozilla Applications Getting Started Getting Set Up To Work On The Firefox Codebase Working On Firefox Working on Firefox Bug Handling Firefox User Guide Firefox DevTools User Docs Source Code Documentation Governance Firefox Front-end DOM Editor Style system (CSS) & Layout Graphics Processes, Threads and IPC Firefox DevTools Contributor Docs To
There are lots of companies that are selling Core Web Vitals reports and analysis. These reports often will point out the same issues, with different wording, telling you everything you need to fix. You can also use some of Google’s free tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool, or, better yet, Google Lighthouse to check your scores and to check for any issues that are slowing your site down, o
Hello readers, I’m no longer posting new content on Please check out my new blog at! Premise In 2017 the most popular web games like are networked via WebSockets over TCP. If a UDP equivalent of WebSockets could be incorporated into browsers, it would greatly improve the networking of these games. Background Web browsers are built on top of HTTP, which i
Yesterday Microsoft released a blog post on old and new mitigations that they’re shipping in the Edge browser. There was some very interesting work here that I absolutely commend them on, but I’ve also seen some responses that just don’t seem to reflect reality. Take Dan Guido’s comment on Twitter yesterday (with apologies for calling Dan out 😉): In response, I think it’s important to take what M
Too Long; Didn't ReadIf you looked up optimisation (or optimization for our American readers) in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of <em>Making the most of what we’ve got</em>. If you looked up optimisation (or optimization for our American readers) in the dictionary it would say something along the lines of Making the most of what we’ve got. A worthy endeavour and challenge a
Constant evolution is fundamental to the Web’s usefulness. Browsers that do not stay up-to-date place stress on the ecosystem. These products potentially fork the web, isolating their users and developers from the rest of the world. Browsers are a part of the web and therefore they must be continually updated. Vendors that ship browsers hold the power to keep the web moving forwards as a platform,
If you were looking for MSDN or TechNet blogs, please know that MSDN and TechNet blog sites have been retired, and blog content has been migrated and archived here. How to use this site Archived blogs are grouped alphabetically by the initial letter of the blog name. Select the initial letter from the TOC to see the full list of the blogs. You can also type the name of the blog or the title of the
いつも同じサイト見てる気がするのでまとめてみる。 HTML5 対応状況 PC向けブラウザの状況 Can I use... ( HTML5,JavaScript ) ブラウザ別 IE Platform Status IE,Edge Chromium Dashboard Chromium Mozilla Developer Network Firefox Safari Developer Library Safari
How available are the web platform's features? This lil' webapp indicates the percentage of users who have a browser that natively supports various web platform features. It's powered by data from, updated April 19, 2021, and StatCounter (which, admittedly, has its problems). The list is sorted by Feature Activity Recency (FAR): a metric I made up, capturing how recently the overall br
Intro ブラウザに追加される新しい機能に対して、 Vender Prefix の代替となる Origin Trials の導入が徐々に始まっている。 今回は、これまでの Vender Prefix の問題点と、代替として提案された Origin Trials のデザインや導入方法などについて記す。 Avoid Breaking the Web Web が壊れることは、避けねばならない。 Web に関する、特にブラウザが実装するような機能については、その仕様や実装を変更することにより、既存の資産の挙動が壊れることがある。 これを Breaking the Web といい、プロトコルにしても API にしても、標準化団体やブラウザベンダなどは、これを避けることを念頭に置いて作業を行っている。(セキュリティ的な理由など、例外は多く有る。) 一方で、新しく提案される仕様はフィードバックを集めな
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