★ Follow me ★ FB - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Paperblossom/224613117570585 Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/paperblossom Hellou everyone!! After months I have FINALLY finished the full german cover of "Magia" that I've been promising for so long - I feel accomplished, OH YESSSSS~ Forgive me for taking so long, life is complicated and stuff. I'm sure you all know the feeling, hehe. Well, the
Heyjo!! :D Today I reupload another little Fancover :3 But I've resung all vocals again, cause the quality of my last version wasn't really good, and I also decided to pitch the instrumental to avoid copyrightproblems. I hope ilbihg won't find me!! Well, I know there are a lot of fancovers of this song on youtube, but I couldn't resist! My harmonies are inspired by the choir-version of Kimi o no
AmaLee's English cover of "Crossing Field", the opening from Sword Art Online! ▶︎ DOWNLOAD/STREAM ▶︎ https://ffm.to/linkstart (Spotify, iTunes, etc) 🛍️ CDs + MERCH SHOP ➜ https://shop.leeandlie.com ✦ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✦ SONG DOWNLOAD: ▶︎ https://ffm.to/linkstart (Available on iTunes, Spotify, AmazonMP3, and mo
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JASRAC 188-2910-4 ルミナス先日作った劇場版・魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 前編・主題歌「ルミナス」オーケストラアレンジ(sm19077492)のinstrumental(カラオケ)バージョンです。on Vocal MIX用にいくつか伴奏を修正しています。・メロディラインを奏でていた楽器の一部をミュートもしくは伴奏に回した・マスタリングを改善、音質を向上させた・エコノミー回避動画にした。混雑時間帯でも高音質を保ってるはず(映像は、雨-ame-さんのsm19103661を使わせて頂きました)この曲のon Vocal Version →sm19108714けいえむ(K.M)投稿作品:mylist/2802962