All of Percona’s open source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.
All of Percona’s open source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.
All of Percona’s open-source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.
久しぶりにDBAとしてお手伝いした時の汚いメモになります。 Percona Server5.5+ioDriveのMySQLで、イベント時やピークタイムにアプリケーションからのDB利用が重くなる、ということで調査から対応方法まで考えてみました。 問題点の大雑把な特定 高トラフィック時に、RubyからMySQLの接続やクエリがちょこちょこ重くなり、レスポンス速度に影響が出る、とのこと。で調査開始。今回のPercona Serverのバージョンは 5.5.34 でした。 top -d1 で触診してみると、謎の10秒間隔でiowaitが5~10%に上がることを確認 5分平均のiowaitグラフを見ても、ピーク時は50~60%であることを確認。ioDriveでこれはイカン dstat で見ると、平時はwrite数MB/s~十数MB/sのところが、やはり10秒間隔でwrite 数百MBを確認。ピーク時
All of Percona’s open-source software products, in one place, to download as much or as little as you need.
Home Get help from Percona Percona Monitoring and Management Percona Monitoring Plugins MySQL Software MongoDB Software PostgreSQL Software Kubernetes Operators Playback Reference For help, click the link below to get free database assistance or contact our experts for personalized support. Legacy documentation¶ You should upgrade to the most recent version for documentation support. The documenta
Home Get help from Percona Percona Monitoring and Management Percona Monitoring Plugins MySQL Software MongoDB Software PostgreSQL Software Kubernetes Operators Playback Reference For help, click the link below to get free database assistance or contact our experts for personalized support. Legacy documentation¶ You should upgrade to the most recent version for documentation support. The documenta