Free Bootstrap Templates What is a bootstrap template? A Bootstrap Template is a pre-made design built with Bootstrap framework - a web design kit for creating cross-browser, consistent and visually effective designs. The features that will make our Bootstrap themes interesting for you are their native Bootstrap functionality and unique add-ons specifically created by TemplateMonster developers. [
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Elusive Icons is a webfont that can be used with any of your projects. Bootstrap-based, Foundation-based or even your custom projects! It was created by the need for an Open-Source font that can be used in your projects without licencing issues and/or other “attribution” claws. When downloading this font you’ll also receive all the icons in .svg vector format so you can play with them, improve the
Easy to Install Simply download a CSS file and replace the one in Bootstrap. No messing around with hex values. Customizable Changes are contained in just two SASS files, enabling further customization and ensuring forward compatibility. Tuned for 5.3.3 Themes are built for the latest version of Bootstrap. Version 4, version 3, version 2, and other releases are also available to download.
Bootstrap Builder Drag-and-drop the same Bootstrap components to your own design. Easy to integrate with any programming language, you just download the HTML and start coding the design into it. Grid Generator Start creating your own CSS Grid Layouts simply and easily with this magic tool. Define your grid, select the areas and get the code! You can also include support for IE 10 and 11 with just