If you are interested in learning more about how your organization can transition from Rails to Phoenix please contact the Elixir/Phoenix experts at Doc…
If you are interested in learning more about how your organization can transition from Rails to Phoenix please contact the Elixir/Phoenix experts at Doc…
Basics Basics Collections Enum Pattern Matching Control Structures Functions Pipe Operator Modules Mix Sigils Documentation Comprehensions Strings Date and Time IEX Helpers Intermediate Custom Mix Tasks Erlang Interoperability Error Handling Executables Concurrency Advanced OTP Concurrency OTP Supervisors OTP Distribution Metaprogramming Umbrella Projects Specifications and types Behaviours Protoc
Verification Suite Document verification Biometric verification Data verification Fraud detection Compliance Suite Challenges we solve All Challenges All Customer acquisitionDrive growth using automated onboarding. Global complianceNavigate regulatory compliance in each region. Cost of customer acquisitionAutomate onboarding processes to reduce costs. Fraud preventionPrevent fraud to protect your
Postgres can store unstructured data such as arrays, json, and jsonb as of version 9.4. Ecto, Elixir’s database wrapper, provides first class support for serializing and deserializing Ecto structs and arrays into these native data types without sacrificing the expressiveness of Ecto models. Embedded records have all the things regular models have, such as structured fields, lifecycle callbacks, an
Elixirには複数プロセスを使ってアプリケーションを簡単に実装するためのフレームワークであるOTPが用意されています。 OTPを使うとプロセス間のメッセージ通信やエラー時の再起動処理、プロセスの状態管理が非常に簡単に実装できます。 今回はOTPを使ってMapReduceのプログラムを実装してみます。 MapReduce Apache Lucene MapReduceの仕組みが利用されているソフトウェアをご紹介します。 LuceneはJavaで実装されている全文検索エンジンで、Elasticsearchの内部でも使われています。 このLuceneですが、MapReduceの仕組みを使って単語の出現場所のインデックスを生成しています(Luceneの作者は最初、Lispで実装を試したそうです)。 今回はこのMapReduceで文書のインデックスを生成する処理をElixirで実装してみます。 (
Membangun Karir Program Menjadi Developer Profesional Kami memberikan informasi, wawasan, dan inspirasi untuk segala kebutuhan anda dalammencapai karir untuk menjadi developer profesional yang bisa anda dapatkan disini Membangun Karir Program Menjadi Developer Profesional Kami memberikan informasi, wawasan, dan inspirasi untuk segala kebutuhan anda dalammencapai karir untuk menjadi developer profe
Peace of mind from prototype to production Build rich, interactive web applications quickly, with less code and fewer moving parts. Join our growing community of developers using Phoenix to craft APIs, HTML5 apps and more, for fun or at scale. defmodule TimelineLive do use Phoenix.LiveView def render(assigns) do render("timeline.html", assigns) end def mount(_, _, socket) do Twitter.subscribe("eli
All Elixir code runs inside lightweight threads of execution (called processes) that are isolated and exchange information via messages: current_process = self() # Spawn an Elixir process (not an operating system one!) spawn_link(fn -> send(current_process, {:msg, "hello world"}) end) # Block until the message is received receive do {:msg, contents} -> IO.puts(contents) end Due to their lightweigh