Webpack4でReact16のSSR(サーバサイドレンダリング)する webpack4になり、ビルド速度の大幅改善や developmentモードとproductionモードのサポートがされました。 productionモードでビルド時はいくつかの最適化plugin不要でコードサイズの圧縮などをやってくれたりします。 さらに、splitChunksのoptimize設定をすることでwebpackの設定レベルでCodeSplitを行ってくれます。 webpack 4: released today!! 最新版で学ぶwebpack 4入門 – JS開発のモジュールバンドラ webpack 4 as a zero configuration module bundler 今回はwebpack4でReactJS16+Redux+ReactRouter+MaterialUIのSSRをやってみます
April 2017 I recently completed a pretty large project at work, moving the desktop Twitter site from a legacy set of tools for bundling JavaScript onto webpack, 1 one of the best supported and most feature-rich options for JS heavy sites. Webpack bundles things for websites. It reads source files and transforms them into output files to be loaded by a web browser. The simplest use takes multiple J
A look into removing common and uncommon performance bottlenecks in one of the worlds largest React.js PWAs, Twitter Lite. Creating a fast web application involves many cycles of measuring where time is wasted, understanding why it’s happening, and applying potential solutions. Unfortunately, there’s never just one quick fix. Performance is a continuous game of watching and measuring for areas to
A lot of people see isomorphic rendering as a holy grail given it gives advantages a SPAs lost compared to earlier solutions. The fact that you can provide initial markup has SEO and performance implications. It is a hard problem, though, as your tooling needs to support the approach well. In this interview we’ll discuss a solution known as isomorphic-webpack↗ by Gajus Kuizinas↗. # My name is Gaju
A component can lazily load dependencies without its consumer knowing using higher order functions, or a consumer can lazily load its children without its children knowing using a component that takes a function and collection of modules, or some combination of both. LazilyLoad Component Lets have a look at a consumer choosing to lazily load some components. The importLazy is simply a function tha
次のようなコードを書いて、 import React from "react" export default () => <div>Hello!</div> 次のようなコマンドを叩くと、 katatema build 次のようなファイルが生成されるという、katatema というツールをつくった。 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <div>Hello!</div> </body> 最先端の消耗 前に キーボードショートカットをカスタマイズするブラウザ拡張 - ✘╹◡╹✘ で、こういうことを書いた。 id:moznion へ、寒い日が続きますがお元気ですか。ともあれChrome拡張を1つこさえれば、大の大人が寄ってたかってモダンと言い合う類のものが一通り学べるだろうと思います。 最近のJavaScriptの周辺環境は大変で、何をやるに
This document provides tips for boosting performance in React and Webpack applications. It discusses various optimizations that can improve build speed and bundle size for development and production environments. Some of the key recommendations include using PureComponent to minimize unnecessary re-renders, avoiding large JSX blocks, code splitting, tree shaking with Webpack 2, and leveraging tool
What?Antwar is a blog aware static site engine built with React and Webpack. It's fast, extensible and friendly. Why?The world needed a site engine that was easy to extend and a pleasure to work with. Sounds cool. Can I try it?Check out our getting started guide. If you have questions or want to check out the code, have a look at the GitHub repo.
Ensure Page load performance is fastMobile web speeds matter. On average, faster experiences lead to 70% longer sessions and 2 x more mobile ad revenue. Investments in web perf saw the React-based, Flipkart Lite triple time-on-site, GQ get an 80% increase in traffic, Trainline make an additional 11M in yearly revenue and Instagram increase impressions by 33%. There are a few key user moments in lo
Welcome to survivejs.com. I (Juho Vepsäläinen) have gathered material related to JavaScript since 2016. You can consider this site as a learning resource at different levels where I have gathered my learnings about the topic. Given JavaScript is a broad subject, I have divided the site as follows: In the books section you can find my larger writings about JavaScript. Currently maintenance, React↗,