Mozilla has ended support for Mozilla Hubs on May 31st, 2024. You can no longer subscribe to Hubs, use the demo server, or create Hubs Cloud instances. Current customers will no longer be billed, and any remaining days in the month will be credited back to your original payment method. Please refer to the email “Hubs Shutdown Information” sent to customers for any questions regarding your subscrip
こんにちは,しまさん(@shimasan0x00)です. 出ましたね!!デフォルト以外のVR向けブラウザ! しかも私の愛用しているFirefoxです. 今回はそんなOculus Goで出たばかりのFirefox Reality1.0の紹介をしていきたいと思います. Firefox RealityFirefox RealityはVR向けのブラウザとなっています. 容量は大体90MBです. [blogcardurl=””] Firefox Realityを使ってみるでは早速使ってみましょう. スタートするとFirefox Realityの文字とFirefoxのロゴが出てきます. おぉ〜〜. Oculusのブラウザと違ってブラウザ画面の左右に何もなくていいです! シークレットモードが用意
Explore the immersive web with Firefox Reality. Now available for Viveport, Oculus, and Daydream Earlier this year, we shared that we are building a completely new browser called Firefox Reality. The mixed reality team at Mozilla set out to build a web browser that has been designed from the ground up to work on stand-alone virtual and augmented reality (or mixed reality) headsets. Today, we are p
Google グループでは、オンライン フォーラムやメール ベースのグループを作成したり、こうしたフォーラムやグループに参加したりすることで、大勢のユーザーと情報の共有やディスカッションを行うことができます。
Share your favorite images and videos in VR with Mozilla Hubs Last April we released Mozilla Hubs, a VR chat system that lets you walk and talk in VR with your friends, no matter where in the world they are. Now we have a game changing new feature: you can share virtually any kind of media with everyone in your Hubs room by just pasting in a URL. Anything you share becomes a virtual object that ev
Virtual Reality (VR) content has arrived on the web, with help from the WebVR API. It’s a huge inflection point for a medium that has struggled for decades to reach a wide audience. Now, anyone with access to an internet-enabled computer or smartphone can enjoy VR experiences, no headset required. A good place to start? WITHIN’s freshly launched VR website. From gamers to filmmakers, VR is the ble