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Ratings Edward Aninaru (4.60 out of 5) Jeannette Woitzik (4.58 out of 5) Carioca Studio (4.56 out of 5) Blutsbrüder Design (4.53 out of 5) Pawel Fabjanski (4.52 out of 5) Seagulls Fly (4.51 out of 5) Andreea Cernestean (4.51 out of 5) Mariano Villalba (4.48 out of 5) Ian Reyes (4.48 out of 5) Florian Schneider (4.47 out of 5) Christophe Huet (4.39 out of 5) Siegfried Minten (4.36 out of 5) Thomas
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Enhancing Tourism Experience: The Role of Graphic Design in Hotels and Tourism Applications The Importance of Graphic Design in Tourism In today's highly competitive tourism industry, graphic design plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging travelers. From brochures and websites to mobile applications and signage, visually appealing design elements are essential for capturing the attention o
Keep up to date or learn a new skill with our graphic design and illustration content. Ranging from Adobe Photoshop to drawing theory, from vector illustration to print design, we've got all experience levels covered. Whether you want to learn Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign, our free, in-depth courses have got you covered. Our expert instructors will guide you through the basics of each
These earth tone color palettes are perfect for a wide variety of nature-inspired designs. Use the provided hex codes to save time choosing colors.
As technology advances, we can anticipate graphic design trends in 2024 to be a captivating fusion of innovation, individuality, and environmental consciousness. Let’s dive into the roundup! Retro Rewind: Revival of the 60s and 70s styles with warm hues, neon colors, bold lines, and pop art vectors. Geometric: Abstract and fluid geometric shapes and patterns for dynamic and modern visuals. Simple
As the monitor resolution and internet speed is advancing, it seems like more and more designers use over-sized photo or illustrated image as the website’s background. Large background image can create the stunning visual effect, especially for high resolution monitors. It can also add more life to your site design compared to the traditional tiled background graphic. Here is a collection of 80 we
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