Shell Script Library :: Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Bash, Bourne Shell, scripting -- by Dave Taylor
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Shell Script Library :: Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, Bash, Bourne Shell, scripting -- by Dave Taylor
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: The Library There are 101 scripts discussed in this book, but in fact ... Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: The Library There are 101 scripts discussed in this book, but in fact there are closer to 150 scripts available, in total. Here's how you can get them if you'd like. You are welcome to do this if you don't have the book, but it'll make a lot more sense if you do have "Wicked Cool Shell Scripts", of course. Note that you can also download the entire set of scripts as Al
2008/07/13 リンク