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nide is a web-based IDE for Node.js, designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind. The current version of nide was designed and developed in only 48 hours, at the Node.js KO coding competition. An online installation of nide is available here for demonstration purposes. Note: Depending on the server load it might not respond. If so, try again later or try doing a local install. (Nide was not d
A modular CSS framework for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites Features Bulletproof flexible grid system Flexible forms toolkit with theme-support Focussed on web standards & accessibility Optimized typography for all standard elements Matched building blocks for rapid prototyping Namespacing avoids conflicts with third-party CSS Well prepared for HTML5 and CSS3 Very slim framework
Good education: permission to work. Good memory: power to achieve. It's with big feelings that I shut this down. VisiBone products are no longer for sale. There are multiple reasons, and I do some 'splainin in a blog post . Short version: qiki is what's next. I made stuff to help you remember and use what you've learned about making web sites. Or if you were just a little adventurous, clues to wha
Build rich, single page applications Build rich, Single Page Applications using OO development, with no CSS or HTML required - Qooxdoo applications are cross platform, run on any browser or NodeJS, and can be coded in latest ES6 everywhere (including server and mobile) Versatile and powerful Qooxdoo offers a wide range of widgets and UI components, plus powerful server I/O communication. Extensive
HHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in [Hack]( HHVM uses a just-in-time compilation approach to achieve superior performance while maintaining the flexibility and ease of use that PHP developers are accustomed to (dynamic features like eval(), rapid run-edit-debug cycle, etc). HHVM is used by Facebook to serve billions of web re
About Aleph One is the open source continuation of Bungie™’s Marathon® 2 game engine. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux, Aleph One supports Marathon, Marathon 2 and Marathon Infinity natively. Many third party scenarios and net maps are also available. Aleph One is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Download the source code. For info about Bungie’s upcoming Ma
AlephOneは、オープンソース化されたBungie社のMarathon2で、一人称3Dシューティングゲーム(FPS)です。A1では、Marathon2、Infinity、そのほかのサードパーティ製のシナリオを様々なプラットフォームでプレイできるほか、オプションでOpenGL、インターネット対戦、Luaスクリプティングによる拡張などの機能が追加されています。 このプロジェクトは、AlephOneの日本語化ポート、Marathon関連のプログラム、シナリオの開発・翻訳などを行っています。 詳細については、プロジェクトサイトをご覧になって下さい。 システム要件 Macintosh: MacOS X以上 (Catalinaで動作確認) Windows: 64bit版Windows(Windows 10 Linux: 自力でビルド環境を作れる人
(For information about this project on GitHub, see Doom 3 GPL source release ========================= This file contains the following sections: GENERAL NOTES LICENSE GENERAL NOTES ============= Game data and patching: ----------------------- This source release does not contain any game data, the game data is still covered by the original EULA and must be obey
Raku Raku (formerly known as Perl 6) is a sister language, part of the Perl family, not intended as a replacement for Perl, but as its own thing - libraries exist to allow you to call Perl code from Raku programs and vice versa. View details » The Perl Foundation The Perl Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of the Perl programming language through open discussion, collaboration, design, and
Lua 5.4.7 released Lua Programming Gems freely available Lua Workshop 2023 held in Rio de Janeiro Building a Programming Language course Mailing list moved
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows.
はじめに 「マンガでわかるJavaScript」は、難しそうに思えるプログラムを、簡単そうに見えるマンガで解説するという初心者向けの入門講座です。 架空の高校生たちに教える形式で、プログラムの基礎から応用を、解説していきます。一通りのマンガを読めば、かなり実践的なところまで、プログラムを書けるようにしていきます。 (マンガは、左上から右下へと読みます) プログラムというと、けっこう大変そうに思えますが、この講座のテーマは「面倒くさいことを楽にする」です。面倒臭がりで、手抜き大好きの女子高生を主人公にして、楽しくプログラムを学んでいくことにします。 主な対象読者は「これからプログラムを学んでみたい人」「Webの世界に関わっていてJavaScriptを学んでみたい人」「昔JavaScriptを触っていたけど最新のトレンドが分からないので改めて学んでみたい人」などです。初心者だけでなく、Webデ