We're hiring systems engineers in San Francisco to build the future of JavaScript! This release fixes 41 bugs (addressing 595 👍). It includes node:http2 server and gRPC server support, ca and cafile support in bun install, Bun.inspect.table, bun build --drop, Promise.try, Buffer.copyBytesFrom, iterable SQLite queries, iterator helpers, and several Node.js compatibility improvements and bugfixes.
Secretlint v8.3で、単体のバイナリファイルとしてsecretlintコマンドを配布するようにしました。 Release v8.3.3 · secretlint/secretlint どういうことができるようになるかというか、Node.jsをインストールしなくてもsecretlintコマンドを使えるようになります。 次のようにCurlでダウンロードして実行するだけで、機密情報の検出ができるようになります。 #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail SECRETLINT_VERSION="8.3.3" # secretlintのバージョン ARCH=$(uname -m) OS=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Map architecture to the expected format ca
void multiply(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& info) { Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate(); if (info.Length() != 2) { return; } Local<Value> arg1 = info[0]; Local<Value> arg2 = info[1]; if (!arg1->IsNumber() || !arg2->IsNumber()) { return; } double number1 = arg1.As<Number>()->Value(); double number2 = arg2.As<Number>()->Value(); Local<Number> returnValue = Number::New(isolate, number1 * number
Bun v1.1.21 is here! This release fixes 72 bugs (addressing 63 👍). 30% faster fetch() decompression, New --fetch-preconnect flag, improved Remix support, Bun gets 4 MB smaller on Linux, bundle packages excluding dependencies, many bundler fixes and node compatibility improvements. Previous releasesv1.1.20 & v1.1.19 Fixes 54 bugs (addressing 248 👍). JavaScript gets faster on Windows. Raspberry Pi
🐷 What's Poku?A cross-platform test runner that brings the JavaScript essence back to testing. ⚡️ Quick Tutorials
Bun は WinterCG meetings の招待を無視し、まだプラットフォームで議論中の仕様や標準から外れた拡張を利便性のために取り入れている。またエコシステムとして合意の取れていない実装をすることもある。 @jarredsumner: JS runtimes obsess about web standards but web standards orgs are incentivized to only care about browsers @lcasdev: @jarredsumner Just want to mention that we’ve invited you to WinterCG meetings for nearly 2 years now without any response from you - I think intentionally not p
Bun v1.1.13 is here! This release fixes 97 bugs (addressing 211 👍). Reliability improvements to bun install, WebSocket server, fetch, worker_threads. worker_threads now supports eval. URL.createObjectURL, stack trace error location improvements, several bun install fixes, and many crashes and bugs fixed. Previous releasesv1.1.11 fixes 36 bugs (addressing 362 👍). bun update saves dependency updat
Bun is an incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler, and package manager — all in one. Bun v1.1.6 is here! This release fixes 10 bugs (addressing 512 👍 reactions). We've implemented UDP socket support & node:dgram. DataDog and ClickHouseDB now work. We've fixed a regression in node:http from v1.1.5. There are also Node.js compatibility improvements and bugfixes. Previous releasesv1.
Bun is an incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler, and package manager — all in one. Bun v1.1.4 fixes 40 bugs (addressing 84 👍 reactions). bun run --filter <workspace> <script> lets you run multiple workspace scripts in parallel. Reinstalls get up to 50% faster in bun install. Important reliability fixes to bun install. bun:sqlite supports using for resource cleanup and has a few