Flickr と Twitter の連携 2009-06-17-3 [WebTool] Flickrの写真ページからTwitterへの投稿が可能になりました。 また、メール経由でFlickrとTwitterへの同時投稿も可能になりました。 設定方法 (1) まず、下記のURLへ。 (2)「GO TO TWITTER TO AUTHORIZEHead over to Twitter now」をクリック。 (3) Twitterの認証ページが出るので「許可するAllow」をクリック(twitterへのログインが必要)。 これで「Blog This」でのTwitterへの投稿が可能に。 →投稿テスト結果(成功!): また、
ハウスダスト | ホコリまみれの日々だもの。気になる事をつらつらと。
× First time here? Welcome! We have a lot of fun stuff to play with like our Motivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Pop Art poster, and much more! Play as much as you like—everything is free. We also sell awesome custom-printed products.
× First time here? Welcome! We have a lot of fun stuff to play with like our Motivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Pop Art poster, and much more! Play as much as you like—everything is free. We also sell awesome custom-printed products. Framer: If you frame it, it's art.Choose from tons of unique frames to spice up your photos. Choose from stamps, canvas, wood, 35mm film, Polaroid, an
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