Congratulations! You’ve completed your Kongregate account! Keep exploring Kongregate with more badges and games! Congratulations! You’ve completed your Kartridge quest! Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games!
Congratulations! You’ve completed your Kongregate account! Keep exploring Kongregate with more badges and games! Congratulations! You’ve completed your Kartridge quest! Spend your hard earned kreds on some of these games!
It was a long and exhausting task: playing hundreds of online games for hours in a row, day after day. It was hard, but someone had to do it. The result is the list that you will find below. Enjoy! Action Games 1. IndestructoTank As you probably guessed, on this game, you get to drive an indestructible tank around. Once attacked by enemies’ bombs, the tank will be blasted into the sky and you will
A note about "in-game credit": The core features (playable dinos + eras) of Dino Run 2 will be free (or very low-cost), and the game will have extensive cosmetic upgrades for purchase, as well as "in-game-crowdfunding". It will NOT feature pay-to-win or lootboxes. In-game credit can be used to buy/unlock things within the game. If you contribute before we launch the game, you will be a SEED FUNDER
Flash Playerの未パッチの脆弱性が発覚した。悪質なSWFファイルも出回り、サイト改ざん攻撃との関連が指摘されている。 米Adobe Systemsは5月27日、Flash Playerの脆弱性を突いたとみられる「エクスプロイトが出回っているとの報告を受けた」とブログで伝えた。SANS Internet Storm Centerやセキュリティ企業各社もアラートを公開するなどして注意を呼び掛けている。 SANSによると、脆弱性が報告されたのはFlash Playerの現行バージョン9.0.124.0およびそれ以前のバージョン。Adobeはまだパッチを公開していない。米Symantecはこの脆弱性を突いたエクスプロイトが広く出回っているとして、グローバルセキュリティ警告システム「ThreatCon」の警戒レベルを引き上げた。 米McAfeeは、複数サイトでホスティングされていた悪質なS