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Enhancing Tourism Experience: The Role of Graphic Design in Hotels and Tourism Applications The Importance of Graphic Design in Tourism In today's highly competitive tourism industry, graphic design plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging travelers. From brochures and websites to mobile applications and signage, visually appealing design elements are essential for capturing the attention o
If you are one of those people who work with fonts on regular basis, then choosing, comparing and analyzing fonts is a serious business for you. Font management is not always as easy as a walk on the cake. Font management issues like installing and uninstalling fonts, handling missing fonts, taking care of font conflicts always keep graphic designers and typographers on their toes. If you are one
YOU MAY HAVE SEEN TODD SPODEK ON THE NETFLIX SHOW INVENTING ANNA When you’re facing a federal issue, you need an attorney whose going to be available 24/7 to help you get the results and outcome you need. The value of working with the Spodek Law Group is that we treat each and every client like a member of our family. When Federal Charges Hit, You Need the Best So, you’re facing federal criminal c
静止画が動いて見える「エニグマ錯視」の原因は 2008年12月 1日 サイエンス・テクノロジー コメント: トラックバック (0) Brandon Keim Isia Leviantの美術作品『Enigma』(謎) Image: Michael Bach 静止画が動いて見える、というよく知られた目の錯覚は、無意識の急速な眼球運動が原因だとする研究結果が発表された。 マイクロ・サッカードと呼ばれる眼球運動[目が1点を注視する際に行なわれる小さな運動の一種]を抑制したところ、エニグマ錯視――ちらついたり回転しているかのように見える画像――が静止したままに見えたと、被験者らは報告したという。 [エニグマ錯視とは、上に掲げた1981年の美術作品『The Enigma』の中心部に視線を固定すると、色の部分にちらつきや回転運動が見えるという現象] マイクロ・サッカードがどのように視覚に影響を与えている
Graphic designing is such a magical skill that just by using seemingly minor elements like patterns and textures, you can give out-of-this-world effect to your designs. In a previous post, I showcased some of the best icon patterns that can be used in various designs. And so in today’s post, I am presenting 50 high-quality downloadable wood textures that can help you create some of the most amazin
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
無効なURLです。 プログラム設定の反映待ちである可能性があります。 しばらく時間をおいて再度アクセスをお試しください。
Closed for ThanksgivingBack on Monday — Holding off on Jaguar review until after December 3 when, apparently, something big is happening.
Nameplate set in Valnera and Pritzious by CAST Foundry. Your typeface could be next. Learn more.
I somehow persuaded the family to go the the National Print Museum in Dublin the last time we were down there. They were surprisingly tolerant and displayed unprecedent respect for my personal interests. They even showed a little interest themselves. Remarkable. Above all the lovely presses, type and print paraphernalia, on the mezzanine gallery thing, was a lovely exhibition of Irish label porn.
A Design blog for designers, photographers, writers, marketeers, etc., who blog Sunny and Ashleigh A couple of days ago I received an email from Sunny, saying, “Hey! Are you like, still alive???!” Hah! Kidding, honest. But Sunny did drop me a line to make sure I was ok and to wish me well. And here I am. Back. So I guess I just needed time to recover from being recovered? And a nudge by Sunny?
We independently research, test, review, and recommend the best products—learn more about our process. If you buy something through our links, we may earn a commission. As a professional logo designer, I’ve gathered a number of resources over the years, which I have curated below. I present to you, the best logo design resources on the web for 2024.
「写真素材 足成」は、全国のアマチュアカメラマンが撮影した写真を、写真素材として無料で提供しています。個人、商用を問わず全て無料でお使い頂け、その上、煩わしいクレジットやリンクの表記、ユーザー登録は一切不要。Web、紙、動画他、あらゆる媒体で写真素材としてのご利用が可能です。更新も365日毎日行っております!
Textured graphics are obviously very popular right now, and fortunately there are tons of free Photoshop brushes that will help you to quickly and easily get the textured look you want. This post is a showcase of some of the best sets of brushes available anywhere for creating textures. Free Texture Brushes: Grunge Texture Brushes (5 brushes) Grungy Abstract Texture Brushes (10 brushes) Monoprint
We are always in the search of great free resources, tips and tricks, etc for our readers. Every day, we works hard to find new resources and features them here for you. Today, we have another great post Discover The Best Of The Web on SmashingApps. In this, we will find and make a list of 31 Incredible Resources And Inspirations For Designers Like You To Discover The Best Of The Web In November.
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
フォントブログ 閉鎖と一部記事の移管について 平素はフォントブログをご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。 数年前よりブログの更新を中止したまま、諸般の事情で過去の記事は公開をしていましたが、時代に合わない内容や、すでに古い情報をこのまま残しておくのは良くないと考え、フォントブログを閉鎖することにいたしました。 これまでお世話になった方々、私に様々な機会を与えてくださった方々、そして約25年間に当ブログをご覧いただいた方々に心より感謝いたします。 私自身2014年に関東から地元へUターンをし、書体デザイナーやフォントメーカーの方、文字関係者の方と直接お会いする機会が減ってしまったこと、また私自身の環境の変化により、以前のように情報収集をする時間の確保が難しくなってしまいました。 フォント好きとして初心に帰り、過去の一部の記事は順次個人サイト (PETITBOYS) のブログのほうへアーカイ
●「Dr.フジカワのCG道」 角川書店Newtype誌99年11月号〜03年3月号にわたって連載させていただいたコラムに連動したページです。 2D-CGを描く際のテクニックについて、毎回具体的なテーマを絞って作例と共に解説しています。 ●ネコドラッグの女神様を描く 2001年3月に角川書店より発売された「How to Digital Art vol.1」に書かせていただいた記事の抜粋です。 ●Photoshop初心者のためのシンプルCG入門 角川書店Newtype誌に98年10月号から99年3月号まで連載させていただいた記事の2002年改訂版です。 透明レイヤーを使った線画の彩色、塗りつぶし用マスクの作り方、テクスチュアの貼付け方など、Photoshopを使ったシンプルかつ基本的な彩色手順を説明しています。 ●こんな感じで描いてます ハードウェア環境 本体:PowerMacintos
ここはAdobe Photoshop(アドビ フォトショップ)の使いこなしWebサイトです。まずお読みください。 ▼このサイトについて 中心コンテンツです。Photoshopを使った作例を紹介しています。同ソフトをお持ちの方はぜひやってみてください。デジカメで撮った写真を補正修正したり、いろんな加工をしてみましょう。 Photoshopのバージョンによって操作が少々異なる事がありますが(画面はMacOSですがWindowsでも同じです)、わからない点があれば掲示板に書き込んでもらってかまいません。 ▼Example 1~10 ▼Example 11~20 ▼Example 21~30 ▼Example 31~40 ▼Example 41~
【お薦め動画】 iPhone5 iOS7 使い方 Windows8 Windows 7 使い方 iPad mini 使い方 動画マニュアル まとめサイト エクセル 使い方 ワード使い方 パワーポイント使い方 Windows XP Vista イラストレータ使い方 フォトショップ使い方 iPhoneの使い方 まとめ ウェブ集客 SEO Skype 使い方 介護 サポート 定番アプリから オンライントレード、ビジネスマナー、一般常識まで8,400以上の動画マニュアルを配信中 インターネット 無料のパソコンスクール How toムービー集 それが動画マニュアル.comです。 有名アプリ、便利アプリ、ウェブサービスの使い方、スマートフォンの使い方を続々公開 毎日更新! 掲載動画マニュアル一覧 漢字検定3級 漢字検定4級 英語テスト 漢字検定2級 Audacity 日本史 問題集 一般常識問題集 音
Last December, I posted a list of the best designs in 2007. Now, it is time for — Best of CSS Design 2008 (a new list of 50 websites hand-picked from Best Web Gallery). This year, more designers are using the large background technique and utilizing Javascript frameworks (such as jQuery and MooTools) to enchance the user experience. I also came across a few designs that mixed Flash with CSS; perha
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教えて君.netコンパクトなボディに秘められた豊かなサウンド!持ち出しやすい取っ手付きのワイヤレススピーカー!2024年08月20日00時24分いつでもどこでも音楽を。今回紹介するBang & Olufsen Bluetoothスピーカー Beolit20を使えば、手軽にスマホのBluetoothで繋いで高音質な音楽をオシャレに楽しむことが出来 ... シリーズ史上最も小型設計でパワフルなサウンドを実現!持ち運びに適したデザインのJBLスピーカー!2024年08月19日00時13分今回紹介するJBL PARTYBOX ENCORE ESSENTIAL Bluetoothスピーカーは、非常にダイナミックで高音質な音楽を楽しむことの出来るワイヤレススピーカー。100Wでの出力を可能としている ... 想像以上のミニマル設計!大容量バッテリーでアウトドアや災害に備えよう!2024年08月18日1
One Ping Pingback: 30 Most Incredible Textures for Vintage Style Design | Web Design Ledger 69 Comments Thanks for the post! Some great wood textures in there that I will definitely put to good use 🙂 Awesome picks! Thanks Much!!! Great collection! Nice compilation, i will add it in the texture section of my site : https://www.webdesignerheaven.com Thanks This is a great collection. I didn’t know
Hi guys, I have a question about social bookmarking submission. Can I submit a large number of pages, like 100 different pages from the same domain, to a bookmarking site under the same account in one day? Will it be penalized by that site/or do good to SEO with Google? Now the problem is: I have a list of 200 social bookmarking sites, I want to submit 50 different pages of my site to these bookma
Unique and creative business card designs from all over the world. 01 – Emerson Taymor Business Card 02 – Pomegranit Business Card 03 – Stephanie Towell Business Card 04 – Murillo Design Business Card 05 – Ken Speckle Gifts Business Card 06 – rfrecords Business Card 07 – Rubber Band Business Card 08 – Piano Repair Business Card 09 – elkha Business Card 10 – Viewzi Business Card 11 – Bright Corner
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Cardboard textures and objects can be
So you’re browsing through your favorite website and found a site that uses a font you love. You want that font too, (and must be as quickly as possible!)… so how do we go about finding out what that font is called? Sounds familiar? Yes… we’ve all been there before!One easy option is to simply […] So you’re browsing through your favorite website and found a site that uses a font you love. You want
What print and online publications would you recommend and why? Here, we bring you an overview of useful magazines from purely online publications to monthly, glossy print editions, where all subjects relevant to art and design are being investigated in colorful, eloquent detail. One of the advantages of working in a creative industry is the number of designers and developers who take their craft
UPDATE Oct 2019 - Our little NOTbaby is 4 months old now! For those who have asked, I’ve put together a NOTbaby List of products that have worked out well for us from Pregnancy to Baby (and will keep updating as we progress!) - It’s an Amazon affiliate storefront, because we’ve been using Amazon Prime a lot for the convenience during exhaustion! The tiny % of affiliate revenue that comes from any
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
Looking to start 2019 off on the right foot? Looking for ways to challenge yourself and take your work to another level? Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes related to design, illustration, business and marketing with guidance from the top industry experts. Join Grain Edit faves such as Andrew Fairclough, Tom Froese, Kate Bingaman-Burt and Brad Woodard in classes o
Ultimate Guide to Business Cards: Infographics and Other Resources
If you are seeing this page, it means that web has not been configured for this domain on this server. This could be due to the following causes: Server has not restarted the web server yet after you added the domain. Please wait for the web server to restart or contact support for further help. The domain is pointing to the wrong server. Ping the domain and make sure that the IP matches one of th
in this post we’ll feature 40 Illustrator tutorials for working with shapes in various ways and for a variety of purposes. As you’ll see in these tutorials, shapes can be used for plenty of real-world purposes in everyday design. UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 50+ Million Add-Ons & Design Assets DOWNLOAD NOW Tutorials for Working with Shapes in Illustrator Change the Size of a Rounded Rectangle After Being
One of the first posts on DesignM.ag was 101 Awesome Portfolio Sites, which drew an excellent response from readers. Many of the current readers/subscribers weren’t around at that point, so if you enjoy seeing examples of excellent portfolio sites I encourage you to take a look. In the past few months I’ve seen a number of outstanding portfolio sites that weren’t included in that post, so I put to
18 Video-Tutorials: So setzt du deine Produkte perfekt in Szene Deine Produkte im besten Licht zu zeigen. Darum geht es in der Produktfotografie. Du willst verkaufsfördernd präsentieren, ganz gleich ob im Online-Shop, auf der Website oder im Katalog. Und das es bei dieser Sparte der Fotografie zahlreiche Tricks und Kniffe zu entdecken gibt, zeigen die folgenden Video-Anleitungen. Die meisten der f
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. The proper selection of typography in
We are looking for talented bloggers, that want to promote themselves and their websites by writing articles for our blog. The topics we are interested in are : Graphic Design, Web Design, Flash, Photoshop, Vectorial Graphics, Design Inspiration, Programming, Print Design, Design Resources, photography or just “top 10 articles”. If you like the idea and want to submit an article or just want to fi
100% free logos for you to downloadYou can use any free logo design from LogoInstant.com for your next project or even for your clients. You can freely download and modify our free psd logos to suit your needs. You don’t have to spend big bucks to anymore for an expensive logo designer because our Logos are 100% free. If you like our work, you can support us by linking back to tell others and shar
2008 has been an eventful year to say the least - it is difficult to sum up the thousands of stories in just a handful of photographs. That said, I will try to do what I've done with other photo narratives here, and tell a story of 2008 in photographs. It's not the story of 2008, it's certainly not all stories, but as a collection it does show a good portion of what life has been like over the pas
Start saving ink today Easy earnings, good cause Join us now Watch video We promise REAL SAVINGS Just before printing, Ecofont unnoticeably converts all letters and characters in your document into an ink-saving equivalent of those letters and characters. This looks exactly the same as the font you use on your screen, but with significantly less pixels actually printed. Independent tests from Buye
I’ve always liked minimalism! Little or no use of images and a strong focus on the typography and on the content instead of graphical elements always did the trick for me. Of course I love a well-crafted website that makes good use of various graphical elements like characters/avatars, buttons, icons and others. But, when I started thinking of redesigning SpyreStudios I thought I’d go with a very
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice
We live in a world of information saturation, and that translates to web design. In such a competitive world, it becomes more and more important to stand out by breaking conventions. Sometimes it’s about layout, sometimes about the graphics and cool illustrations or anything else that can be different from others.In this post, we take […] We live in a world of information saturation, and that tran
Collection of the best and most useful design resources of 2008. Typography Resources – 60 Brilliant Typefaces For Corporate Design [Smashing Magazine] – 20 Free Handwritten Fonts And Resources [Fuel Your Creativity] – 50 Incredible Fonts for Professional Web & Print Design [Noupe] – 15 Beautiful High-Quality Free Fonts [Smashing Magazine] – 21 Inspirational Typography Artworks from DeviantArt [De
If you’re a graphic or web designer, you’ll know how important it is to have visually stunning text in your projects. Luckily, Photoshop is a powerful tool that can help you create intricate and eye-catching text effects that can be used for various purposes like branding, advertising, apparel design, logo design, or even web design. To help you improve your Photoshop skills and create unique typo
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
Been surfing around vi.sualize.us and last night I was totally inspired by some really sexy use of typography.Lately I have been surfing around vi.sualize.us and last night I was totally inspired by some really sexy use of typography. Since there was so much to show, I have decided to break it up into a few different parts - so stay tuned for some more sexy type! If you have some great examples, s
Bold Fonts: Bold fonts have always been popular in print design and advertising, but can often be under-looked in website design. However, bold typography is a great way to give designs a little extra punch and can do wonders for your image. Bold typography is all about creating impact, but it’s important to remember to direct that impact appropriately. Don’t just stick in huge welcome text if it’
Sometimes, you may find it difficult to look for some of the highest quality photoshop tutorials using search engines. As most of time, almost all tutorials would label themselves to be good, high quality or even the best photoshop tutorial you can find. When searching through all these tutorials, your time is wasted. In order to save your time, Photoshop Lady has been spending almost a whole year
Illustrator Tutorial – Create a Colourful Abstract Wavy Ribbon Tutorials 23 February 2008 83 Comments This post was originally published in 2008 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. One of the subscribers here at Blog.SpoonGraphics recently emailed me asking if I could create a tutorial on how I produced the wavy ribbon shape as seen in one of my personal works; Retro Kicks. I was ha
クリエイティブなオフィスが掲載されているエントリーのご紹介。 こういうのみると、男ってバカだからなぜかやる気出るんですよねぇ。こういうところで働きたいっていうモチベーションがアップルするからでしょうか。 あいや、私だけかもしれませんが・・・。 続きを読む 2012/04/26(木) 10:10:44| デザインを学ぶ | トラックバック:0 | コメント:6 ロシアのアートデザイナー「Irina Vinnik」。 イリーナ氏はゲルペンを使ってファンタスティックなデザインを描かれています。今回、イリーナ氏のスケッチブック、及びカレンダーなどがまとめられていたのでご紹介。 フリーハンドとスケッチブックっていうのはなかなか味があって良いですよね。 続きを読む 2012/04/26(木) 10:01:17| デザインを学ぶ | トラックバック:1 | コメント:0
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
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With just a week left in the year we’ve wrapped up our best of the year designs in one big post for your reading pleasure. 2008 has been an eventful and inspiring year, and it’s hard to put all the top news in one place; still, if there’s one Yanko Design article you want to bookmark this year, this should be it. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! 50) “DesCom” by Sung-kyu Nam. Permalink Hits: 2652
Brushes for digital painting. Digital painting is a category especially popular among illustrators. Even if their creative activities start in a traditional technique, such as watercolor, sketch, pastel drawing... they finally end up in a digitized form for processing in a graphic design program, often Photoshop. There are also artists who create their work on a computer or tablet from the very be
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James Patten is an interaction designer, inventor, and visual artist. Patten is a TED Senior Fellow and speaker whose studio-initiated research has led to the creation of new technology platforms, like Thumbles, tiny-computer controlled robots; interactive, kinetic lighting features; and immersive environments that engage the body. Patten earned his doctorate at the MIT Media Lab where he studied
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Filed Under (Brushes, Photoshop, Resources, Tutorials) by Thomson on 02-12-2008 Tagged Under : Brushes, Photoshop, Resources, Tutorials If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to our RSS FEED. Thanks for visiting! Photoshop is a standard software in graphic design for web graphics, Print Graphic design and more. Most of the designers often relies on Photoshop brushes for their design projec
4 Pings & Trackbacks Pingback: 80+ Fresh New Textures for Creating Web Site Backgrounds | Web Design Ledger Pingback: 25 Excellent Examples of Using Texture in Web Design | Web Design Ledger Pingback: 30 Useful Photoshop Tutorials for Vintage and Retro Style | Web Design Ledger Pingback: The Most Popular Articles of 2009 | Web Design Ledger 87 Comments These are really nice. Thank you Amazing coll
Photoshop has tons of potential for improving photos in one way or another. Even subtle improvements can make a big difference in the end result. Whether you are interested in touching up your own photos or doing professional photo editing for clients, Photoshop can allow you to get the job done. This is a categorized collection of tutorials that will show you some new tricks for photo touch-ups.
li > a" data-ddst-label="Navigation Items" data-ddst-no-support="background,border"> li > a" data-ddst-label="Navigation Items" data-ddst-no-support="background,border"> Home Categories Tutorials Resources Inspiration Freelance Interviews Design Freebies About Contact Advertise With Us Write For Us Contact Web and graphic designers are always looking for excellent sources of inspiration. Of course
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. You can find a variety of useful and c
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Adobe Illustrator can be a little tricky to get your head around, particularly after getting used to the workflow of applications such as Photoshop. The differences between layer use and the creation of objects and shapes can be really strange at first hand. Luckily there’s a range of help available for free online in the form of tutorials. Here is my collection of hand-picked articles from variou
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
It saves a lot of your time by speeding up your post-photography work to get the perfect look that every photographers love. Lightroom presets are the perfect solution to refine your photographs without using any software, as it works by touching upon the finest details of your pictures to make them flawless in every way. So if you are yet to try out the best Lightroom presets to edit your photogr
Logo Design Trends 2009_ Branding and Identity Design Resources A myriad of colours and shapes burst into the scene even if design classes still promote a decrease in complexity in favour of concept and essence. Again, this new development led to a no-holds barred position, putting everything out in the open, concealing nothing. Every technological revolution inevitably gives birth to a romantic c
引き続きまして、今年取り扱ったグラフィック・イラストの中からランキング5を決めていきたいと思います。 あくまでも個人的な感想ですのであしからず。 5位 人の肉体・精神を両面から題材に取り上げシャープなイメージをつくりあげる、アーティストでありイラストレーターのRUSS MILLSさん。巧妙で端的な表現が光っていました。 4位 ブラジル生まれのグラフィックデザイナー・Rubens LPさんの作品です。抽象的な曲線や面で具体物を表現するという独特な手法が用いられています。そんなシンプルなスタイルが気持ち良かったですね。 3位 フリーランスビデオグラファー・エディター・プロデューサーという肩書きを持つTOM MASONさん。 グラフィック作品はユニークで見ていてとても面白い作品ばかりでした。 2位 世界のフォトショップマスターJustin Mallerさんの作品ですね。「フォトショップは10
編集元:ニュース速報板より「次回、世界の「 拷問器具 」をみんなで見よう」 1 すずめちゃん(長崎県) :2009/01/22(木) 17:24:53.19 ID:OqzJJCTc ?PLT(12000) ポイント特典 グアンタナモ収容施設の1年内閉鎖、22日に大統領令署名へ 【ワシントン=黒瀬悦成】オバマ米新大統領は執務開始初日の21日、キューバ・グアンタナモ米海軍基地内のテロ容疑者収容施設を1年以内に閉鎖する大統領令の草案を関係省庁に配布した。 米CNNテレビなどによると、大統領は22日に大統領令に署名し、施設内で行われた「過酷な尋問」などのせいで損なわれた米国の威信回復に向けた決意を国内外に示す。 新政権の高官がCNNに語ったところでは、大統領は22日、〈1〉グアンタナモの施設を1年以内に閉鎖〈2〉拷問の禁止〈3〉テロ容疑者拘束に関する政策見直し――を指示する三つの大統領令
One of my favorite styles of web design to take inspiration from is the magazine-style. Creating a well-designed site that looks good, allows for good usability, and features a lot of content without cramming items onto the page is a very difficult task. Blog theme designers can often put some of this inspiration into practice in their own work, as blogs often face the challenge of displaying a lo
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56 Comments wow… awesome designs 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration. Awesome collection of typography posters and illustrations. Thanks I never get sick of looking at typography beautifully applied as the feature of a design layout. My favourites here are The Orb, Claude Garamond and Las Cuidades Invisibles. I’m glad you all like them. I think they are pretty incredible. Awesome selection, so cool.
If you’re a designer, you know how important it is to have a library of resources that can help you improve your projects and take them to the next level. One resource that can make a significant difference are seamless and tileable patterns. Seamless patterns are versatile and can add depth and richness to your designs, making them suitable for both web and print projects. A well-designed seamles
As we already know that the fonts are one of the most important parts of every web Project and choosing them is quit a difficult job for a web designer if his understanding of Typography is low. Our Last post 21 Most Used Fonts By Professional Designers helps you to get familiar with most used fonts which is not freely available. After getting several requests about professional fonts which is mos
The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information.
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The kids at Something Awful saw this post on classic game covers, and took matters into their own hands. We will now bring the matter full circle, by presenting the best of their work.
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President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for MarketingCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. There are many creative ways to use wa
About Contact Is A Dating App Designed to be Deleted the Answer to Modern Online Dating?Hinge, an app created for online dating which is designed to be deleted after meaningful connections are made, offers a fresh concept of digital courting. This distinct approach was engineered with the idea that once users build special bonds via this platform, they no longer need it in their lives and can dele
May 5, 2020Free Fonts: Best Sources for Free Font Downloads Key Takeaways Google Fonts tops the list of best free font websites due to its vast repertoire, fast and convenient CDN, and ability to improve website loading times. Other notable sources include Creative Market’s Free Goods section, Font Squirrel, FontSpace, Befonts, and Font Shop. The format of the font needed depends on its usage – WO
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on.Each browser comes with its own set of advantages and features and one of the greatest benefits of Firefox has been the ability to fully customize it through the use of plugins and add-ons.This feature is […] These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer,
When I started this blog, way back in 2006, I had no clue how long it would last. I actually had no idea I could even write about something for more than a couple of days. It is funny how things go. Once I read in a book that the secret of happiness was low expectations. That explains why, for over a decade, I have been running this site. It also explains why you might end up on this page. Not los
In print design, typography is one of the more crucial aspects. Typography is essential the practice of organizing, arranging, and modifying type. The typography techniques uesed in print has a direct impact on how the reader is able to receive the image. In print, typography doesn’t have to be plain and boring. It can be beautiful, creative, and colorful. There are a number of ways to liven up ty
Although often used in the wrong context, the motif of ’70s Retro Rainbow designs seems to occur in many modern designs – from products designs to posters and web designs. The rainbow colors are particularly eye-catching and lively; they may provide the design with a dynamics and help to vividly convey the message of the graphic work. [Updated June/14/2017] In past few months I came across to many
Typography is often a deciding factor in the success of a design. Its importance cannot be overstated. Effective typography can be achieved in so many different ways, as demonstrated in the 17 different categories below.Some of the most common ways to treat type is with size, color variation, creative illustrations, and use of textures. The […] Typography is often a deciding factor in the success
Photoshopの一連の手順(画像のサイズを変更し、画像に効果を適用し、ファイルを目的の形式で保存するなど)を記録し、次回以降は一発でできるようにしてくれる自動作業機能のことを「アクション」と呼びます。このアクションを使えば、大量の画像をまとめてバッチ処理したり、いろいろと便利なわけですが、今回は写真の見栄えを美しくしたり、違う印象を与えるように加工するアクション61種類です。かなり便利なものが多いので、写真加工を頻繁かつ大量に行う人にはかなりお役立ちなのではないかと。 60種類の詳細は以下から。 いわゆる「クロスプロセッシング」を行うアクション ロモ・クロスプロセッシング ビンテージ風 HDR(ハイダイナミックレンジ)風 色あせたビンテージ風 肌のでこぼこを修正してなめらかに見せる いろいろなパターンのモノクロ写真へ変換 明度やコントラスト、シャープなどをブーストする ダークトーン・ミ
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Ttersへようこそ! 「Tters(ッターズ)」は、自分に合った〇〇ッターを作成し、フォローして自由につぶやける匿名SNSです。 匿名だからこそ、人間関係のストレスやプレッシャーとは無縁で、自分らしく自然体でありながら自己表現が可能な空間を提供しています。 初めての方は、当サービスの代表的なタイムライン「みんなのッター」にて、思いの丈をつぶやいてみてください。ユーザー登録は必要ありません。 まずは挨拶してみよう この表示は一度つぶやくと消えます。
Make a note of it: Web tech, montaineering, and so on. Note: この記事は、3年以上前に書かれています。Webの進化は速い!情報の正確性は自己責任で判断してください。 フォント指定や行間、約物といった、文字周りのノウハウです。デザインというより技術的なまとめ。SWFObjectとかsIFRといったFlashネタを除けば、Webの文字は全部CSSでできるんだから... コーダこそタイポグラフィを意識すべし。看板みて書体言い当てるとか変態的な域まで達せずとも、原則だけ覚えとけばプロトタイプが様になるんだし。 オールドスタイル数字 アンパサンド(“&”) スモールキャップ ハイフンとダーシ 各種スペース 合字 約物 約物はぶら下げる :beforeと:after 見出しのサイズ 初期フォントサイズ 行間の調整 余白の調節 各国の日付表記
「描き文字」とはなにか? 日本近代デザイン史研究家と、最後の描き文字人が、毎回ゲストを招いての談論風発。鉄壁の論考に対する実践者の直感が激突したりしなかったり、緩急自在、スリリングな話の展開が快感。 エディトリアルデザインの王道がページものだとしたら、それと異なる我流の文字組み処理や文字デザインを展開しているデザイナーを「組版外伝系」と呼べるだろう。異端(?)にして実践的、実用的なデザインの世界。全6回。 博覧強記というより博覧狂気なうんちくと、文字にたいするほとばしる愛情のもと、本邦古今の組版、書物を惜しみなく紹介する府川充男劇場。次から次と繰り出される貴重なビジュアルと明解な考証の醍醐味にひたる。
FlyPaper Textures is the home of the finest and most exquisite artistic textures collections available. Their extensive library of textures, frames and overlays are ideal to create different textures and atmospheres for your artistic work. This set you are going to download now, is a sample of 8 high resolution images from their beautiful painterly and classic grunge paper backgrounds. You can use
The number of options, directions, and aesthetic approaches you can take from simply adding a texture to your work is mind-boggling. Of course, not every design, photo, or video benefits from even the most subtle of textures, but you might be surprised at how a high-resolution texture can bring a design to life. Knowing when to use a texture and which texture to use comes down to the flow of the d
Altamira Industrial Complex Last Updated: Mar 2009 Type: Print