Tools 8 Web Development Resources and Tools you Should Try Gisele MullerApril 9, 201310 Comments02.6k The design/development community evolves in a fast pace and it is very hard to keep track of everything that is happening around us. This is why we like to gather resources and tools that can make your life easier. Which is what we’ve done for this post. From a text editor, to a plugin to help you
テキストと背景のカラーの組み合わせで、視覚的にどのくらい読めるか数値化するオンラインツールを紹介します。 いまいち読みにくい時には、ツールで最適な組み合わせに調整することもできます。 Contrast Ratio Contrast Ratioの使い方は、簡単です。 入力欄の左に背景、右にテキストのカラーを入力するだけで、すぐに反映されます。 カラーは、hsla, rgb, 16進数などに対応しています。 当サイトの背景とテキストのカラーを入力してみます。
What is it? Ok, here's the deal. Put your XHTML code below, we will grab it and send over to one of our scientists. He will do his voodoo and in return you will get a corresponding CSS frame. And yup, it's free. More information This tool returns corresponding CSS in a line-by-line way indented with spaces to reflect XHTML structure - each selector and all of its properties and values in one line.
About Markup Generator is a simple tool created for xhtml/css coders that are tired of writing boring frame code at the very beginning of slicing work. It's main purpose is to speed up your work by generating xhtml markup and a css frame out of very intuitive, shortened syntax so you can jump directly to the elements styling. Settings Indent: tabs spaces Extra code: yes (before and after) Generate