Understanding the Role of Car Accident Attorneys: A Comprehensive Guide by Bryan Personal Injury Lawyers In the aftermath of a car accident, individuals often find themselves grappling with a myriad of challenges, both physical and legal. This comprehensive guide seeks to illuminate the multifaceted role of car accident attorneys, with a particular emphasis on the exemplary services provided by Ph
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13日にradikoが全国で聴取できるようになった事は記憶に新しいですが、 その仕様変更の際にRTMPDumpによるストリーミングの保存が不可能となってしまいました。 しかしながら、ネットのチカラは恐ろしいですね。 仕様変更に対応したシェルスクリプトが、saiten様により19日に公開されました。 簡易radiko録音ツール。要swftools 私もこちらのページを参考にSWFTOOLSを導入してみた所、 見事にストリーミングの保存が可能となりました。 ですが、上記のスクリプトだとリトライ機能が無いため 予約録音に失敗してしまう場合があります。 そこで、上記のスクリプトをベースに、いくつかの機能を追加してみました。 [2012/05/25] MP3形式での出力について追記 [2012/10/24] radikoの仕様変更に対応 [2016/04/08] radikoの仕様変更に対応 + α
We are proud to be working with our customers while they continue to enjoy our Engine Yard products. Here are some changes we are making
Welcome to Cobbler! Cobbler is a Linux installation server that allows for rapid setup of network installation environments. It glues together and automates many associated Linux tasks so you do not have to hop between many various commands and applications when deploying new systems, and, in some cases, changing existing ones. Cobbler can help with provisioning, managing DNS and DHCP, package upd
I’ve been very impressed several times in the past few months when I’ve discovered awesome new top-like utilities. I’m probably being slow on the uptake and everyone else but me knows about these, but in case its not just me thats been stuck in the ’70s: htop A much-needed refresh of oldschool top, this still works on your beloved console but gives you visual bar-graphs of CPU, RAM and swap, lets
This page uses a table to display the correspondence of package management commands among some of the most popular Linux distributions. The original inspiration was given by openSUSE's Software Management Command Line Comparison. Tip: Arch users having to temporarily deal with another Linux distribution can use pacapt, a simple wrapper around other package managers.
Here’s a tutorial that walks you through a simple scenario of setting up a free Shutterstock account and writing a Node.JS application to use the computer vision (CV) features of the Shutterstock API. You’ll use the API to search for images and then upload pictures of your own to use with reverse image search. Finally, you’ll use CV keyword suggestion to identify objects in photos. [Read More] We
Profiling is an alternative to benchmarking that is often more effective, as it gives you more fine grained measurements for the components of the system you're measuring, thus minimising external influences from consideration. It also gives the relative cost of various components, further discounting external influence. As a consequence of giving more fine grained information for a component, pro
- 1 - Unix™ for Poets Kenneth Ward Church AT&T Research kwc@research.att.com Text is available like never before. Data collection efforts such as the Association for Computational Linguistics’ Data Collection Initiative (ACL/DCI), the Consortium for Lexical Research (CLR), the European Corpus Initiative (ECI), ICAME, the British National Corpus (BNC), the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC), Electro
User-Mode Linux is a safe, secure way of running Linux versions and Linux processes. Run buggy software, experiment with new Linux kernels or distributions, and poke around in the internals of Linux, all without risking your main Linux setup. User-Mode Linux gives you a virtual machine that may have more hardware and software virtual resources than your actual, physical computer. Disk storage for
inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem that acts to extend filesystems to notice changes to the filesystem, and report those changes to applications. It replaces an earlier facility, dnotify, which had similar goals. The original developers of inotify were John McCutchan, Robert Love and Amy Griffis. It has been included in the mainline Linux kernel from release 2.6.13 (June 18, 2005), and could be c
As a Linux user you’ll come to learn and love certain commands. Remembering these commands is the toughest part. Some people use cheat-sheets, some create scripts, and some just refer to website for their fix. Here I have posted the 25 top command line snippets. Please remember to always read man pages for any command before running any commands or applications 25) sshfs name@server:/path/to/folde
You Might remember my post 25 best Linux commands Think of this as part two. here is another list of really useful commands that you might find handy. 1) Like top, but for files watch -d -n 2 ‘df; ls -FlAt;’ 2) Download an entire website wget –random-wait -r -p -e robots=off -U mozilla http://www.example.com -p parameter tells wget to include all files, including images. -e robots=off you don’t w
Simple kernel attack using socketpair. easy, 100% reproductiblle, works under guest. no way to protect :( Simple kernel attack using socketpair. easy, 100% reproductiblle, works under guest. no way to protect :( See source attached. Process become in state 'Running' but not killalble via kill -KILL. eat 100% CPU, eat all available internal file descriptors in kernel :( -- Segmentation fault #inclu