DesignDoll Ver6.0 was released! Read about the newly added features below Features Create a ”personalized sketch doll” and make it pose! DesignDoll is a software program that can freely manipulate human body models in 3D space. You can create postures and compositions that artists demand, with easy, intuitive operations. Download A completely new, next generation sketch doll This will support your
Create 3d models and environments with tiles. Typically tiles are used from 2d tilemaps to construct flat scenes, but Crocotile 3d adds another dimension. Watch the example videos to see what is possible. Draw and Edit modes to easily add/remove/edit tiles in 3d space. Perspective & Orthographic projection. Export to .obj/.gltf/.glb/.dae and use your creations in other programs or in your game dev 頂点カラーの塗り分けにより、輪郭線が出すぎないように調整した動画になります。 塗り分け方は以下の通り 続きを見る
Terragen 4 is a powerful solution for building, rendering, and animating realistic natural environments. Create entire worlds from your imagination, or import real world terrain data sets and use Terragen to create the most realistic visualizations possible. You control the weather, landscape, rivers, lakes and oceans, suns, moons and stars. With Terragen you have complete control over the shader
日本語 English Copyright(c) tetraface Inc. All rights reserved.
sm1072801で以前配布されていたモデルをどうしても動かしてみたくて、素人が無料ソフト(blender)で3Dムービーに初挑戦してみました。歌はsm1085518から借りています。3Dムービー作るのがこんなに大変だとは知りませんでした。ひでー目にあたよ><【追記】初投稿がいきなりランクインしてビビり気味の素人です。ありがとん! sm1437743にアニメ風にしたバージョンもうpしてみました。