Use universal links to link directly to content within your app and share data securely.

Use universal links to link directly to content within your app and share data securely.
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Matt Galloway, founder of SwipeStack, a mobile development team based in London, UK. You can also find me on Google+. Let’s say you want to find some information inside a web page and display it in a custom way in your app. This technique is called “scraping.” Let’s also assume you’ve thought through alternatives to scraping web pages from inside you
I'm trying out the new version 2.0 of AFNetworking and I'm getting the error above. Any idea why this is happening? Here's my code: NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:kJSONlink]; NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:URL]; AFHTTPRequestOperation *op = [[AFHTTPRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request]; op.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer]; [op setComple
I have a game in which the orientation of the device affects the state of the game. The user must quickly switch between Landscape, Portrait, and Reverse Landscape orientations. So far I've been registering the game for orientation notifications via: [[UIDevice currentDevice] beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications]; But it is far too slow - there seems to be about a second delay between rot
Shaving off 50% waiting time from the iOS Edit-Build-Test cycle For the impatient If you don’t want/don’t have time to read the full story, you should at least consider using the following build settings during your iOS development cycle (i.e. for non-release builds): Use plain “DWARF” instead of “DWARF with dSYM File” as your “Debug Information Format”.Don’t compile your project code or use stati
I am trying to capture an image during a live preview from the camera, by AVFoundation captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection. So far the program works as expected. However, how can I mute the shutter sound?
I have a file - an iPhone application developed by xcode. How do I run this (only file) application using my xcode?
Does anybody knows if the technique used to ask the user to rate our app and open for him the App Store directly on the rating page is still working on iOS 7 ? I used to open this url from my app : itms-apps:// But it looks like it's not working any
Transform any kind of Key/Value type to a desired object. Can be a JSON, XML, plist or a simple NSDictionary. Don't generate accessors to all the attribute, keep your properties readonly and framework will do it's magic to put the value on the object. Based on Convention over Configuration If your attribute follow the same name of the key on the NSDictionary everything will be done automatically.
Ever needed a placeholder color for your lazy loaded table view cell image view? Typically can create a 1x1 pixel image in PhotoShop, add it to your project, then load it with UIImageNamed. Can't imagine how lots of effort and steps, and if the placeholder color are requested to be updated, you'd have to repeat the process all over again. If you needed work with this kind of situations a lot, lets
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Jacob Gundersen, an indie game developer who runs the Indie Ambitions blog. Check out his latest app – Factor Samurai! Welcome back to our 2-part tutorial series on making a game like Super Mario! In the first part of the series, you learned how to create a simple, tile-based physics engine that controls how the hero of your game, Koalio, moves aroun