Most Web Design Layouts are normally done in Photoshop and since its the most overused application on creating web layouts, I list down some of the most helpful and nice photoshop tutorials on how to make a good web design layout to enhance your experience and ideas. Here is a collection of 44 Web Design Layout Tutorials in Photoshop to teach you create your own layout for your website. Check th
In this tutorial we are going to create a bubbly navigation with jQuery. The idea is to have some round navigation icons that release a bubble when hovering over them. We will use the jQuery Easing Plugin for a even nicer effect. Ok, so let’s get started. Tiny break: 📬 Want to stay up to date with frontend and trends in web design? Subscribe and get our Collective newsletter twice a tweek. The Ma
Almost every day designers and developers come up with fresh and clever CSS tricks and techniques and share them with other developers online. We regularly collect all these tricks, filter them, sort them, revise them and prepare them for Smashing Magazine readers. CSS and JavaScript are extremely powerful tools for designers and developers. However, sometimes it’s difficult to come up with the on
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I would like to present an well-aware language best tutorials, as you know jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that accentuate communication between JavaScript and HTML, there is advanced features and strong support are common influence for developers preferring jQuery then JavaScript. Here are some greatest training and tutorials from jQuery to keep you on the right track, which is most re
スクロールした位置についてくるサイドバーをjQueryで実装するサンプル例が公開されており、チュートリアルと共にダウンロード可能になっています。 サンプルを見ると、殆どの面倒なことがjQuery側にてやってくれるため、非常に簡単なプログラムになっています。 付いてくるのがリアルタイムにしすぎるとガクガクして酔いますが、ちょっとした遅延があったあと、アニメーションして付いてくるので、動きとしてもよいですね。 jQueryの学習用に、また実際にサイトにサクッと組み込んでみる際にもよさそうですね。 以下のエントリを参照してください。 Scroll/Follow Sidebar, Multiple Techniques | CSS-Tricks
css globeで、jQueryで作るランダム表示・ローテーションするコンテンツの作り方が紹介されています。 デモは以下から。 リロードごとにランダム表示 ランダムローテーション どちらもJavaScriptは短くてシンプルになっていますね。 一度見てみてください。 Simple Way to Random Display or Rotate Content Using JavaScript and CSS そろそろ雨が降るみたいですね。移動するぞ。
We’ve seen many AI artists use the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence to toy with reality as we know it, and Imagined Architecture is the next one in line. This AI artist is using... We can always count on Etsy to accurately predict the latest trends in the world of home décor, and their forecast for the upcoming holiday season is finally here. From candycore to gingerbread girl,..