
関連タグで絞り込む (1)


googleとcommunityに関するefclのブックマーク (1)

  • Why Google+ Failed

    I joined the Google Plus team shortly after its inception in 2010, transferring from the Blogger team. I spent three years on the project, working at first on the profile team, then transferring to the Growth and Engagement Team (GET), and finally ending up on Project Madonna and Project Zorro, where I helped with the repeal of the “real names” policy. As a lowly software engineer level five, I wa

    Why Google+ Failed
    efcl 2019/06/21
    Google+の中の人から見たGoogle+が失敗した理由の話。 サービスデザインにおける意思決定の間違い、そのあとになぜ軌道修正ができなかったのかとか。 頭がいい人が言ってるから…というバイアスの話面白いな
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