A markup generator for URL display optimizations in social content silos. The generator supports Twitter cards, Pinterest rich pins, Google's structured data and Facebook's Open Graph. Add this markup to your web pages to make links to your site look great in social apps and websites! Also, making outbound content look attractive helps people escape these content silos and venture back out onto th
In today’s digital world, knowing how to read, write, and participate online is a foundational skill next to reading, writing, and arithmetic. At Mozilla, we call this Web Literacy. Combined with 21C Skills, these digital-age skills help us live and work in today’s world.People everywhere should have the knowledge they need to tap into the full power of the Internet -- and to use it to make their
After a year in incubation we’re ready to remove the beta tag from the Add-on Builder! For those of you who are unfamiliar with this fantastic tool, Add-on Builder is an online development environment that allows developers with knowledge of HTML, JavaScipt and CSS to rapidly create add-ons for Firefox using the Mozilla Add-on SDK. You can think of it as the jsFiddle of add-on development and debu