Simple motion - Simple OOP by Ariel Malka OOP stands for Object-Oriented Programming, a central feature present in Java, Processing's core language. But what is the relation between motion and OOP? In short, this relation is not obvious when controlling the motion of a single element on screen, but it becomes clearer when we want to handle an arbitrary number of elements that share a common behavi
We bring extraordinary ideas to life in any space or screen through craft, imagination and technology. Framestore is home to a collective of visionaries working across film, advertising, episodic and immersive. Our work and skillset is wide-ranging, thanks to a pool of 3000 talented artists and producers in offices across the globe.
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Resident Advisor.102 Four Tet This week on the pod: Four Tet turns in a rough ‘n ready mix of electronic music. Four Tet’s Kieran Hebden a DJ? Believe it. Hebden has been holding down a regular gig at The End for a few years now, blending current electronic music with the jazz, post-rock and various other genres that has make up his musical world. Purists take heart: Hebden’s dance music bona fide
Here's a quick guide to get Processing working without the desire to wrap one's car around a tree due the sheer verbosity and inflexibility of a language. A sneak: Make sure Java's installed [mchadw@zzz ~]$ which java /usr/bin/java Snag jRuby Download a recent copy of jRuby. Whatever the most recent binary on that page is will do the trick. Unpack the distribution somewhere you can remember. I'm g
Recently John Resig released Processing.js. Its a pretty interesting project, which allows Processing code to be run in the browser. This article is a quick look at why it is worth checking out, and ends with a tutorial explaining how to get started. Why Does Processing.js Matter?I see (at least1) two reasons why translating Processing.js is important. The first is that Processing's philosophy and
通読したいと思っているのだけど、記事が多くていったいどこまで読んだか正直わからなくなってなんともはがゆかった。これを解決するためにどこまで読んだかを記憶するuserscriptを作った。 文字で説明するよりも実際に動かしてみた方がはやいんだけど一応説明。 install後にるびまを開くと、メインコンテンツのリンクの前にステータスを表すアイコンが表示される。ステータスの意味はポインタをアイコンにあわせると表示されるので割愛。アイコンをクリックすると全ステータスのアイコンが表示される。変更したい状態のアイコンをクリックすると、そのステータスを保存し選択されたアイコンのみの表示となる。 ページの遷移やステータス変更のたびに全データを呼び出し、ステータス変更を反映後保存しているので、ウィンドウやタブを複数開いていても変な上書きはしない。つまり(表示上は一致しないけど)内部データとしては矛盾が起きな