
colorに関するitoyu_110のブックマーク (4)

  • 背景色をランダムに変える方法 - JavaScript


  • Japanese Traditional Colors

    桜色 (さくらいろ) # 薄桜 (うすざくら) # 桜鼠 (さくらねず) # 鴇鼠 (ときねず) # 虹色 (にじいろ) # 珊瑚色 (さんごいろ) # 一斤染 (いっこんぞめ) # 宍色 (ししいろ) # 紅梅色 (こうばいいろ) # 薄紅 (うすべに) # 甚三紅 (じんざもみ) # 桃色 (ももいろ) # 鴇色 (ときいろ) # 撫子色 (なでしこいろ) # 灰梅 (はいうめ) # 灰桜 (はいざくら) # 淡紅藤 (あわべにふじ) # 石竹色 (せきちくいろ) # 薄紅梅 (うすこうばい) # 桃花色 (ももはないろ) # 水柿 (みずがき) # ときがら茶 (ときがらちゃ) # 退紅 (あらぞめ) # 薄柿 (うすがき) # 長春色 (ちょうしゅんいろ) # 梅鼠 (うめねず) # 鴇浅葱 (ときあさぎ) # 梅染 (うめぞめ) # 蘇芳香 (すおうこう) # 浅蘇芳 (あさすお

  • 0to255

    There are 16,777,216 color hex codes. With so many options, how do you choose the right color? The latest research on color perception tells us that somewhere between 40% to 99% of these colors are indistinguishable to the human eye.* Which begs the question: if we can't see the difference between two colors, why should we waste time deciding between them? What if you could easily narrow down the

  • one-color demo

    One-color.js A color object with implicit color space conversion and methods for setting, getting and adjusting any channel in RGB, HSV, HSL and CMYK including alpha Click me for demo! We made this color object because we were tired of color conversion functions that required you to serialize to strings all the time. When you want to to a lot of color manipulation in different color spaces, you sh

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